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 ↑ 572          biochemistry         → 612.015 660.6  59I  S.SPEC.36.CB    
 ↑ 572.2               biochemistry of plants and microorganisms         → 581       
 ↑ 572.4               metabolism             
 ↑ 572.49                    fermentation         → 663       
 ↑ 572.5               various chemical substances             
 ↑ 572.51                    bioinorganic chemistry, trace elements          → 546       
 ↑ 572.56                    carbohydrates             
 ↑ 572.58                    vitamins             
 ↑ 572.6               proteins             
 ↑ 572.65                    protein components             
 ↑ 572.7               enzymes             
 ↑ 572.8               molecular biology, biochemical genetics         → 571.6 576.5      
 ↑ 572.86                    DNA, genomics             

See also:

 ↑ 546                    inorganic chemistry  → 551.9  572.51 
 ↑ 571.6                    cell biology  → 572.8  611.018  ≈ S.SPEC.29.BA 
 ↑ 576.5                    general genetics  → 572.8  581.3  591.3  599.93  ≈ S.SPEC.29.BB 
 ↑ 581                    plant characters, genetics and ecology  → 571.2  572.2 
 ↑ 612.015                    medical biological chemistry  → 572 
 ↑ 660                    laboratory techniques, biotechnology in general  → 572  610.28  ≈ `59E 
 ↑ 663                    beverage technology  → 572.49 
 ↑ S.SPEC.36.CB                    chemistry, biochemistry    ≈ 540  572 
 ↑ 59I                    organic biological chemistry    ≈ 572 


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