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 ↑ 550          Earth science in general             
 ↑ 550.11                    models in Earth science         ≈ 18B    
 ↑ 550.28                    remote sensing         → 006.6 526.9 621.367 910.2817C  OE11    

See also:

 ↑ 006.6                    digital images  → 550.28  620.0042  621.36 
 ↑ 526.9                    surveying  → 006.37  550.28 
 ↑ 621.367                    technical photography, photoptics  → 550.28 
 ↑ 910.28                    techniques and equipments of geography, GIS  → 550.28 
 ↑ OE11                    Electromagnetic remote sensing    ≈ 550.28 
 ↑ 17C                    photogeology    ≈ 550.28 
 ↑ 18B                    mathematical and statistical geology, computer    ≈ 550.11 
 ↑ 31I                    dictionaries of earth sciences    ≈ 550.3 
 ↑ 44B                    history of mineralogy and geological sciences    ≈ 550.9 
 ↑ 58O                    In the world of science: encyclopedias of natural sciences    ≈ 550 


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