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 ↑ D.Geo.1                         History of geography including ancient history             
 ↑ D.Geo.10                              guidebooks             
 ↑ D.Geo.11                              guidebooks             
 ↑ D.Geo.2                         Didactics of geography             
 ↑ D.Geo.3                         Manuals and general essays             
 ↑ D.Geo.4                         Essays in a necklace             
 ↑ D.Geo.5a                              Regional geography of a general nature             
 ↑ D.Geo.5a.a                                        Italy in general             
 ↑ D.Geo.5a.b                                        Europe including Turkey             
 ↑ D.Geo.5a.c                                        Asia, Russia/USSR, Middle East             
 ↑ D.Geo.5a.d                                        Africa             
 ↑ D.Geo.5a.e                                        America, Atlantic islands             
 ↑ D.Geo.5a.f                                                     
 ↑ D.Geo.5a.g                                        Arctic and Antarctic             
 ↑ D.Geo.5b                              Geography of the environment             
 ↑ D.Geo.5c                               historical geography             
 ↑ D.Geo.5d                              Political geography, Social geography             
 ↑ D.Geo.6                         Reports of travels and explorations, logbooks, etc.             
 ↑ D.Geo.7                         History of exploration and navigation             
 ↑ D.Geo.8                         guidebooks             
 ↑ D.Geo.9                         guidebooks               

See also:


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