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 ↑ 581          plant characters, genetics and ecology         → 571.2 572.2      
 ↑ 581.092                         botanists             
 ↑ 581.3               plant genetics and physiology         → 576.5 631.52      
 ↑ 581.6               plant uses and effects             
 ↑ 581.634                         medicinal plants         → 615.321       
 ↑ 581.7               plants of special environments, plant ecology         → 577   S.SPEC.24.AH    
 ↑ 581.753                         mountain, Alpine plants             
 ↑ 581.9               phytogeography, floras         ≈ S.SPEC.24.AH  S.FLORE    
 ↑ 581.94                    plants of Europe         ≈ S.FLORE.H  S.FLORE.I    
 ↑ 581.941                         plants of Ireland, UK in general, Scotland             
 ↑ 581.942                         plants of England and Wales             
 ↑ 581.943                         plants of Germany and Central Europe         → 581.9494       
 ↑ 581.944                         plants of France             
 ↑ 581.945                         plants of Italy         ≈ S.FLORE.C    
 ↑ 581.946                         plants of Spain and Portugal             
 ↑ 581.947                         plants of Russia, Ukraine and Baltic countries             
 ↑ 581.948                         plants of Scandinavia and Finland             
 ↑ 581.949                         plants of other European countries             
 ↑ 581.95                    plants of Asia         ≈ S.FLORE.F    
 ↑ 581.955                         plants of Iran         ≈ S.FLORE.M    
 ↑ 581.96                    plants of Africa         ≈ S.FLORE.L    
 ↑ 581.966                         plants of western Africa             
 ↑ 581.967                         plants of central Africa             
 ↑ 581.968                         plants of southern Africa             
 ↑ 581.97                    plants of North and Central America         ≈ S.FLORE.M  S.SPEC.41.FC    
 ↑ 581.98                    plants of South America         ≈ S.FLORE.N  S.SPEC.41.FB    
 ↑ 581.985                         plants of Peru             
 ↑ 581.987                         plants of Venezuela             
 ↑ 581.99                    plants of Oceania             

See also:

 ↑ 571.2                    plant and microrganism physiology  → 581  ≈ S.SPEC.35.CA  
 ↑ 572.2                    biochemistry of plants and microorganisms  → 581 
 ↑ 576.5                    general genetics  → 572.8  581.3  591.3  599.93  ≈ S.SPEC.29.BB 
 ↑ 579.53                      → 581.2 
 ↑ 581.943                    plants of Germany and Central Europe  → 581.9494 
 ↑ 581.9494                    plants of Switzerland  → 581.943 
 ↑ 615.321                    plant-derived drugs, phytotherapy, pharmacognosis  → 581.634  ≈ S.SPEC.22.AF 
 ↑ 631.52                    seed and variety production, agricultural genetics  → 581.3 
 ↑ 632                    plant pathology, biological and chemical control  → 581  668.6  ≈ S.SPEC.34.HA 
 ↑ S.FLORE.C                    Italian flora    ≈ 581.945 
 ↑ S.FLORE.D                    vegetation, European flora    ≈ 581.9 
 ↑ S.FLORE.E                    vegetation, European flora    ≈ 581.9 
 ↑ S.FLORE.F                    Asian flora    ≈ 581.95 
 ↑ S.FLORE.H                    European flora    ≈ 581.94 
 ↑ S.FLORE.I                    North and East Europe flora    ≈ 581.94 
 ↑ S.FLORE.L                    African flora    ≈ 581.96 
 ↑ S.FLORE.M                    North American and Persian flora     ≈ 581.97  581.955 
 ↑ S.FLORE.N                    South American flora    ≈ 581.98 
 ↑ S.SPEC.24.AH                    botanical ecology, phytogeography, geobotany    ≈ 581.7  581.9 
 ↑ S.SPEC.41.FB                    Latin America    ≈ 581.98 
 ↑ S.SPEC.41.FC                    Central America    ≈ 581972  972 


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