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  570     biology        
 ↑ 570          general biology         ≈ S.SPEC.30.BC    
 ↑ 570.12                    biological systematics             
 ↑ 570.28                    biological techniques and equipments             
 ↑ 570.285                         bioinformatics, computational biology             
 ↑ 570.9               history of biology             
 ↑ 570.92                    biologists             
 ↑ 571          physiology in general         → 612       
 ↑ 571.1               animal physiology         ≈ S.SPEC.29.BB    
 ↑ 571.2               plant and microrganism physiology         → 581   S.SPEC.35.CA     
 ↑ 571.3               comparative anatomy         → 611       
 ↑ 571.31                    animal anatomy         → 591       
 ↑ 571.5               animal histology         → 611.018   S.SPEC.29.BA    
 ↑ 571.6               cell biology         → 572.8 611.018  S.SPEC.29.BA    
 ↑ 571.63                    anatomy, morphology, biophysics, cell culture             
 ↑ 571.64                    membranes             
 ↑ 571.65                    cytoplasm             
 ↑ 571.8               reproduction, development, embryology         → 612.64       
 ↑ 571.9               general pathology         → 616       
 ↑ 571.93                    diseases in general             
 ↑ 571.96                    immunology             
 ↑ 571.978                         carcinogenesis         → 616.99       
 ↑ 571.99                    parassitology         → 616.96 616.98      
 ↑ 572          biochemistry         → 612.015 660.6  59I  S.SPEC.36.CB    
 ↑ 572.2               biochemistry of plants and microorganisms         → 581       
 ↑ 572.4               metabolism             
 ↑ 572.49                    fermentation         → 663       
 ↑ 572.5               various chemical substances             
 ↑ 572.51                    bioinorganic chemistry, trace elements          → 546       
 ↑ 572.56                    carbohydrates             
 ↑ 572.58                    vitamins             
 ↑ 572.6               proteins             
 ↑ 572.65                    protein components             
 ↑ 572.7               enzymes             
 ↑ 572.8               molecular biology, biochemical genetics         → 571.6 576.5      
 ↑ 572.86                    DNA, genomics             
 ↑ 573          specific systems             
 ↑ 573.4               endocrinology             
 ↑ 576          genetics, evolution         → 579 599.93      
 ↑ 576.5               general genetics         → 572.8 581.3 591.3 599.93S.SPEC.29.BB    
 ↑ 576.54                    variation, mutation             
 ↑ 576.58                    population genetics         → 577.8       
 ↑ 576.8               evolution         ≈ S.SPEC.27.AQ    
 ↑ 576.83                    origins of life             
 ↑ 577          ecology         → 304.2 333.95 344 363.7    
 ↑ 577.6               hydrobiology, freshwater ecology         ≈ S.SPEC.32.BI    
 ↑ 577.8               synecology, population biology         → 576.58 719      
 ↑ 577.85                    symbiosis and parasitism             
 ↑ 578          natural history             
 ↑ 578.62                    alien, invasive species             
 ↑ 578.7               organisms of special environments, biodiversity             
 ↑ 578.77                    marine biology             
 ↑ 579          microbiology, fungus, algae         → 576 616.01  S.SPEC.26.AM  S.SPEC.30.BE    
 ↑ 579.2               virology         → 616.91   S.SPEC.32.BG    
 ↑ 579.3               prokaryotes, bacteria         → 616.92 632.32      
 ↑ 579.4               protozoans             
 ↑ 579.5               fungus, mycology         → 616.969   MICOL.  Sez.Mic    
 ↑ 579.52                                 
 ↑ 579.53                             → 581.2       
 ↑ 579.54                                 
 ↑ 579.55                                 
 ↑ 579.56                                 
 ↑ 579.563                                  → 664       
 ↑ 579.57                                 
 ↑ 579.59                                 
 ↑ 579.6               mushrooms             
 ↑ 579.7                            
 ↑ 579.8               algae         ≈ S.SPEC.19.AA    

See also:

 ↑ 72                 → 577 
 ↑ 304.2               human ecology  → 363.7  577 
 ↑ 333.95               biological resources  → 577 
 ↑ 546               inorganic chemistry  → 551.9  572.51 
 ↑ 571.6               cell biology  → 572.8  611.018  ≈ S.SPEC.29.BA 
 ↑ 572.8               molecular biology, biochemical genetics  → 571.6  576.5 
 ↑ 576               genetics, evolution  → 579  599.93 
 ↑ 576.5               general genetics  → 572.8  581.3  591.3  599.93  ≈ S.SPEC.29.BB 
 ↑ 576.58               population genetics  → 577.8 
 ↑ 577.8               synecology, population biology  → 576.58  719 
 ↑ 579               microbiology, fungus, algae  → 576  616.01  ≈ S.SPEC.26.AM  S.SPEC.30.BE 
 ↑ 581               plant characters, genetics and ecology  → 571.2  572.2 
 ↑ 581.3               plant genetics and physiology  → 576.5  631.52 
 ↑ 581.7               plants of special environments, plant ecology  → 577  ≈ S.SPEC.24.AH 
 ↑ 591               animal biology  → 571.31 
 ↑ 591.3               animal genetics  → 576.5 
 ↑ 599.93               human genetics and evolution  → 576 
 ↑ 599.935               human genetics  → 320  576.5  616.04 
 ↑ 611               human anatomy  → 571.3  616 
 ↑ 611.018               human cytology and histology  → 571.5  571.6 
 ↑ 612               human physiology  → 571 
 ↑ 612.015               medical biological chemistry  → 572 
 ↑ 612.64               human embryology  → 571.8 
 ↑ 616               pathology, clinics, internal medicine  → 571.9  611 
 ↑ 616.01               medical microbiology  → 579 
 ↑ 616.91               viral diseases  → 579.2 
 ↑ 616.92               bacterial diseases  → 579.3 
 ↑ 616.96               parasitosis and mycosis  → 571.99 
 ↑ 616.969               mycosis, fungal diseases   → 579.5 
 ↑ 616.98               environmental and climate diseases  → 571.99 
 ↑ 616.99               tumours  → 571.978 
 ↑ 632.32               bacterial diseases of plants  → 579.3  ≈ S.SPEC.21.AD 
 ↑ 660               laboratory techniques, biotechnology in general  → 572  610.28  ≈ `59E 
 ↑ 663               beverage technology  → 572.49 
 ↑ 664               food technology and microbiology  → 344.042  579.563  641 
 ↑ 719               wildlife landscapes  → 333.72  577.8  712.5 
 ↑ Q.3                   ≈ 519.8  570 MSC 92 tranne 92E
 ↑ IN2               Ecology    ≈ 363.7  577 
 ↑ MICOL               mycology    ≈ 579.5 
 ↑ S.SPEC.19.AA               algae    ≈ 579.8 
 ↑ S.SPEC.26.AM               bacteriology, microbiology    ≈ 579 
 ↑ S.SPEC.27.AQ               evolution    ≈ 576.8 
 ↑ S.SPEC.29.BA               cytology, histology    ≈ 571.5  571.6 
 ↑ S.SPEC.29.BB               genetics, physiology, animal pathology    ≈ 571.1  576.5 
 ↑ S.SPEC.30.BC               general biology    ≈ 570 
 ↑ S.SPEC.30.BE               protistology    ≈ 579 
 ↑ S.SPEC.32.BG               Virology    ≈ 579.2 
 ↑ S.SPEC.33.BI               hydrobiology, fresh water    ≈ 577.6 
 ↑ S.SPEC.35.CA               plant physiology    ≈ 571.2 
 ↑ S.SPEC.36.CB               chemistry, biochemistry    ≈ 540  572 
 ↑ 59I               organic biological chemistry    ≈ 572 


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