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  530     physics        
 ↑ 530          physics in general         → 612.014   60D    
 ↑ 530.021                         physics tables             
 ↑ 530.092                         physicists             
 ↑ 530.1               theoretical and mathematical physics         ≈ 60C    
 ↑ 530.11                    relativity         ≈ ZA.6    
 ↑ 530.12                    quantum physics         ≈ ZA.8    
 ↑ 530.13                    statistical mechanics         → 536.7   ZA.10    
 ↑ 530.14                    fields and waves         → 621.3813       
 ↑ 530.15                    mathematical physics         → 519.8 531  ZA.0    
 ↑ 530.4               states of matter             
 ↑ 530.41                    solid state physics             
 ↑ 530.415                         mass diffusion and transfer             
 ↑ 530.42                    liquid state physics         → 532       
 ↑ 530.44                    plasma and ionized gas physics             
 ↑ 530.8               measurement         → 681.2       
 ↑ 531          classical mechanics, continuum mechanics         → 516.36 530.15 620.1 ZA.1    
 ↑ 531.1               mechanics, statics             
 ↑ 531.16                    particle mechanics         ≈ ZA.2    
 ↑ 531.3               solid dynamics         → 624   ZA.3    
 ↑ 531.6               energy             
 ↑ 532          fluid mechanics         → 530.42 551.48  ZA.4    
 ↑ 532.05                    fluid dynamics         → 551.303       
 ↑ 533          gas mechanics             
 ↑ 534          sound and vibrations         → 620.2       
 ↑ 535          optics         → 621.36   ZA.7    
 ↑ 535.2               physical optics, nonlinear optics             
 ↑ 535.8               optical spectroscopy in infrared and ultraviolet             
 ↑ 536          thermology             
 ↑ 536.5               temperature             
 ↑ 536.56                    cryogeny, low temperatures             
 ↑ 536.7               thermodynamics         → 530.13 541.369 621.4 ZA.5    
 ↑ 537          electromagnetism         → 621.3   ZA.7    
 ↑ 537.535                         X and gamma rays electronics         → 539.722       
 ↑ 537.62                    conductivity and electric resistance             
 ↑ 538          magnetism             
 ↑ 538.36                    magnetic resonance         → 610.28       
 ↑ 538.362                         NMR: nuclear magnetic resonance             
 ↑ 538.364                         EPR: electronic paramagnetic resonance             
 ↑ 539          modern physics             
 ↑ 539.2               radiations         → 621.382       
 ↑ 539.7               atomic and nuclear physics         → 621.48   ZA.9    
 ↑ 539.72                    particle physics, ionizing radiations             
 ↑ 539.721                         neutrons and other particles             
 ↑ 539.722                         ionizing radiations, X, gamma and cosmic rays         → 537.535       
 ↑ 539.75                    nuclear interactions, radioactivity             
 ↑ 539.77                    particle and radioactivity detection and measure             

See also:

 ↑ 516.36                    differential and integral geometry  → 531  ≈ :M.2 
 ↑ 519.8                    mathematical methods of sciences  → 330.0151  368  530.15  ≈ :Q.0 
 ↑ 530.13                    statistical mechanics  → 536.7  ≈ :ZA.10 
 ↑ 530.15                    mathematical physics  → 519.8  531  ≈ :ZA.0 
 ↑ 530.42                    liquid state physics  → 532 
 ↑ 531                    classical mechanics, continuum mechanics  → 516.36  530.15  620.1  ≈ :ZA.1 
 ↑ 532                    fluid mechanics  → 530.42  551.48  ≈ :ZA.4 
 ↑ 536.7                    thermodynamics  → 530.13  541.369  621.4  ≈ :ZA.5 
 ↑ 537.535                    X and gamma rays electronics  → 539.722 
 ↑ 539.722                    ionizing radiations, X, gamma and cosmic rays  → 537.535 
 ↑ 541.369                    chemical thermodynamics  → 536.7 
 ↑ 551.303                    sediment transportation and deposit  → 532.05  627.1 
 ↑ 551.48                    hydrology, surface waters  → 532  627  ≈ `10B 
 ↑ 610.28                    biomedical instrumentation  → 538.36  616.075  660 
 ↑ 612.014                    biophysics, radiobiology  → 530 
 ↑ 620.1                    mechanics and materials  → 531  612.7  621.8  624.151 
 ↑ 620.2                    applied acoustics  → 534 
 ↑ 621.3                    electrotechnics  → 537 
 ↑ 621.36                    optical engineering  → 006.6  535 
 ↑ 621.3813                    microwaves  → 530.14 
 ↑ 621.382                    communication engineering  → 539.2 
 ↑ 621.4                    heat engineering, engines  → 536.7 
 ↑ 621.48                    nuclear engineering  → 539.7 
 ↑ 624                    civil engineering  → 531.3  690 
 ↑ 681.2                    test and measurement tools, sensors  → 530.8  620.11 
 ↑ Q.1                        ≈ 519.8  530 MSC 00A79, 92E
 ↑ ZA.0                        ≈ 530.15 
 ↑ ZA.1                        ≈ 531 
 ↑ ZA.10                        ≈ 530.13 MSC 82 pro parte
 ↑ ZA.2                        ≈ 531.16 MSC 70
 ↑ ZA.3                        ≈ 531.3  620.112 MSC 74
 ↑ ZA.4                    fluid mechanics    ≈ 532 MSC 76
 ↑ ZA.5                        ≈ 536.7 MSC 80
 ↑ ZA.7                        ≈ 535  537 MSC 78
 ↑ ZA.8                        ≈ 530.12 MSC 81
 ↑ ZA.9                        ≈ 539.7 MSC 82 pro parte
 ↑ ZA.97                        ≈ 530.15 
 ↑ ZA.98                        ≈ 531 esclusi dal prestito
 ↑ ZB.0                        ≈ 530 
CP                    Electromagnetic fields    ≈ 537 
 ↑ ET10                    plasmas    ≈ 621.31  530.44 
 ↑ ET6                    magnetohydrodynamics    ≈ 537 
FG                    General physics    ≈ 530 
 ↑ FG1                    Statistical physics and thermodynamics    ≈ 530.13  536 
 ↑ FG2                    Manuals and exercises for physics courses 1 and 2    ≈ 530 
 ↑ FG3                    Classical mechanics and relativity    ≈ 530.11  531 
 ↑ FG4                    Quantum mechanics    ≈ 530.12 
 ↑ FG5                    Congresses (Physics)    ≈ 530 
 ↑ FGE                    General physics    ≈ 530 
FS                    statistical physics    ≈ 530.13 
 ↑ FT1                    Sound    ≈ 534 
 ↑ ID4                    fluid mechanics    ≈ 532 
 ↑ IMF                    general hydraulics and fluid mechanics    ≈ 532 
 ↑ MA2                    mathematical physics    ≈ 530.15 
MC                    Mechanic    ≈ 531 
 ↑ MN3                    Physics manuals    ≈ 530 
 ↑ MR4                    fluid mechanics and rheology    ≈ 532 
 ↑ OE1                    particle accelerators    ≈ 537 
 ↑ OE12                    Congresses (Electromagnetic waves)    ≈ 537 
 ↑ OE4                     electromagnetic field    ≈ 537 
 ↑ OE6                    General electrodynamics and electromagnetic wave theory    ≈ 537 
 ↑ OE9                    Electromagnetic waves and plasmas    ≈ 621.38  530.44 
PL                    plasma physics    ≈ 530.44 
 ↑ R1D                    fluid mechanics, rheology    ≈ 532 
 ↑ SCM                     heat and mass exchange    ≈ 536 
SM                    matter structure    ≈ 539 
 ↑ SM2                    atomic and molecular physics    ≈ 539 
 ↑ SM3                    solid state physics    ≈ 530.41 
 ↑ SM4                    liquids    ≈ 530.4 
 ↑ 60C                    theoretical physics and structure    ≈ 530.1 
 ↑ 60D                    physics    ≈ 530 
 ↑ 60H                    physics instruments    ≈ 530 


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