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 ↑ 547          organic chemistry         ≈ 59G    
 ↑ 547.002                         techniques, devices, equipment             
 ↑ 547.007                         exercices and auxiliary materials in organic chemistry             
 ↑ 547.01                    hydrocarbons         → 547.41       
 ↑ 547.02                    halogenated compounds             
 ↑ 547.04                    nitrogen compounds             
 ↑ 547.05                    organometallic compounds             
 ↑ 547.06                    sulphur organic compounds             
 ↑ 547.1               physical and theoretical organic chemistry             
 ↑ 547.122                         molecular structures, stereochemistry, bonds             
 ↑ 547.128                         quantum chemistry             
 ↑ 547.135                         photochemistry             
 ↑ 547.137                         electrochemistry, magnetochemistry             
 ↑ 547.2               organic reactions             
 ↑ 547.23                    oxydoreduction             
 ↑ 547.28                    polymerization             
 ↑ 547.4               aliphatic compounds             
 ↑ 547.41                    hydrocarbons         → 547.01       
 ↑ 547.413                         acetylenes, alchines             
 ↑ 547.5               cyclic compounds             
 ↑ 547.59                    heterocycles             
 ↑ 547.593                         heteronitrogen compounds, clorophillae, diazines, imidazolos             
 ↑ 547.6               aromatic compounds             
 ↑ 547.7               macromolecules, polymers         → 620.19 668.9      
 ↑ 547.71                    terpenes and essential oils             
 ↑ 547.77                    lipids             
 ↑ 547.78                    carbohydrates             
 ↑ 547.8               other organic substances             
 ↑ 547.84                    elastomers, resins, lignin             
 ↑ 547.86                    colourants and pigments             

See also:

 ↑ 547.01                    hydrocarbons  → 547.41 
 ↑ 547.41                    hydrocarbons  → 547.01 
 ↑ 620.19                    other materials, polymers  → 547.7  668.9 
 ↑ 668.9                    polymers  → 547.7  620.19 
 ↑ CH3                    organic chemistry    ≈ 547 
 ↑ 59G                    organic chemistry    ≈ 547 


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