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  560     palaeontology        
 ↑ 560          palaeobiology in general         ≈ 26A  31D    
 ↑ 561          palaeobotany and micropalaeontology         ≈ S.SPEC.40.ED  26B    
 ↑ 562          invertebrate palaeontology         ≈ 27A  27B    
 ↑ 567          fossil fishes, amphibians and reptiles         ≈ 28B    
 ↑ 568          fossil birds         ≈ 28B    
 ↑ 569          fossil mammals         ≈ 28B    
 ↑ 569.9               fossil hominids         → 599.9       

See also:

 ↑ 599.9               humans, physical anthropology  → 320  569.9 
 ↑ S.SPEC.40.ED               palaeobotany, palaeontology    ≈ 561 
 ↑ 26A               general and systematic paleontology    ≈ 560 
 ↑ 26B               micropaleontology    ≈ 561 
 ↑ 27A               paleontology. Invertebrates    ≈ 562 
 ↑ 27B               paleontology. Invertebrates    ≈ 562 
 ↑ 28B               paleontology. Vertebrates    ≈ 567  569 
 ↑ 31D               paleontology    ≈ 560 


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