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 ↑ 720.28                    restoration, architectural drawing         → 690.24       
 ↑ 720.284                         architectural drawing         → 604 704.944 745     
 ↑ 720.285                         digital architecture representation             
 ↑ 720.286                         renovation, reuse         → 725.4       
 ↑ 720.288                         conservation and restoration         → 363.69 702.88 930.1     

See also:

 ↑ 363.69                         cultural heritage protection  → 344.09  720.288 
 ↑ 604                         technical drawing  → 720.284 
 ↑ 690.24                         maintenance and restoration  → 720.28 
 ↑ 702.88                         maintenance and repair  → 720.288 
 ↑ 704.944                         iconography of architectures, urban views  → 720.284 
 ↑ 725.4                         industrial buildings, industrial archaeology  → 720.286 
 ↑ 745                         design, decoration  → 720.284 
 ↑ 930.1                         archaeology, archaeometry  → 720.288  ≈ S.SPEC.38.DA 
 ↑ RE1                         Analysis of the collapses    ≈ 720.28 
 ↑ RE2                         Historical centres    ≈ 720.28 
 ↑ RE3                         Non-destructive tests    ≈ 720.28 
 ↑ RE4                         Building recovery    ≈ 720.28 
 ↑ RE5                         Restoration    ≈ 720.28 
 ↑ RE6                         Congresses (Building renovation)    ≈ 720.28 


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