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  Tergophthalmology and sporting ephtamology        
 ↑ T +n               topography         ≈ 623    
 ↑ TA1          high tension generators         ≈ 621.31    
 ↑ TA2          methods of measures in hight tension         ≈ 621.31    
 ↑ TA3          congresses (high tension technique         ≈ 621.31    
 ↑ TE1          telecommunications satellites         ≈ 621.382    
 ↑ TE10               congresses (telecommunications)         ≈ 621.382    
 ↑ TE2          radio communication systems         ≈ 621.382    
 ↑ TE3          radar systems and radio aids         ≈ 621.382    
 ↑ TE4          telecommunications networks, commutation         ≈ 621.382    
 ↑ TE5          optical telecommunications         ≈ 621.382    
 ↑ TE6          signals and noise theory         ≈ 621.39    
 ↑ TE7          information theory, codes, signals processing         ≈ 621.39    
 ↑ TE8          general books of electrical communications         ≈ 621.3    
 ↑ TE9          transducers for telecommunications         ≈ 621.382    
 ↑ TEA          water technology         ≈ 627    
 ↑ TER          thermodynamics         ≈ 621.4    
 ↑ TL-E               thesis (electr.)         ≈ 621.3    
 ↑ TL-ID                    thesis of hydraulics         ≈ 627    
 ↑ TL-IE                    thesis (electr.)         ≈ 621.3    
 ↑ TL-IS                    thesis (electr.)         ≈ 621.3    
 ↑ TL-IT                    thesis. Territory engineering         ≈ 711    
 ↑ TL-MS                    structural mechanics         ≈ 624.17    
 ↑ TM1          quality control         ≈ 658.4    
 ↑ TM2          production processes technology         ≈ 658.5    
 ↑ TM3          mechanical technologies         ≈ 620.1    
 ↑ TM4          congresses (mechanical technology)         ≈ 620.1    
 ↑ TP1          cartography         ≈ 912    
 ↑ TP2          photogrammetry         ≈ 526    
 ↑ TP3          territory informatics         ≈ 526    
 ↑ TP4          architectonic survey         ≈ 526    
 ↑ TP5          remote sensing         ≈ 526    
 ↑ TP6          topography         ≈ 526    
 ↑ TP7          congresses (topography)         ≈ 526    
  TR     electrical traction        
 ↑ TS1          natural resources management         ≈ 333.7    
 ↑ TS2          modelling and simulation         ≈ 333.7    
 ↑ TS3          ecological systems         ≈ 333.7    
 ↑ TS4          system theory         ≈ 3    
 ↑ TS5          theory of estimate and identification         ≈ 333.7    
 ↑ TS6          congresses (systems)         ≈ 333.7    
 ↑ TT1          traffic control         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT10               modelling in transports         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT11               car parks         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT12               transports planning         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT13               bridges         ≈ 624.2    
 ↑ TT14               productivity in transports         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT15               safety in transports         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT16               statistics in transports         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT17               streets         ≈ 625    
 ↑ TT18               traffic and circulation         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT19               urban traffic         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT2          transports costs         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT20               tramline         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT21               transports         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT22               air transports         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT23               railway transports         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT24               cableway transports         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT25               industrial transports         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT26               sea transports         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT27               road transports         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT28               urban and suburban transports         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT29               electrically and thermal powered         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT3          transports economics         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT30               congresses (transports)         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT4          railways         ≈ 625    
 ↑ TT5          cableway         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT6          environmental engineering         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT7          transports engineering         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT8          undergrounds         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TT9          mobility         ≈ 629    
 ↑ TUI          hydraulics         ≈ 627    

See also:


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