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  A.1     Ophthalmology        
  A.1      Bibliographic introductions, bibliographies, library catalogues        
  A.2      Pediatric ophthalmology        
  A.2      Encyclopaedias and encyclopedic dictionaries        
  A.3      biographies        
  A.4      Dictionaries, vocabulary        
  A.5      conference proceedings        
  A.6      exhibitions catalogues        
  A.8      chronology        
  AC     congressional acts (elect.)        
  AD     application of computers to teaching        
  AF     reliability        
  AI     artificial intelligence        
  AL     algebra        
  AN     algorithms and numerical methods        
  AP     aerial and propagation        
  AV     various applications (electr.)        
  A_     aereonautics        

See also:

 ↑ 006.3     artificial intelligence  → 629.8  ≈ AI1  AI2 
 ↑ 512     algebra    ≈ :G.0  AL1 
 ↑ 628.4     trash    ≈ AM4 
 ↑ 628.9     fire prevention  → 363.1  ≈ AR16 
 ↑ 690.2     activities on buildings  → 346.045  ≈ AR18 
 ↑ 690.22     safety actions in building  → 344  ≈ AR24 
 ↑ 720.42     architecture for disabled people, accessibility  → AR4 


SciGator: explore University of Pavia libraries... — <http://scigator.unipv.it/indexe.php> : 2017.02.14 - 2024.11.12 -
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