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 ↑ S.SPEC.19.AA                                        algae         ≈ 579.8    
 ↑ S.SPEC.20.AB                                        botanical gardens, history of botany         ≈ 580.73  580.9    
 ↑ S.SPEC.20.AC                                        botanical treatises         ≈ 580    
 ↑ S.SPEC.21.AD                                        plant microbiology         ≈ 632.32    
 ↑ S.SPEC.21.AE                                        agriculture, agronomy, forestry, timbers         ≈ 630    
 ↑ S.SPEC.22.AF                                        phytotherapy, pharmaceutical botany         ≈ 615321    
 ↑ S.SPEC.23.AF                                        bacterial diseases, tropical diseases         ≈ 616.9    
 ↑ S.SPEC.23.AG                                        tobacco         ≈ 633.7    
 ↑ S.SPEC.24.AH                                        botanical ecology, phytogeography, geobotany         ≈ 581.7  581.9    
 ↑ S.SPEC.25.AI                                        cocoa, coffee, tea, spices         ≈ 633.7    
 ↑ S.SPEC.25.AL                                        bryology, mosses         → S.SPEC.44.AA   586    
 ↑ S.SPEC.26.AM                                        bacteriology, microbiology         ≈ 579    
 ↑ S.SPEC.26.AN                                        lichenology         → S.SPEC.44.AA   586    
 ↑ S.SPEC.27.AO                                        fruit         ≈ 634    
 ↑ S.SPEC.27.AP                                        pesticides, pest control         ≈ 632.9    
 ↑ S.SPEC.27.AQ                                        evolution         ≈ 576.8    
 ↑ S.SPEC.27.AZ                                        PhD theses             
 ↑ S.SPEC.28.AR                                        palinology, pollens         ≈ 582.0463    
 ↑ S.SPEC.28.AS                                        oenology,viticulture         ≈ 663.2    
 ↑ S.SPEC.28.AT                                        grain growth         ≈ 633.1    
 ↑ S.SPEC.29.BA                                        cytology, histology         ≈ 571.5  571.6    
 ↑ S.SPEC.29.BB                                        genetics, physiology, animal pathology         ≈ 571.1  576.5    
 ↑ S.SPEC.30.BC                                        general biology         ≈ 570    
 ↑ S.SPEC.30.BD                                        didactics, pedagogy             
 ↑ S.SPEC.30.BE                                        protistology         ≈ 579    
 ↑ S.SPEC.31.BE                                        zoology         ≈ 590    
 ↑ S.SPEC.32.BF                                        animal husbandry, breeding         ≈ 636    
 ↑ S.SPEC.32.BG                                        Virology         ≈ 579.2    
 ↑ S.SPEC.32.BJ                                        reserves, conservation         ≈ 333.72  344    
 ↑ S.SPEC.33.BI                                        hydrobiology, fresh water         ≈ 577.6    
 ↑ S.SPEC.33.BL                                        medicine         ≈ 610    
 ↑ S.SPEC.34.HA                                        plant pathology, mycopathology         ≈ 632    
 ↑ S.SPEC.35.CA                                        plant physiology         ≈ 571.2    
 ↑ S.SPEC.36.CB                                        chemistry, biochemistry         ≈ 540  572    
 ↑ S.SPEC.36.CC                                        technology, bromatology, food science         ≈ 543.1    
 ↑ S.SPEC.37.CD                                        physico-mathematical methods             
 ↑ S.SPEC.37.CE                                        antibiotics         ≈ 615329    
 ↑ S.SPEC.37.CF                                        frauds, pollution, agricultural technology and industry         ≈ 628.5    
 ↑ S.SPEC.38.DA                                        prehistory, protohistory, archaeology         ≈ 930.1    
 ↑ S.SPEC.38.DB                                        bibliography, bibliology             
 ↑ S.SPEC.38.DC                                        history and philosophy of science         ≈ 501    
 ↑ S.SPEC.38.DD                                        travels         → 910.4   910    
 ↑ S.SPEC.38.DE                                        university         ≈ 378    
 ↑ S.SPEC.38.DF                                        languages         ≈ 4    
 ↑ S.SPEC.39.DG                                        psychology, philosophy, epistemology         ≈ 1    
 ↑ S.SPEC.39.DH                                        economics         ≈ 33    
 ↑ S.SPEC.39.EA                                        meteorology, climatology         ≈ 551.5    
 ↑ S.SPEC.40.EB                                        soil science         ≈ 631.4    
 ↑ S.SPEC.40.EC                                        geography         ≈ 910    
 ↑ S.SPEC.40.ED                                        palaeobotany, palaeontology         ≈ 561    
 ↑ S.SPEC.41.FA                                        China         ≈ 951    
 ↑ S.SPEC.41.FB                                        Latin America         ≈ 581.98    
 ↑ S.SPEC.41.FC                                        Central America         ≈ 581972  972    
 ↑ S.SPEC.41.FD                                        Africa             
 ↑ S.SPEC.42.GA                                        techniques         ≈ 6    
 ↑ S.SPEC.42.GB                                        biometry         ≈ 519    
 ↑ S.SPEC.42.GC                                        photography         ≈ 770    
 ↑ S.SPEC.43.IA                                        famous people             
 ↑ S.SPEC.43.IB                                        various topics             
 ↑ S.SPEC.43.ID                                        area planning, land management         ≈ 711    
 ↑ S.SPEC.44.AA                                        cryptogamae         → S.SPEC.25.AL S.SPEC.26.AN  586    

See also:

33                                        economics    ≈ S.SPEC.39.DH 
 ↑ 333.72                                        conservation  → 344.046  639.9  719  ≈ S.SPEC.32.BJ  `18C 
 ↑ 344                                        social law, safety, environment, nature reserves  → 333.72  363  614  690.22  ≈ S.SPEC.32.BJ e al Botta 2
 ↑ 378                                        university  → 727.3  ≈ S.SPEC.38.DE 
4                                        languages    ≈ S.SPEC.38.DF 
 ↑ 501                                        philosophy of science  → 001.4  ≈ :ZE.0  S.SPEC.38.DC 
 ↑ 519                                        probability, statistics, applied maths  → 610.72  ≈ :N.0  S.SPEC.42.GB 
 ↑ 540                                        chemistry in general  → 016.54  660.28  ≈ `59A  S.SPEC.36.CB 
 ↑ 543.1                                        bromatological analysis    ≈ S.SPEC.36.CC 
 ↑ 551.5                                        meteorology    ≈ S.SPEC.39.EA 
 ↑ 561                                        palaeobotany and micropalaeontology    ≈ S.SPEC.40.ED  `26B 
 ↑ 570                                        general biology    ≈ S.SPEC.30.BC 
 ↑ 571.1                                        animal physiology    ≈ S.SPEC.29.BB 
 ↑ 571.2                                        plant and microrganism physiology  → 581  ≈ S.SPEC.35.CA  
 ↑ 571.5                                        animal histology  → 611.018  ≈ S.SPEC.29.BA 
 ↑ 571.6                                        cell biology  → 572.8  611.018  ≈ S.SPEC.29.BA 
 ↑ 572                                        biochemistry  → 612.015  660.6  ≈ `59I  S.SPEC.36.CB 
 ↑ 576.5                                        general genetics  → 572.8  581.3  591.3  599.93  ≈ S.SPEC.29.BB 
 ↑ 576.8                                        evolution    ≈ S.SPEC.27.AQ 
 ↑ 577.6                                        hydrobiology, freshwater ecology    ≈ S.SPEC.32.BI 
 ↑ 579                                        microbiology, fungus, algae  → 576  616.01  ≈ S.SPEC.26.AM  S.SPEC.30.BE 
 ↑ 579.2                                        virology  → 616.91  ≈ S.SPEC.32.BG 
 ↑ 579.8                                        algae    ≈ S.SPEC.19.AA 
 ↑ 580                                        botany in general  → 630  ≈ S.SPEC.20.AC 
 ↑ 580.73                                        botanical gardens    ≈ S.SPEC.20.AB 
 ↑ 580.9                                        history of botany    ≈ S.SPEC.20.AB 
 ↑ 581.7                                        plants of special environments, plant ecology  → 577  ≈ S.SPEC.24.AH 
 ↑ 581.9                                        phytogeography, floras    ≈ S.SPEC.24.AH  S.FLORE 
 ↑ 581.97                                        plants of North and Central America    ≈ S.FLORE.M  S.SPEC.41.FC 
 ↑ 581.98                                        plants of South America    ≈ S.FLORE.N  S.SPEC.41.FB 
 ↑ 582.0463                                        flowers and their parts    ≈ S.SPEC.28.AR 
 ↑ 586                                        cryptogams    ≈ S.SPEC.25.AL  S.SPEC.26.AN 
 ↑ 590                                        zoology in general    ≈ S.SPEC.31.BE 
 ↑ 610                                        medicine in general  → 174.2  780.061  ≈ S.SPEC.33.BL 
 ↑ 615.321                                        plant-derived drugs, phytotherapy, pharmacognosis  → 581.634  ≈ S.SPEC.22.AF 
 ↑ 615.329                                        drugs from microorganisms, fungi, algae, antibiotics    ≈ S.SPEC.37.CE 
 ↑ 616.9                                        oncology and infectuous diseases  → 618.929  ≈ S.SPEC.23.AF 
 ↑ 628.5                                        pollution control techniques  → 363.7  628.16  ≈ S.SPEC.37.CF 
 ↑ 630                                        agriculture in general  → 338.1  343.076  580  ≈ S.SPEC.21.AE 
 ↑ 631.4                                        soil science  → 551.3  ≈ S.SPEC.40.EB 
 ↑ 632                                        plant pathology, biological and chemical control  → 581  668.6  ≈ S.SPEC.34.HA 
 ↑ 632.32                                        bacterial diseases of plants  → 579.3  ≈ S.SPEC.21.AD 
 ↑ 632.9                                        pesticides    ≈ S.SPEC.27.AP 
 ↑ 633.1                                        grain growth    ≈ S.SPEC.28.AT 
 ↑ 633.7                                        cultivation of alkaloid plants, tobacco, cacao    ≈ S.SPEC.23.AG  S.SPEC.25.AI 
 ↑ 634                                        arboriculture, fruit farming    ≈ S.SPEC.27.AO 
 ↑ 636                                        husbandry, breeding    ≈ S.SPEC.32.BF 
 ↑ 663.2                                        oenology  → 634.8  ≈ S.SPEC.28.AS 
 ↑ 711                                        area planning  → 346  526  ≈ S.SPEC.43.ID 
 ↑ 770                                        photography in general    ≈ `60G  S.SPEC.42.GC 
 ↑ 910                                        geography in general, biogeography    ≈ `11A  S.SPEC.40.EC 
 ↑ 930.1                                        archaeology, archaeometry  → 720.288  ≈ S.SPEC.38.DA 
 ↑ S.SPEC.25.AL                                        bryology, mosses  → S.SPEC.44.AA  ≈ 586 
 ↑ S.SPEC.26.AN                                        lichenology  → S.SPEC.44.AA  ≈ 586 
 ↑ S.SPEC.44.AA                                        cryptogamae  → S.SPEC.25.AL  S.SPEC.26.AN  ≈ 586 


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