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 ↑ M +n               engineering of land         ≈ 711    
  MA     Materials for the electronics        
 ↑ MA1          Mathematical analysis         ≈ 515    
 ↑ MA2          mathematical physics         ≈ 530.15    
 ↑ MA3          Geometry and algebra         ≈ 512  516    
 ↑ MA4          Congresses (Mathematics)         ≈ 515    
 ↑ MAN          Manuals (Hydraulics)         ≈ 627    
 ↑ MAT          Mathematics         ≈ 515    
  MC     Mechanic        
 ↑ MC1          hydraulic machines         ≈ 621.8    
 ↑ MC2          thermal machines         ≈ 621.8    
 ↑ MC3          Congresses (Machines)         ≈ 621.8    
  ME     Electrical machines        
 ↑ ME1          electric drives         ≈ 621.3    
 ↑ ME2          Drives for electric traction         ≈ 621.3    
 ↑ ME3          Control and regulation of electrical machines         ≈ 621.3    
 ↑ ME4          Electrical machines         ≈ 621.3    
 ↑ ME5          Special electric machines         ≈ 621.3    
 ↑ ME6          Small electric machines         ≈ 621.3    
 ↑ ME7          Congresses (Electrical machines and drives)         ≈ 621.3    
  MG     General mathematics        
  MI     Models and identification        
 ↑ MI1          Theory of approximation and errors         ≈ 620    
 ↑ MI2          Measurement theory         ≈ 620    
 ↑ MI3          Theory and methods of mechanical measurements         ≈ 620    
 ↑ MI4          Congresses (Measures)         ≈ 620    
 ↑ MICOL                    mycology         ≈ 579.5    
 ↑ MID          hydraulic machine         ≈ 627    
  MN     Manuals (Elettr.)        
 ↑ MN1          Architectural manuals         ≈ 720    
 ↑ MN10               Manuals for the calculation of structures         ≈ 624.17    
 ↑ MN11               Manuals for the calculation of steelworks structures         ≈ 624182    
 ↑ MN12               Manuals for the calculation of structures in c.a. and c.a.p.         ≈ 624182    
 ↑ MN13               Manuals for the electronics         ≈ 621.38    
 ↑ MN14               Manuals for engineering         ≈ 620    
 ↑ MN15               Manuals for experimental tests         ≈ 624    
 ↑ MN16               Various manuals         ≈ 620    
 ↑ MN2          Chemistry manuals         ≈ 540    
 ↑ MN3          Physics manuals         ≈ 530    
 ↑ MN4          Hydraulic manuals         ≈ 627    
 ↑ MN5          Electrical machinery manuals         ≈ 621.8    
 ↑ MN6          Math manuals         ≈ 515    
 ↑ MN7          Programming manuals         ≈ 5    
 ↑ MN8          Software manuals and graphical applications         ≈ 6    
 ↑ MN9          Manuals of mechanical technologies         ≈ 620.1    
  MO     Microwave        
 ↑ MO2          Instrumentation and measurements         ≈ 620    
 ↑ MO5          Sensors, transducers, actuators, detectors         ≈ 621.3    
  MP     Microprocessor        
 ↑ MP1           Mechanics of Machines         ≈ 621.8    
 ↑ MP2          Kinematics and dynamics         ≈ 621.8    
 ↑ MP3          Machinery and machinery components         ≈ 621.8    
 ↑ MP4          Vibes         ≈ 620    
 ↑ MP5          tribology         ≈ 621.8    
 ↑ MP6          system dynamics         ≈ 620.1    
 ↑ MR1          Dynamics and vibrations         ≈ 620.1    
 ↑ MR10                construction science         ≈ 624.15    
 ↑ MR11               Structural safety and action modelling         ≈ 624.17    
 ↑ MR12               stable         ≈ 624.17    
 ↑ MR13               Viscosity, creep, fluage, fatigue, local effects         ≈ 624.17    
 ↑ MR14               Congresses (Mechanics of structures)         ≈ 624.17    
 ↑ MR2          Elasticity         ≈ 620.1    
 ↑ MR3          Flat and curved plates         ≈ 620.1    
 ↑ MR4          fluid mechanics and rheology         ≈ 532    
 ↑ MR5          Soil and rock mechanics         ≈ 624151    
 ↑ MR6          Continuous mechanics and strength of materials         ≈ 620.1    
 ↑ MR7           fracture mechanics         ≈ 624.17    
 ↑ MR8          Plasticity and calculation at break         ≈ 624.17    
 ↑ MR9          Optimum design         ≈ 624.17    
  MS     Electrical measurement        
 ↑ MS1          Electrical measuremenT         ≈ 621.3    
 ↑ MS2          Electronic measures         ≈ 621.3    
 ↑ MT1          Building materials         ≈ 620.1    
 ↑ MT2          Dielectric materials         ≈ 620.1    
 ↑ MT3          Electronic materials and technologies         ≈ 620.1    
 ↑ MT4          Materials for electrical engineering         ≈ 620.1    
 ↑ MT5          Materials for optoelectronics         ≈ 620.1    
 ↑ MT6           magnetic materials         ≈ 620.1    
 ↑ MT7          semiconductor materials         ≈ 620.1    
 ↑ MT8          Material technology         ≈ 620.1    
 ↑ MT9          Congresses (Materials)         ≈ 620.1    

See also:

 ↑ 579.5          fungus, mycology  → 616.969  ≈ MICOL.  Sez.Mic 
 ↑ K.5            → MSC 14P  ≈ 516.35 


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