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 ↑ 690          building in general         → 624 720      
 ↑ 690.1               structural elements         → 721       
 ↑ 690.16                    floors, lofts             
 ↑ 690.18                    openings, doors and windows         → 729.28       
 ↑ 690.2               activities on buildings         → 346.045   AR18    
 ↑ 690.22                    safety actions in building         → 344   AR24    
 ↑ 690.24                    maintenance and restoration         → 720.28       

See also:

 ↑ 344                    social law, safety, environment, nature reserves  → 333.72  363  614  690.22  ≈ S.SPEC.32.BJ e al Botta 2
 ↑ 346.045                    land planning  → 690.2  711.4 
 ↑ 624                    civil engineering  → 531.3  690 
 ↑ 720                    architecture in general  → 690 
 ↑ 720.28                    restoration, architectural drawing  → 690.24 
 ↑ 721                    building and architectural structures  → 690.1 
 ↑ 729.28                    lighting  → 621.32  690.18 
 ↑ AR17                    industrialization     ≈ 658.4  690.2 
 ↑ AR18                     construction management and planning    ≈ 658.4  690.2 
 ↑ AR24                    security of the building system    ≈ 690.22 
 ↑ AR3                    Technical Architecture.    ≈ 690  721 
 ↑ AR7                    building    ≈ 690 
 ↑ CO7                    Construction machinery and organization    ≈ 690 
 ↑  III, IV, V, VI                        ≈ 690 
 ↑ D4O                     technical architecture    ≈ 690 
 ↑ D6B                    Industrialization    ≈ 690 
D7                    Construction machinery and organization    ≈ 690 
 ↑ R +n                    building recovery    ≈ 690.24 


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