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  B.1      Bibliographic introductions, bibliographies, library catalogues        
  B.2      Histology in ophthalmology        
  B.2      Encyclopaedias and encyclopedic dictionaries        
  B.3     Anatomy in ophthalmology        
  B.4      Dictionaries, glossaries        
  B.5      conference proceedings        
  B.6      exhibition catalogues        
  B.7      Studies in honour of e Scripta minora        
  B.8      Manuals and general works of high scientific level        
  B.9      History of classical philology and ancient fortune        
  B1     hydraulics        
  BI     (electronics)        

See also:


SciGator: explore University of Pavia libraries... — <http://scigator.unipv.it/indexe.php> : 2017.02.14 - 2024.11.12 -
« <http://www-dimat.unipv.it/biblio/dewey.php> : 2015.06.18 - 2017