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  960     African history        
 ↑ 960          African history in general         → 306.096 325.309 325.6 916AA.    
 ↑ 960.3               African history after 1885         → 320.96       
 ↑ 961          history of Tunisia and Libia         → 325.345096 916.1      
 ↑ 962          history of Egypt             
 ↑ 963          history of Ethiopia and Eritrea         → 305.8928 325.345096 916.3     
 ↑ 964          history of Morocco             
 ↑ 965          history of Algeria             
 ↑ 966          history of West Africa         → 916.6       
 ↑ 966.9               history of Nigeria         → 325.341       
 ↑ 967          history of central Africa             
 ↑ 967.3               history of Angola             
 ↑ 967.5               history of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi             
 ↑ 967.6               history of Uganda, Kenya             
 ↑ 967.7               history of Somalia         → 325.345096       
 ↑ 967.8               history of Tanzania         → 325.341       
 ↑ 967.9               Mozambican history             
 ↑ 968          history of Southern Africa         → 305.800968 323.168      
 ↑ 968.9               history of Rhodesia-Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi             
 ↑ 968.91                    history of Zimbabwe             

See also:

 ↑ AA.                    Studies on Africa and other areas    ≈ 960 
 ↑ CSPE                    African and Asian area studies    ≈ 950  960 
 ↑ 276                    Christianism in Africa  → 960 
 ↑ 305.800968                    apartheid  → 323.168  968 
 ↑ 305.8928                    Ethopians  → 963 
 ↑ 306.096                    African social history  → 960 
 ↑ 320.96                    political conditions in Africa  → 960.3 
 ↑ 323.168                    minority rights in South Africa  → 305.800968  968 
 ↑ 325.309                    colonization history  → 950  960 
 ↑ 325.341                    British colonization  → 960 
 ↑ 325.345096                    Italian colonization in Africa  → 961  963  967.7 
 ↑ 325.6                    colonization of Africa  → 960 
 ↑ 896                    African literatures  → 496  960 
 ↑ 916                    Africa  → 301.096  338.1096  496  960 
 ↑ 916.1                    Tunisia and Lybia  → 961 
 ↑ 916.3                    Ethiopia and Eritrea  → 349.63  963 
 ↑ 916.6                    West Africa  → 966 


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