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  930     ancient history        
 ↑ 930          ancient world history         → 722 949.5      
 ↑ 930.1               archaeology, archaeometry         → 720.288   S.SPEC.38.DA    
 ↑ 933          ancient history of Palestine         → 296.09       
 ↑ 937          ancient history of Italy         → 722.7 945.01      
 ↑ 938                   → 722.8       
 ↑ 939          history of other parts of the Ancient World             

See also:

 ↑ III.G          Rome (politics)    ≈ 936 
 ↑ 296.09          history of Judaism  → 909.0492  933  956.94 
 ↑ 720.288          conservation and restoration  → 363.69  702.88  930.1 
 ↑ 722          ancient architecture  → 733  930 
 ↑ 722.3          Semitic ancient architecture  → 933 
 ↑ 722.7          Roman architecture  → 937 
 ↑ 722.8          Hellenic architecture  → 938 
 ↑ 945.01          ancient history of Italy  → 937 
 ↑ 949.5          Greek history  → 930 
 ↑ S.SPEC.38.DA          prehistory, protohistory, archaeology    ≈ 930.1 
 ↑ 9E/          technical petrography    ≈ 930.1 /min


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