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 ↑ 620          engineering in general         → 607       
 ↑ 620.0042                              engineering design, AutoCAD         → 006.6       
 ↑ 620.009                         history of engineering         → 609       
 ↑ 620.1               mechanics and materials         → 531 612.7 621.8 624.151    
 ↑ 620.11                    materials, tests, alteration          → 363.1 681.2      
 ↑ 620.112                         material properties, tests         → 624.171   ZA.3    
 ↑ 620.13                    walling materials         → 624.183 693.5      
 ↑ 620.14                    ceramics, bricks and analogous materials         → 666   32H    
 ↑ 620.16                    metals         → 546.3 624.182 669     
 ↑ 620.17                    iron, steel         → 624.182       
 ↑ 620.19                    other materials, polymers         → 547.7 668.9      
 ↑ 620.2               applied acoustics         → 534       
 ↑ 620.3               mechanic vibration         → 551.22 624.176      
 ↑ 620.4               fine particle and surface technology             
 ↑ 620.5               nanotechnology             
 ↑ 620.8               ergonomy             

See also:

 ↑ 006.6               digital images  → 550.28  620.0042  621.36 
 ↑ 363.1               public security  → 620.11  628.9 
 ↑ 531               classical mechanics, continuum mechanics  → 516.36  530.15  620.1  ≈ :ZA.1 
 ↑ 534               sound and vibrations  → 620.2 
 ↑ 546.3               metals, metallic compounds, alloys  → 620.16  669 
 ↑ 547.7               macromolecules, polymers  → 620.19  668.9 
 ↑ 551.22               seismology, earthquakes  → 620.3  624.176  ≈ `21E  `24B 
 ↑ 607               education of technicians and engineers, research  → 378  620 
 ↑ 609               history of technology  → 620.009 
 ↑ 612.7               bones, muscles and movement, biomechanics  → 611.7  613.7  616.7  620.1 
 ↑ 621.8               machinery engineering  → 620.1 
 ↑ 624.151               geotechnics, soil mechanics  → 551.3  620.1  ≈ `20G  `22A 
 ↑ 624.17               structural systems, building science  → 519.4  620.1 
 ↑ 624.171               structural analysis  → 620.112 
 ↑ 624.176               seismic engineering  → 363.3  551.22  620.3  693.85 
 ↑ 624.182               metal structures: iron, steel, aluminium  → 620.16  620.17  669  693.7 
 ↑ 624.183               masonry structures  → 620.13 
 ↑ 666               ceramic and analogous technologies   → 620.14  738 
 ↑ 668.9               polymers  → 547.7  620.19 
 ↑ 669               metallurgy  → 546.3  620.16  624.18  671  ≈ `59F 
 ↑ 681.2               test and measurement tools, sensors  → 530.8  620.11 
 ↑ 693.5               concrete  → 620.13 
 ↑ Q.2                   ≈ 519.8  620 MSC 00A69 pro parte
 ↑ ZD.0                   ≈ 620 
 ↑ ACU               acoustics    ≈ 620.2 
 ↑ AF1               reliability    ≈ 363.1  620.11 
 ↑ AF2               reliability of the equipment and electronic systems    ≈ 620.11  621.38 
 ↑ AF3               reliability of electrical systems    ≈ 620.11  621317 
 ↑ AF4               reliability and quality control    ≈ 620.11  658.4 
 ↑ AF5               burn-in    ≈ 620.11 
 ↑ AF6               reliability tests    ≈ 620.11 
 ↑ AF7               congresses (electr. reliability)    ≈ 620.11  621.31 
 ↑ D1C               dynamics, stability, finite elements    ≈ 620.15 
 ↑ D1Z               the other lesson texts (struct. mechanics)    ≈ 620 
 ↑ D4L               materials and materials technology    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ MI1               Theory of approximation and errors    ≈ 620 
 ↑ MI2               Measurement theory    ≈ 620 
 ↑ MI3               Theory and methods of mechanical measurements    ≈ 620 
 ↑ MI4               Congresses (Measures)    ≈ 620 
 ↑ MN14               Manuals for engineering    ≈ 620 
 ↑ MN16               Various manuals    ≈ 620 
 ↑ MN9               Manuals of mechanical technologies    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ MO2               Instrumentation and measurements    ≈ 620 
 ↑ MP4               Vibes    ≈ 620 
 ↑ MP6               system dynamics    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ MR1               Dynamics and vibrations    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ MR2               Elasticity    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ MR3               Flat and curved plates    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ MR6               Continuous mechanics and strength of materials    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ MT1               Building materials    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ MT2               Dielectric materials    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ MT3               Electronic materials and technologies    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ MT4               Materials for electrical engineering    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ MT5               Materials for optoelectronics    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ MT6                magnetic materials    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ MT7               semiconductor materials    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ MT8               Material technology    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ MT9               Congresses (Materials)    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ PS2               Test machines    ≈ 620 
 ↑ PS3               Building materials    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ PS5               Congresses (Experimental tests)    ≈ 620 
 ↑ R3D               Overall reliability    ≈ 620 
 ↑ R3E               Loads and their effects    ≈ 620 
 ↑ R3G               Impact problems    ≈ 620 
S3               test machines    ≈ 620 
S4               building materials    ≈ 620.1 
S5               manuals and congresses RILEM    ≈ 620 
 ↑ TM3               mechanical technologies    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ TM4               congresses (mechanical technology)    ≈ 620.1 
 ↑ 32H               ceramics    ≈ 620.14  553.6 


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