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  630     agriculture        
 ↑ 630          agriculture in general         → 338.1 343.076 580 S.SPEC.21.AE    
 ↑ 630.91                    regional and tropical agriculture              
 ↑ 631          techniques, tools, materials             
 ↑ 631.4               soil science         → 551.3   S.SPEC.40.EB    
 ↑ 631.41                    soil chemistry             
 ↑ 631.5               cultivation and harvesting          → 627.5       
 ↑ 631.52                    seed and variety production, agricultural genetics         → 581.3       
 ↑ 631.53                    plant breeding             
 ↑ 632          plant pathology, biological and chemical control         → 581 668.6  S.SPEC.34.HA    
 ↑ 632.32                    bacterial diseases of plants         → 579.3   S.SPEC.21.AD    
 ↑ 632.7               noxious insects, agricultural entomology         → 595       
 ↑ 632.9               pesticides         ≈ S.SPEC.27.AP    
 ↑ 632.95                    pesticides         → 363.7       
 ↑ 633          field and plantation crops             
 ↑ 633.1               grain growth         ≈ S.SPEC.28.AT    
 ↑ 633.5               fiber cultivations         → 338.17       
 ↑ 633.7               cultivation of alkaloid plants, tobacco, cacao         ≈ S.SPEC.23.AG  S.SPEC.25.AI    
 ↑ 634          arboriculture, fruit farming         ≈ S.SPEC.27.AO    
 ↑ 634.8               viticulture         → 663.2       
 ↑ 635          horticulture, vegetables, gardening         ≈ S.FLORE.A    
 ↑ 635.9               floriculture, ornamental plants         → 582.13 712  S.FLORE.B    
 ↑ 636          husbandry, breeding         ≈ S.SPEC.32.BF    
 ↑ 639          hunting, fishing, conservation             
 ↑ 639.2               commercial fishing             
 ↑ 639.9               conservation         → 333.72       

See also:

 ↑ 71                 → 630 
 ↑ 333.72               conservation  → 344.046  639.9  719  ≈ S.SPEC.32.BJ  `18C 
 ↑ 338.1               agricultural economics  → 630 
 ↑ 343.076               agriculture regulation  → 343.45076  630 
 ↑ 363.7               pollution, environmental concerns  → 304.2  344.046  628.5  632.95 
 ↑ 551.3               surface processes, rock fall, landslides  → 624.151  631.4  ≈ `20D  `32E 
 ↑ 579.3               prokaryotes, bacteria  → 616.92  632.32 
 ↑ 580               botany in general  → 630  ≈ S.SPEC.20.AC 
 ↑ 581.3               plant genetics and physiology  → 576.5  631.52 
 ↑ 582               phanerogams, spermatophytes  → 635.9 
 ↑ 582.13               flowers  → 635.9 
 ↑ 595               entomology, arthropods  → 614.17  632.7 
 ↑ 627.5               land improvement and irrigation  → 631.5 
 ↑ 663.2               oenology  → 634.8  ≈ S.SPEC.28.AS 
 ↑ 668.6               agricultural chemical substances, pesticides  → 632 
 ↑ 712               landscape architecture  → 635.9 
 ↑ AM1               agricolture    ≈ 333.7  630 
 ↑ S.FLORE.A               roses, gardening, history of botany    ≈ 635 
 ↑ S.FLORE.B               flowers and ornamental plants    ≈ 635.9 
 ↑ S.SPEC.21.AD               plant microbiology    ≈ 632.32 
 ↑ S.SPEC.21.AE               agriculture, agronomy, forestry, timbers    ≈ 630 
 ↑ S.SPEC.23.AG               tobacco    ≈ 633.7 
 ↑ S.SPEC.25.AI               cocoa, coffee, tea, spices    ≈ 633.7 
 ↑ S.SPEC.27.AO               fruit    ≈ 634 
 ↑ S.SPEC.27.AP               pesticides, pest control    ≈ 632.9 
 ↑ S.SPEC.28.AT               grain growth    ≈ 633.1 
 ↑ S.SPEC.32.BF               animal husbandry, breeding    ≈ 636 
 ↑ S.SPEC.34.HA               plant pathology, mycopathology    ≈ 632 
 ↑ S.SPEC.40.EB               soil science    ≈ 631.4 


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