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  540     chemistry        
 ↑ 540          chemistry in general         → 016.54 660.28  59A  S.SPEC.36.CB    
 ↑ 540.14                    nomenclature             
 ↑ 540.2               miscellaneous works in chemistry             
 ↑ 540.7               education and research in chemistry             
 ↑ 540.76                    exercice and auxiliary books in chemistry             
 ↑ 540.9               history of chemistry             
 ↑ 540.92                    biographies of chemists             
 ↑ 541          physical chemistry         → 660.29   60A    
 ↑ 541.042                         matter state chemistry, solid state             
 ↑ 541.2               theoretic chemistry             
 ↑ 541.22                    molecular structure         ≈ 60B    
 ↑ 541.220                         formulas, specifications             
 ↑ 541.223                         stereochemistry             
 ↑ 541.224                         chemical bonds, valency, radicals             
 ↑ 541.2242                              coordination compounds, blenders             
 ↑ 541.26                    stoichiometry             
 ↑ 541.28                    quantum chemistry             
 ↑ 541.3               various subects in physical chemistry             
 ↑ 541.33                    surface chemistry, adsorption, adhesion             
 ↑ 541.34                    chemistry of solutions, colloids             
 ↑ 541.345                         colloid chemistry         ≈ 59H    
 ↑ 541.348                         solvents             
 ↑ 541.35                    photochemistry             
 ↑ 541.36                    thermochemistry             
 ↑ 541.363                         state changes, phase transformations             
 ↑ 541.368                         reactions at extreme temperatures             
 ↑ 541.369                         chemical thermodynamics         → 536.7       
 ↑ 541.37                    electrochemistry, magnetochemistry             
 ↑ 541.372                         electrolytic solutions             
 ↑ 541.378                         magnetochemistry             
 ↑ 541.38                    radiochemistry             
 ↑ 541.388                         isotopes             
 ↑ 541.39                    chemical reactions             
 ↑ 541.392                         chemical equilibrium             
 ↑ 541.393                         oxydo-reduction             
 ↑ 541.394                         chemical kinetics             
 ↑ 541.395                         catalysis             
 ↑ 542          laboratory techniques, computational chemistry         → 6       
 ↑ 542.8               auxiliary and electronic facilities, data processing             
 ↑ 543          analytical chemistry         ≈ 59B    
 ↑ 543.08                    spectroscopy, chromatography [outdated number]             
 ↑ 543.1               bromatological analysis         ≈ S.SPEC.36.CC    
 ↑ 543.17                    organic analytical chemistry             
 ↑ 543.2               classical methods         ≈ 59D    
 ↑ 543.22                    microchemistry         ≈ 59C    
 ↑ 543.24                    volumetric analysis             
 ↑ 543.26                    thermal analysis             
 ↑ 543.4               electrochemical analysis             
 ↑ 543.5               optical spectroscopy             
 ↑ 543.6               non-optical spectroscopy             
 ↑ 543.63                    radiochemical analysis             
 ↑ 543.8               chromatography             
 ↑ 543.84                    liquid-mobile phase chromatography             
 ↑ 543.85                    gas chromatography             
 ↑ 546          inorganic chemistry         → 551.9 572.51      
 ↑ 546.2               hydrogen and its compounds             
 ↑ 546.24                    acids             
 ↑ 546.3               metals, metallic compounds, alloys         → 620.16 669      
 ↑ 546.34                    salts             
 ↑ 546.4               group 3, lantanids, actinids             
 ↑ 546.41                    lantanids, rare earths             
 ↑ 546.42                    actinids             
 ↑ 546.5               groups 4 to 7: of titanium, vanadium, chrome, manganese             
 ↑ 546.6               groups 8 to 14             
 ↑ 546.625                         nickel             
 ↑ 546.671                         boron             
 ↑ 546.7               groups 15 to 18: chalcogens, alogens, noble gases             
 ↑ 546.8               periodic law and table             
 ↑ 547          organic chemistry         ≈ 59G    
 ↑ 547.002                         techniques, devices, equipment             
 ↑ 547.007                         exercices and auxiliary materials in organic chemistry             
 ↑ 547.01                    hydrocarbons         → 547.41       
 ↑ 547.02                    halogenated compounds             
 ↑ 547.04                    nitrogen compounds             
 ↑ 547.05                    organometallic compounds             
 ↑ 547.06                    sulphur organic compounds             
 ↑ 547.1               physical and theoretical organic chemistry             
 ↑ 547.122                         molecular structures, stereochemistry, bonds             
 ↑ 547.128                         quantum chemistry             
 ↑ 547.135                         photochemistry             
 ↑ 547.137                         electrochemistry, magnetochemistry             
 ↑ 547.2               organic reactions             
 ↑ 547.23                    oxydoreduction             
 ↑ 547.28                    polymerization             
 ↑ 547.4               aliphatic compounds             
 ↑ 547.41                    hydrocarbons         → 547.01       
 ↑ 547.413                         acetylenes, alchines             
 ↑ 547.5               cyclic compounds             
 ↑ 547.59                    heterocycles             
 ↑ 547.593                         heteronitrogen compounds, clorophillae, diazines, imidazolos             
 ↑ 547.6               aromatic compounds             
 ↑ 547.7               macromolecules, polymers         → 620.19 668.9      
 ↑ 547.71                    terpenes and essential oils             
 ↑ 547.77                    lipids             
 ↑ 547.78                    carbohydrates             
 ↑ 547.8               other organic substances             
 ↑ 547.84                    elastomers, resins, lignin             
 ↑ 547.86                    colourants and pigments             
 ↑ 548          crystallography         ≈ 47A  47C    
 ↑ 548.021                         formulas             
 ↑ 548.3               crystallochemistry         ≈ 48BC  58E    
 ↑ 548.5               crystallization             
 ↑ 548.7               mathematical crystallography         ≈ 48BD    
 ↑ 548.8               physical and structural crystallography         ≈ 47B  47H    
 ↑ 548.81                    structural crystallography             
 ↑ 548.83                    diffractometric methods             
 ↑ 548.9               optical crystallography         ≈ 47F  48B    
 ↑ 549          mineralogy         → 552   25B  44C    
 ↑ 549.1               determinative mineralogy         ≈ 49F  49H    
 ↑ 549.6               silicates         ≈ 45H    
 ↑ 549.67                    phyllosilicates, clay minerals         → 553.6   32G    
 ↑ 549.9               geography of minerals         ≈ 45B  45C    

See also:

 ↑ 006               methods, applications  → 542  610.285 
 ↑ 016.54               bibliography of chemistry  → 540 
 ↑ 536.7               thermodynamics  → 530.13  541.369  621.4  ≈ :ZA.5 
 ↑ 547.01               hydrocarbons  → 547.41 
 ↑ 547.41               hydrocarbons  → 547.01 
 ↑ 551.9               geochemistry  → 546  ≈ `10I  `25A 
 ↑ 552               petrology  → 549  ≈ `25B 
 ↑ 553.6               clays, sands, salts  → 549.67  ≈ `32H 
 ↑ 572.51               bioinorganic chemistry, trace elements   → 546 
 ↑ 620.16               metals  → 546.3  624.182  669 
 ↑ 620.19               other materials, polymers  → 547.7  668.9 
 ↑ 660.28               chemical plants and activities  → 540 
 ↑ 660.29               applied physical chemistry, electrochemistry  → 541 
 ↑ 668.9               polymers  → 547.7  620.19 
 ↑ 669               metallurgy  → 546.3  620.16  624.18  671  ≈ `59F 
 ↑ CH2               general chemistry    ≈ 540 
 ↑ CH3               organic chemistry    ≈ 547 
 ↑ CH4               conference (Chemistry)    ≈ 540 
 ↑ GE6               Mineralogy    ≈ 549 
 ↑ MN2               Chemistry manuals    ≈ 540 
 ↑ S.SPEC.36.CB               chemistry, biochemistry    ≈ 540  572 
 ↑ S.SPEC.36.CC               technology, bromatology, food science    ≈ 543.1 
 ↑ SM1                physical chemistry    ≈ 541 
 ↑ SM5               electrical, magnetic and optical properties    ≈ 541.3 
 ↑ SM6               thermal and mechanical properties    ≈ 541.3 
 ↑ SM7               semiconductors    ≈ 541.3 
 ↑ SM8               colloidal solutions    ≈ 541.34 
 ↑ SM9               congresses (matter structure)    ≈ 541 
 ↑ 25B               mineralogy    ≈ 549 
 ↑ 31CR               methods of analysis    ≈ 549 
 ↑ 32G               clays, thermal analysis    ≈ 549.67 
 ↑ 44A               elementary mineralogy courses    ≈ 549 
 ↑ 44C               mineralogy courses    ≈ 549 
 ↑ 44D               museums    ≈ 549 
 ↑ 45A               special mineralogy treatises    ≈ 549 
 ↑ 45B               local mineralogy    ≈ 549.9 
 ↑ 45C               regional mineralogy. Western Europe    ≈ 549.9 
 ↑ 45D               mineralogy of Russia (no ec)    ≈ 549.9 
 ↑ 45E               extra-European regional mineralogy    ≈ 549.9 
 ↑ 45F               minerals by element or chemical group    ≈ 549 
 ↑ 45G               applied mineralogy    ≈ 549 
 ↑ 45H               feldspars    ≈ 549.6 
 ↑ 47A               general crystallography    ≈ 548 
 ↑ 47B               crystallography. Morphology    ≈ 548.8 
 ↑ 47BA               simple shapes tables    ≈ 548.8 
 ↑ 47C               cristallography classics    ≈ 548 
 ↑ 47D               projections and calculation of crystals    ≈ 548.8 
 ↑ 47E               special works of morphological chrystallography    ≈ 548.8 
 ↑ 47F               crystalline optics    ≈ 548.9 
 ↑ 47H               crystal physics    ≈ 548.8 
 ↑ 48A               theory on the chrystal structure    ≈ 548.8 
 ↑ 48B               X ray diffraction. Theory    ≈ 548.9 
 ↑ 48BA               X-ray search methods    ≈ 548.9 
 ↑ 48BB               structural data    ≈ 548.8 
 ↑ 48BC               crystal chemistry    ≈ 548.3 
 ↑ 48BD               Fourier methods and direct methods    ≈ 548.7 
 ↑ 48BE               organic structures    ≈ 548.9 
 ↑ 48C               tables for x-rays searches    ≈ 548.9 
 ↑ 49D               minerochemistry    ≈ 549.1 
 ↑ 49E               special works of minerochemistry    ≈ 549.1 
 ↑ 49F               physical chemistry of minerals and crystals    ≈ 549.1 
 ↑ 49G               mineral synthesis and increase    ≈ 549.1 
 ↑ 49H               mineral determination    ≈ 549.1 
 ↑ 49L               neutron diffraction    ≈ 549.1 
 ↑ 49M               electron diffraction and electronic microscopy    ≈ 549.1 
 ↑ 58A               treatises and tables. (Abegg-Auerbach), Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie    ≈ 549 
 ↑ 58B               treatises and tables. Pascal    ≈ 549 
 ↑ 58BB               Nouveau traité de chimie minérale    ≈ 549.1 
 ↑ 58C               treatises and tables    ≈ 549 
 ↑ 58D               Handbuch der Mineralchemie / Doelter    ≈ 549.1 
 ↑ 58E               Chemische Krystallographie / Groth    ≈ 548.3 
 ↑ 58F               Handbuch der Mineralogie / Hintze    ≈ 549 
 ↑ 58G               DNA Ert al.    ≈ 549 
 ↑ 58H               Landolt, Bornstein Physikalisch chemische Tabellen    ≈ 549 
 ↑ 58I               numerical data cristallography    ≈ 548 
 ↑ 58L               treatises and tables: Goldschmidt, Groth, Strunz    ≈ 548 
 ↑ 58M               the Barker index of crystals    ≈ 548 
 ↑ 58N               treatises and tables. Physical constants    ≈ 548.8 
 ↑ 58P               treatises and tables. Catalogues    ≈ 549 
 ↑ 59A               general and inorganic chemistry    ≈ 540 
 ↑ 59B               analytical chemistry    ≈ 543 
 ↑ 59C               microchemistry    ≈ 543.22 
 ↑ 59D               physical methods of analytical chemistry    ≈ 543.2 
 ↑ 59G               organic chemistry    ≈ 547 
 ↑ 59H               colloids and rare soils    ≈ 541.345 
 ↑ 60A               chemistry-physics    ≈ 541 
 ↑ 60B               stereochemistry and structural chemistry    ≈ 541.22 
 ↑ 8Dmin               local deposits    ≈ 549.9 
 ↑ 8Emin               identification of the gems    ≈ 549.1 
 ↑ 8Gmin               history of minerals    ≈ 549 


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