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 ↑ 516.08                    convex sets         ≈ J.2    
 ↑ 516.3               analytical geometries             
 ↑ 516.35                    algebraic geometry         ≈ K.0    
 ↑ 516.353                         several-dimension algebraic manifolds         ≈ K.3  K.4    
 ↑ 516.36                    differential and integral geometry         → 531   M.2    
 ↑ 516.5               projective geometry         ≈ J.1    
 ↑ 516.6               abstract descriptive geometry         ≈ J.1    
 ↑ 516.9               non-Euclidean geometries             

See also:

 ↑ 531               classical mechanics, continuum mechanics  → 516.36  530.15  620.1  ≈ :ZA.1 
 ↑ J.2                   ≈ 516.08 MSC 52
 ↑ K.0                   ≈ 516.35 MSC 14
 ↑ K.1                   ≈ 516.35 MSC 14C, 14D
 ↑ K.2                   ≈ 516.35 MSC 14G
 ↑ K.3                   ≈ 516353 MSC 14H, 14J
 ↑ K.4                   ≈ 516353 MSC 14K, 14L
 ↑ K.5                 → MSC 14P  ≈ 516.35 
 ↑ K.6                   ≈ 516.35 MSC 14Q
 ↑ M.0                   ≈ 512.4  516.36 
 ↑ M.1                   ≈ 516.36  514.74 
 ↑ M.2                   ≈ 516.36 MSC 53
 ↑ M.98                   ≈ 512.4  516.36 esclusi dal prestito
 ↑ M.99                   ≈ 512.4  516.36 esclusi dal prestito


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