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 ↑ 782.2               non-drama vocal music         → 016.7822       
 ↑ 782.20262                                   vocal music manuscripts         → 782.220262       
 ↑ 782.20902                                   Medieval vocal music             
 ↑ 782.2092                              non-drama vocal music authors and interpreters         → 782.0092 782.22092      
 ↑ 782.22                    sacred vocal forms         → 781.7       
 ↑ 782.220262                                        sacred vocal music manuscripts         → 782.20262       
 ↑ 782.22092                                   authors and interpreters of sacred vocal music         → 782.2092       
 ↑ 782.23                    oratorios             
 ↑ 782.24                    complex vocal compositions             
 ↑ 782.25                    simple vocal compositions             
 ↑ 782.26                    mottettos             
 ↑ 782.27                    hymns             
 ↑ 782.29                    liturgical vocal music             
 ↑ 782.297                         tropes             
 ↑ 782.298                         liturgic drama             

See also:

 ↑ 016.7822                         bibliography on non-dramatic vocal music  → 782.2 
 ↑ 781.7                         sacred music  → 782.22 
 ↑ 782.0092                         vocal music authors and interpreters  → 780.92  782.1092  782.2092  782.43092 
 ↑ 782.20262                         vocal music manuscripts  → 782.220262 
 ↑ 782.2092                         non-drama vocal music authors and interpreters  → 782.0092  782.22092 
 ↑ 782.220262                         sacred vocal music manuscripts  → 782.20262 
 ↑ 782.22092                         authors and interpreters of sacred vocal music  → 782.2092 


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