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 ↑ C +n               engineering of the territory         ≈ 711    
 ↑ C I          schools and universities         ≈ 378    
 ↑ C II               Industrial design         ≈ 693.97    
 ↑ C VI               Ecology and environment         ≈ 363.7  712    
  C.1     Ocular pathology        
  C.2     Cancer in ophthalmology        
  C1     hydraulics        
  CA     calculators        
 ↑ CA1          Architecture of processing systems         ≈ 004.22    
 ↑ CA2          electronic calculators         ≈ 4    
 ↑ CA3          computer networking         ≈ 004.6    
 ↑ CA4          logic network         ≈ 004.6    
 ↑ CA5          Evaluation of computer performance         ≈ 004    
 ↑ CA6          conference (calculators)         ≈ 004    
 ↑ CDA          water chemistry         ≈ 628    
  CE     electromechanical constructions        
 ↑ CE1          power stations         ≈ 621.31    
 ↑ CE2          wind power plants         ≈ 621.31    
 ↑ CE3          hydroelectric power stations         ≈ 621.31    
 ↑ CE4          nuclear power plants         ≈ 621.31    
 ↑ CE5          solar power plants         ≈ 621.31    
 ↑ CE6          thermoelectric power plants         ≈ 621.31    
  CG     Combinatorial theories        
 ↑ CH1          applied chemistry         ≈ 660    
 ↑ CH2          general chemistry         ≈ 540    
 ↑ CH3          organic chemistry         ≈ 547    
 ↑ CH4          conference (Chemistry)         ≈ 540    
  CI     electrical communications        
 ↑ CI1          aqueducts and sewerage         ≈ 628    
 ↑ CI2          reclamation and irrigation         ≈ 627.5    
 ↑ CI3          hydraulics contructions         ≈ 627    
 ↑ CI4          water management and water resources         ≈ 627    
 ↑ CI5          marine hydraulics         ≈ 627    
 ↑ CI6          Hydrology, rivers, solid transport         ≈ 551.48    
 ↑ CI7          hydropower plants         ≈ 627    
 ↑ CI8          Stochastic simulation         ≈ 551.48    
 ↑ CI9          congresses (hydraulic buildings)         ≈ 627    
 ↑ CN1          automatic control         ≈ 629    
 ↑ CN2          process control         ≈ 629    
 ↑ CN3          digital controls         ≈ 629    
 ↑ CN4          optimal control         ≈ 629    
 ↑ CN5          adaptive systems         ≈ 629    
 ↑ CN6          congresses         ≈ 629    
 ↑ CO1          constructions and structural elements         ≈ 624.18    
 ↑ CO2          Steel constructions and structural details              
 ↑ CO3          renforced and prestressed concrete constructions and structural elements         ≈ 624183    
 ↑ CO4          prefabricated buildings         ≈ 693.97    
 ↑ CO5          road, railways and airport constructions         ≈ 625    
 ↑ CO6          constructions and elevated roads         ≈ 625    
 ↑ CO7          Construction machinery and organization         ≈ 690    
 ↑ CO8          mixed structures             
 ↑ CO9          congresses (constructions)         ≈ 624.18    
 ↑ COI          hydraulic constructions         ≈ 627    
 ↑ CONS.GEN.1                                        Bibliographies handsbooks, guides to reference works         →              
 ↑ CONS.GEN.2                                         Catalogues of general printed libraries         →              
 ↑ CONS.GEN.3                                         Encyclopedias and encyclopaedia dictionaries of a general nature         →              
 ↑ CONS.GEN.4                                         Biographies (general, e.g. Italian Biographical Dictionary)         →              
 ↑ CONS.GEN.5                                         Dictionaries, lexicons (of the linguistic fields deemed necessary)         →              
 ↑ CONS.GEN.6                                         atlates         →              
  CP     Electromagnetic fields        
  CS     controls and servomechanisms, system theory        
 ↑ CS1          finite difference         ≈ 519.4    
 ↑ CS2          padding         ≈ 519.4    
 ↑ CS3          finite element         ≈ 519.4    
 ↑ CS4          matrix methods         ≈ 519.4    
 ↑ CS5          numerical methods         ≈ 519.4    
 ↑ CS6          mathematical programming         ≈ 519.4    
 ↑ CS7          conference (Calculation of structures)         ≈ 519.4    
  CT     catalogs (elect.)        

See also:


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