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 ↑ U +n               town planning         ≈ 711    
  U.1     surgery in ophthalmology : general works        
 ↑ U.10          surgical complications in ophthalmology             
 ↑ U.11          anesthesiology in ophthalmology             
  U.2     cataract surgery        
  U.3     glaucoma surgery        
  U.4     keratoplastic and corneal surgery        
  U.5     vitreoretinal surgery        
  U.6     cryocoagulation in ophthalmology        
  U.7     plastic surgery in ophthalmology, eyelid surgery        
  U.8     strabismus surgery        
  U.9     eye socket surgery        
 ↑ UR1          street furniture         ≈ 711.4    
 ↑ UR10               environmental impact assessment         ≈ 711    
 ↑ UR11               congresses         ≈ 711    
 ↑ UR2          urban and territorial economics         ≈ 711    
 ↑ UR3          modelling and town planning         ≈ 711    
 ↑ UR4          territorial planning         ≈ 711    
 ↑ UR5          urban planning         ≈ 711    
 ↑ UR6          urban restructuring         ≈ 711    
 ↑ UR7          town planning         ≈ 711    
 ↑ UR8          town planning: examples         ≈ 711    
 ↑ UR9          technical town planning         ≈ 711    

See also:


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