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 ↑ 781          music principles and forms         → 016.781       
 ↑ 781.09                    history of music principles             
 ↑ 781.0902                              music principles in Middle Ages         → 780.902       
 ↑ 781.0903                              music principles in Modern Age         → 780.903       
 ↑ 781.09031                                   music principles in 16th century         → 780.9031       
 ↑ 781.0904                              music principles in 20th century         → 780.904 781.170904      
 ↑ 781.092                         music theoreticians         → 781.17092       
 ↑ 781.0938                              music principles in ancient Greece         → 780.938       
 ↑ 781.094                         music principles in Europe             
 ↑ 781.1               fundamental principles of music             
 ↑ 781.11                    psychological principles of music             
 ↑ 781.17                    artistic principles of music             
 ↑ 781.1709                              history of artistic principles of music         → 781.2509       
 ↑ 781.17092                                   music art theoreticians         → 781.092       
 ↑ 781.17094                                   artistic principles of music in 20th century         → 781.0904       
 ↑ 781.2               music elements             
 ↑ 781.22                    tempo             
 ↑ 781.224                         rhythm             
 ↑ 781.23                    music sound             
 ↑ 781.24                    melody             
 ↑ 781.25                    harmony             
 ↑ 781.2509                              harmony in history         → 781.1709       
 ↑ 781.26                    tonal systems             
 ↑ 781.263                         Medieval ecclesiastical modes             
 ↑ 781.28                    tessitura             
 ↑ 781.286                         counterpoint             
 ↑ 781.3               composition             
 ↑ 781.309                         history of composition             
 ↑ 781.33                    seriality             
 ↑ 781.4               music techniques             
 ↑ 781.42                    learning techniques, solfège             
 ↑ 781.43                    execution techniques             
 ↑ 781.4309                              history of execution techniques             
 ↑ 781.45                    direction             
 ↑ 781.46                    interpretation             
 ↑ 781.4609                              history of interpretation             
 ↑ 781.47                    accompaniment             
 ↑ 781.49                    music recording             
 ↑ 781.5               music types             
 ↑ 781.542                         music for movies         → 780.0791       
 ↑ 781.556                         music for ballet         → 792.8       
 ↑ 781.6               musical traditions             
 ↑ 781.62                    traditional folk music             
 ↑ 781.62007                                   ethnomusicology             
 ↑ 781.625                         Italian traditional music             
 ↑ 781.63                    light music, pop             
 ↑ 781.64                    Western popular music             
 ↑ 781.65                    jazz             
 ↑ 781.66                    rock             
 ↑ 781.7               sacred music         → 782.22       
 ↑ 781.71                    Christian sacred music         → 248       
 ↑ 781.710092                                        Christian musicians         → 780.92       
 ↑ 781.72                    music of Christian liturgical year             
 ↑ 781.8               musical forms             

See also:

 ↑ 016.781               bibliography on music principles and forms  → 781 
 ↑ 248               Christian practice  → 726.5  781.71 
 ↑ 780.902               music in the Middle Ages  → 781.0902 
 ↑ 780.903               music in the Modern Age  → 780.9450903  781.0903 
 ↑ 780.9031               music 1450 to 1599  → 781.09031 
 ↑ 780.9033               music 1750 to 1825  → 781.1709033 
 ↑ 780.904               music in 20th century  → 780.9450904  781.0904  782.10904 
 ↑ 780.92               musicians   [all ↓]  → 016.78092  709.2  781.710092  782.0092 
 ↑ 780.938               music in ancient Greece  → 781.0938 
 ↑ 780.943               German music  → 780.92243  781.7100943 
 ↑ 780.945               Italian music  → 016.780945  709.45  780.92245  781.7100945 
 ↑ 780.946               music in Spain and Portugal  → 781.7100946 
 ↑ 781.0904               music principles in 20th century  → 780.904  781.170904 
 ↑ 781.092               music theoreticians  → 781.17092 
 ↑ 781.1709               history of artistic principles of music  → 781.2509 
 ↑ 781.17092               music art theoreticians  → 781.092 
 ↑ 781.17094               artistic principles of music in 20th century  → 781.0904 
 ↑ 781.2509               harmony in history  → 781.1709 
 ↑ 782.22               sacred vocal forms  → 781.7 
 ↑ 792.8               ballet and modern dance  → 781.556 


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