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 ↑ 541          physical chemistry         → 660.29   60A    
 ↑ 541.042                         matter state chemistry, solid state             
 ↑ 541.2               theoretic chemistry             
 ↑ 541.22                    molecular structure         ≈ 60B    
 ↑ 541.220                         formulas, specifications             
 ↑ 541.223                         stereochemistry             
 ↑ 541.224                         chemical bonds, valency, radicals             
 ↑ 541.2242                              coordination compounds, blenders             
 ↑ 541.26                    stoichiometry             
 ↑ 541.28                    quantum chemistry             
 ↑ 541.3               various subects in physical chemistry             
 ↑ 541.33                    surface chemistry, adsorption, adhesion             
 ↑ 541.34                    chemistry of solutions, colloids             
 ↑ 541.345                         colloid chemistry         ≈ 59H    
 ↑ 541.348                         solvents             
 ↑ 541.35                    photochemistry             
 ↑ 541.36                    thermochemistry             
 ↑ 541.363                         state changes, phase transformations             
 ↑ 541.368                         reactions at extreme temperatures             
 ↑ 541.369                         chemical thermodynamics         → 536.7       
 ↑ 541.37                    electrochemistry, magnetochemistry             
 ↑ 541.372                         electrolytic solutions             
 ↑ 541.378                         magnetochemistry             
 ↑ 541.38                    radiochemistry             
 ↑ 541.388                         isotopes             
 ↑ 541.39                    chemical reactions             
 ↑ 541.392                         chemical equilibrium             
 ↑ 541.393                         oxydo-reduction             
 ↑ 541.394                         chemical kinetics             
 ↑ 541.395                         catalysis             

See also:

 ↑ 536.7                         thermodynamics  → 530.13  541.369  621.4  ≈ :ZA.5 
 ↑ 660.29                         applied physical chemistry, electrochemistry  → 541 
 ↑ SM1                          physical chemistry    ≈ 541 
 ↑ SM5                         electrical, magnetic and optical properties    ≈ 541.3 
 ↑ SM6                         thermal and mechanical properties    ≈ 541.3 
 ↑ SM7                         semiconductors    ≈ 541.3 
 ↑ SM8                         colloidal solutions    ≈ 541.34 
 ↑ SM9                         congresses (matter structure)    ≈ 541 
 ↑ 59H                         colloids and rare soils    ≈ 541.345 
 ↑ 60A                         chemistry-physics    ≈ 541 
 ↑ 60B                         stereochemistry and structural chemistry    ≈ 541.22 


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