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 ↑ 515.021                         tables of calculus         → 510.21   I.99    
 ↑ 515.07                    exercises in analysis         ≈ I.98    
 ↑ 515.2               general aspects of calculus             
 ↑ 515.24                    sequences and series, Fourier analysis         ≈ I.8  I.10    
 ↑ 515.3               differential calculus         ≈ I.13    
 ↑ 515.35                    differential equations             
 ↑ 515.352                         ordinary differential equations, ODEs         → 518.63   I.14    
 ↑ 515.353                         partial differential equations, PDEs         ≈ I.15    
 ↑ 515.355                         nonlinear differential equations             
 ↑ 515.39                    dynamical systems, chaos         → 003.7   I.14    
 ↑ 515.4               integral calculus, integral equations             
 ↑ 515.42                    measure and integration theory         ≈ I.3    
 ↑ 515.45                    integral equations         ≈ I.17    
 ↑ 515.5               special functions         ≈ I.7    
 ↑ 515.6               other analytical methods             
 ↑ 515.62                    finite differences         ≈ I.16    
 ↑ 515.64                    calculus of variations         ≈ I.19     
 ↑ 515.7               functional analysis         ≈ I.18    
 ↑ 515.72                    operator calculus, transforms         ≈ I.12    
 ↑ 515.75                    functional equations         ≈ I.16    
 ↑ 515.785                         abstract harmonic calculus         ≈ I.11    
 ↑ 515.8               real variable functions         ≈ I.2    
 ↑ 515.9               complex variable functions             
 ↑ 515.93                    functions of one complex variable         ≈ I.4    
 ↑ 515.94                    functions of several complex variables         ≈ I.6    
 ↑ 515.96                    potential theory         ≈ I.5    

See also:

 ↑ 253                      → 515.642 
 ↑ 264                      → 515.7 
 ↑ 265                      → 515.35 
 ↑ 266                      → 515.723 
 ↑ 267                      → 515.26 
 ↑ 003.7                    system types    ≈ 515.39 
 ↑ 510.21                    mathematics tables  → 515.021 
 ↑ 518.63                    numerical solutions of ordinal differential equations  → 515.352  ≈ :O.4 
 ↑ 518.64                    numerical solutions of partial differential equations  → 515.353  ≈ :O.5 
 ↑ I.1                        ≈ 515.2 
 ↑ I.10                        ≈ 515.24 MSC 42
 ↑ I.11                        ≈ 515785 MSC 43
 ↑ I.12                        ≈ 515.72 MSC 44
 ↑ I.13                        ≈ 515.3 
 ↑ I.14                        ≈ 515.352  515.39 MSC 34, 37
 ↑ I.15                        ≈ 515.353 MSC 35
 ↑ I.16                        ≈ 515.62  515.75 MSC 39
 ↑ I.17                        ≈ 515.45 MSC 45
 ↑ I.18                        ≈ 515.7 MSC 46, 47
 ↑ I.19                        ≈ 515.64 MSC 49
 ↑ I.2                        ≈ 515.8 MSC 26
 ↑ I.3                        ≈ 515.42 MSC 28
 ↑ I.4                        ≈ 515.93 MSC 30
 ↑ I.5                        ≈ 515.96 MSC 31
 ↑ I.6                        ≈ 515.94 MSC 32
 ↑ I.7                        ≈ 515.5 MSC 33
 ↑ I.8                        ≈ 515.24 MSC 40
 ↑ I.98                        ≈ 515.07 esclusi dal prestito
 ↑ I.99                        ≈ 515021 esclusi dal prestito


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