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  510     mathematics        
 ↑ 510          mathematics generally         ≈ 60E    
 ↑ 510.1               philosophy of mathematics         → 160       
 ↑ 510.21                    mathematics tables         → 515.021       
 ↑ 510.28                    techniques and devices for mathematics             
 ↑ 510.285                         computers in mathematics         → 005.72 519.4      
 ↑ 510.7               mathematics teaching         → 370 507 793.74 T.5    
 ↑ 510.9               history of mathematics         ≈ D.2    
 ↑ 511          general principles of mathematics         ≈ E.0    
 ↑ 511.3               mathematical logic, computability         → 005.1   E.1    
 ↑ 511.32                    sets         ≈ E.2    
 ↑ 511.35                    recursitivy, cellular automata, λ calculus             
 ↑ 511.4               approximations, error         → 518.5   I.9    
 ↑ 511.5               graph theory         ≈ F.1    
 ↑ 511.6               combinatorics         ≈ F.0    
 ↑ 512          algebra         ≈ G.0  AL1    
 ↑ 512.2               group theory         ≈ G.9    
 ↑ 512.3               field theory         ≈ G.3    
 ↑ 512.4               rings         ≈ G.6    
 ↑ 512.482                         Lie algebras and groups         ≈ M.3    
 ↑ 512.5               linear algebra         ≈ G.5    
 ↑ 512.6               category theory, homological algebra, K theory         ≈ G.8    
 ↑ 512.7               number theory         ≈ H.0    
 ↑ 512.72                    elementar number theory         ≈ H.1    
 ↑ 512.74                    algebraic number theory         ≈ H.2    
 ↑ 512.75                    geometry of numbers         ≈ H.2    
 ↑ 512.9               foundations of algebra, logarithms             
 ↑ 514          topology         ≈ L.0  L.1    
 ↑ 514.2               algebraic topology         ≈ L.2    
 ↑ 514.7               analytical, differential, global topology         ≈ L.3    
 ↑ 514.74                    global analysis, fractals         ≈ M.1    
 ↑ 515          calculus         → 518.6   I.0    
 ↑ 515.021                         tables of calculus         → 510.21   I.99    
 ↑ 515.07                    exercises in analysis         ≈ I.98    
 ↑ 515.2               general aspects of calculus             
 ↑ 515.24                    sequences and series, Fourier analysis         ≈ I.8  I.10    
 ↑ 515.3               differential calculus         ≈ I.13    
 ↑ 515.35                    differential equations             
 ↑ 515.352                         ordinary differential equations, ODEs         → 518.63   I.14    
 ↑ 515.353                         partial differential equations, PDEs         ≈ I.15    
 ↑ 515.355                         nonlinear differential equations             
 ↑ 515.39                    dynamical systems, chaos         → 003.7   I.14    
 ↑ 515.4               integral calculus, integral equations             
 ↑ 515.42                    measure and integration theory         ≈ I.3    
 ↑ 515.45                    integral equations         ≈ I.17    
 ↑ 515.5               special functions         ≈ I.7    
 ↑ 515.6               other analytical methods             
 ↑ 515.62                    finite differences         ≈ I.16    
 ↑ 515.64                    calculus of variations         ≈ I.19     
 ↑ 515.7               functional analysis         ≈ I.18    
 ↑ 515.72                    operator calculus, transforms         ≈ I.12    
 ↑ 515.75                    functional equations         ≈ I.16    
 ↑ 515.785                         abstract harmonic calculus         ≈ I.11    
 ↑ 515.8               real variable functions         ≈ I.2    
 ↑ 515.9               complex variable functions             
 ↑ 515.93                    functions of one complex variable         ≈ I.4    
 ↑ 515.94                    functions of several complex variables         ≈ I.6    
 ↑ 515.96                    potential theory         ≈ I.5    
 ↑ 516          geometry         ≈ J.0    
 ↑ 516.08                    convex sets         ≈ J.2    
 ↑ 516.3               analytical geometries             
 ↑ 516.35                    algebraic geometry         ≈ K.0    
 ↑ 516.353                         several-dimension algebraic manifolds         ≈ K.3  K.4    
 ↑ 516.36                    differential and integral geometry         → 531   M.2    
 ↑ 516.5               projective geometry         ≈ J.1    
 ↑ 516.6               abstract descriptive geometry         ≈ J.1    
 ↑ 516.9               non-Euclidean geometries             
 ↑ 518          numerical analysis         → 519.4       
 ↑ 518.4               numerical methods in algebra and in number theory         ≈ O.3    
 ↑ 518.5               numerical approximation         → 511.4   O.2    
 ↑ 518.6               numerical methods in analysis         → 3 515      
 ↑ 518.63                    numerical solutions of ordinal differential equations         → 515.352   O.4    
 ↑ 518.64                    numerical solutions of partial differential equations         → 515.353   O.5    
 ↑ 519          probability, statistics, applied maths         → 610.72   N.0  S.SPEC.42.GB    
 ↑ 519.2               probability         ≈ N.1    
 ↑ 519.23                    stochastic processes, Markov chains, martingales             
 ↑ 519.3               game theory         ≈ R.2    
 ↑ 519.4               applied numerical analysis, finite elements, MATLAB         → 4 510.285 518     
 ↑ 519.5               mathematical statistics         → 310 338.54  N.2    
 ↑ 519.53                    descriptive statistics, multivariate analysis         → 658.403       
 ↑ 519.54                    statistical inference         → 006.31       
 ↑ 519.55                    time series analysis             
 ↑ 519.6               mathematical optimization         → 3   O.7  OM1    
 ↑ 519.7               programming theory, operations research         → 005.1 658.4  R.1    
 ↑ 519.8               mathematical methods of sciences         → 330.0151 368 530.15 Q.0    

See also:

 ↑ 22                 → 519 
 ↑ 23                 → 332  519.8 
 ↑ 231                 → 332  519.8 
 ↑ 239                 → 332  519.8 
 ↑ 25                 → 519.6 
 ↑ 251                 → 519.72 
 ↑ 252                 → 519.7 
 ↑ 253                 → 515.642 
 ↑ 254                 → 519.76 
 ↑ 259                 → 519.6 
 ↑ 26                 → 519.6 
 ↑ 26                 → 511 
 ↑ 261                 → 511.3 
 ↑ 262                 → 512.7 
 ↑ 263                 → 512.5 
 ↑ 264                 → 515.7 
 ↑ 265                 → 515.35 
 ↑ 266                 → 515.723 
 ↑ 267                 → 515.26 
 ↑ 268                 → 518 
 ↑ 27                 → 514 
 ↑ 273                 → 519.3 
 ↑ 274                 → 511.5 
 ↑ 279                 → 510 
 ↑ 003               systems  → 518.6  519.6  ≈ :S.0 
 ↑ 003.7               system types    ≈ 515.39 
 ↑ 004               hardware, networks, computer science generally  → 519.4  621.39  ≈ :P.0 
 ↑ 005.1               programming  → 511.3  519.7 
 ↑ 005.72               formats, HTML, LaTEX  → 510.285 
 ↑ 006.31               machine learning, data mining  → 005.74  519.54  658.403 
 ↑ 160               logic  → 510.1  511.3 
 ↑ 310               general statistics  → 519.5 
 ↑ 330.0151               mathematical economics  → 519.8  ≈ :R.3 
 ↑ 338.54               economic fluctuations  → 519.5 
 ↑ 368               insurance  → 346.08  519.8 
 ↑ 370               education in general, pedagogy, textbooks at Physics Library  → 507  510.7  707  ≈ :T.7 
 ↑ 507               science didactics, textbooks at Botta 2  → 370  510.7  ≈ :T.6 
 ↑ 510.21               mathematics tables  → 515.021 
 ↑ 510.285               computers in mathematics  → 005.72  519.4 
 ↑ 511.4               approximations, error  → 518.5  ≈ :I.9 
 ↑ 515               calculus  → 518.6  ≈ :I.0 
 ↑ 515.021               tables of calculus  → 510.21  ≈ :I.99 
 ↑ 515.352               ordinary differential equations, ODEs  → 518.63  ≈ :I.14 
 ↑ 518               numerical analysis  → 519.4 
 ↑ 518.5               numerical approximation  → 511.4  ≈ :O.2 
 ↑ 518.6               numerical methods in analysis  → 3  515 
 ↑ 518.63               numerical solutions of ordinal differential equations  → 515.352  ≈ :O.4 
 ↑ 518.64               numerical solutions of partial differential equations  → 515.353  ≈ :O.5 
 ↑ 519.4               applied numerical analysis, finite elements, MATLAB  → 4  510.285  518 
 ↑ 530.15               mathematical physics  → 519.8  531  ≈ :ZA.0 
 ↑ 531               classical mechanics, continuum mechanics  → 516.36  530.15  620.1  ≈ :ZA.1 
 ↑ 610.72               medical statistics  → 519 
 ↑ 624.17               structural systems, building science  → 519.4  620.1 
 ↑ 658.4               executive management  → 519.7  ≈ :R.1 
 ↑ 658.403               decisions, information management  → 006.31  153.8  519.53 
 ↑ 793.74               mathematical games  → 510.7 
 ↑ A.0                   ≈ 510 MSC 01A75
 ↑ B.1                   ≈ 510 MSC 00A06, 00A08
 ↑ C.1                   ≈ 510 MSC 00A20
 ↑ C.2                   ≈ 510 MSC 00B20, 00B25
 ↑ C.3                   ≈ 510 MSC 00B10, 00B15
 ↑ C.4                   ≈ 510 MSC 00A05, per serie >10 volumi vedi X.1
 ↑ C.98                   ≈ 510.7 esclusi dal prestito; MSC 00A07
 ↑ C.99                   ≈ 510 esclusi dal prestito; MSC 00A22
 ↑ D.2                   ≈ 510.9 MSC 01A tranne 01A75
 ↑ D.3                 → :A.0  ≈ 510.9 
 ↑ E.0                   ≈ 511 MSC 03
 ↑ E.1                 → :ZE.0  ≈ 511.3 MSC 03 tranne 03E, 03H
 ↑ E.2                   ≈ 511.32 MSC 03E
 ↑ E.97                   ≈ 511 MSC 03H
 ↑ E.98                   ≈ 511 esclusi dal prestito
 ↑ F.0                   ≈ 511.6 MSC 05
 ↑ F.1                   ≈ 511.5 MSC 05C
 ↑ F.97                   ≈ 511.6 
 ↑ G.0                   ≈ 512 
 ↑ G.1                   ≈ 512 MSC 06
 ↑ G.2                   ≈ 512 MSC 08
 ↑ G.3                   ≈ 512.3 MSC 12
 ↑ G.4                   ≈ 512 MSC 13
 ↑ G.5                   ≈ 512.5 MSC 15
 ↑ G.6                   ≈ 512.4 MSC 16
 ↑ G.7                 → :M.3  ≈ 512.4 MSC 17 pro parte tranne 17B
 ↑ G.8                   ≈ 512.6 MSC 18
 ↑ G.9                   ≈ 512.2 MSC 20
 ↑ G.97                   ≈ 512 
 ↑ G.98                   ≈ 512 esclusi dal prestito
 ↑ G.99                   ≈ 512 esclusi dal prestito
 ↑ H.0                   ≈ 512.7 MSC 11
 ↑ H.1                   ≈ 512.72 MSC 11A
 ↑ H.2                   ≈ 512.74  512.75 MSC 11G, 11R, 11S
 ↑ H.97                   ≈ 512.7 
 ↑ H.98                   ≈ 512.7 esclusi dal prestito
 ↑ H.99                   ≈ 512.7 esclusi dal prestito
 ↑ I.0                   ≈ 515 
 ↑ I.1                   ≈ 515.2 
 ↑ I.10                   ≈ 515.24 MSC 42
 ↑ I.11                   ≈ 515785 MSC 43
 ↑ I.12                   ≈ 515.72 MSC 44
 ↑ I.13                   ≈ 515.3 
 ↑ I.14                   ≈ 515.352  515.39 MSC 34, 37
 ↑ I.15                   ≈ 515.353 MSC 35
 ↑ I.16                   ≈ 515.62  515.75 MSC 39
 ↑ I.17                   ≈ 515.45 MSC 45
 ↑ I.18                   ≈ 515.7 MSC 46, 47
 ↑ I.19                   ≈ 515.64 MSC 49
 ↑ I.2                   ≈ 515.8 MSC 26
 ↑ I.3                   ≈ 515.42 MSC 28
 ↑ I.4                   ≈ 515.93 MSC 30
 ↑ I.5                   ≈ 515.96 MSC 31
 ↑ I.6                   ≈ 515.94 MSC 32
 ↑ I.7                   ≈ 515.5 MSC 33
 ↑ I.8                   ≈ 515.24 MSC 40
 ↑ I.9                   ≈ 511.4 MSC 41
 ↑ I.97                   ≈ 515 
 ↑ I.98                   ≈ 515.07 esclusi dal prestito
 ↑ I.99                   ≈ 515021 esclusi dal prestito
 ↑ J.0                   ≈ 516 MSC 51
 ↑ J.1                   ≈ 516 MSC 51N
 ↑ J.2                   ≈ 516.08 MSC 52
 ↑ J.97                   ≈ 516 
 ↑ J.98                   ≈ 516 esclusi dal prestito
 ↑ J.99                   ≈ 516 esclusi dal prestito
 ↑ K.0                   ≈ 516.35 MSC 14
 ↑ K.1                   ≈ 516.35 MSC 14C, 14D
 ↑ K.2                   ≈ 516.35 MSC 14G
 ↑ K.3                   ≈ 516353 MSC 14H, 14J
 ↑ K.4                   ≈ 516353 MSC 14K, 14L
 ↑ K.5                 → MSC 14P  ≈ 516.35 
 ↑ K.6                   ≈ 516.35 MSC 14Q
 ↑ L.0                   ≈ 514 
 ↑ L.1                   ≈ 514 MSC 54
 ↑ L.2                   ≈ 514.2 MSC 55
 ↑ L.3                   ≈ 514.7 MSC 57
 ↑ L.97                   ≈ 514 
 ↑ L.98                   ≈ 514 esclusi dal prestito
 ↑ M.0                   ≈ 512.4  516.36 
 ↑ M.1                   ≈ 516.36  514.74 
 ↑ M.2                   ≈ 516.36 MSC 53
 ↑ M.3                 → :G.7  :G.9  :I.11  ≈ 512.4  512.5 MSC 22, 17B pro parte
 ↑ M.98                   ≈ 512.4  516.36 esclusi dal prestito
 ↑ M.99                   ≈ 512.4  516.36 esclusi dal prestito
 ↑ N.0                   ≈ 519 
 ↑ N.1                   ≈ 519.2 
 ↑ N.2                   ≈ 519.5 MSC 62
 ↑ N.97                   ≈ 519 
 ↑ N.98                   ≈ 519 esclusi dal prestito
 ↑ O.0                   ≈ 518 MSC 65
 ↑ O.2                   ≈ 518.5 MSC 65D
 ↑ O.3                   ≈ 518.4 MSC 65F
 ↑ O.4                   ≈ 518.63 MSC 65L
 ↑ O.5                   ≈ 518.64 MSC 65M, 65N
 ↑ O.6                   ≈ 518 MSC 65Y
 ↑ O.7                   ≈ 519.6 
 ↑ Q.0                   ≈ 519.8 MSC 00A69
 ↑ Q.1                   ≈ 519.8  530 MSC 00A79, 92E
 ↑ Q.2                   ≈ 519.8  620 MSC 00A69 pro parte
 ↑ Q.3                   ≈ 519.8  570 MSC 92 tranne 92E
 ↑ Q.4                   ≈ 153  519.8 MSC 91E
 ↑ Q.5                   ≈ 519.8 MSC 91C, 91D
 ↑ Q.6                   ≈ 519.8 MSC 00A69 pro parte
 ↑ R.0                   ≈ 519.8 
 ↑ R.1               operations research, programming theory    ≈ 519.7  658.4 MSC 90
 ↑ R.2                   ≈ 519.3 MSC 91A
 ↑ R.3                   ≈ 330.0151  519.8 MSC 91B
 ↑ T.1                   ≈ 510.7 MSC 00-01 pro parte
 ↑ T.2                   ≈ 510.7 MSC 00-01 pro parte
 ↑ T.3                   ≈ 510.7 MSC 00-01 pro parte
 ↑ T.4                   ≈ 510.7 MSC 00-01 pro parte
 ↑ T.5                   ≈ 510.7 MSC 97
 ↑ AL1               algebra 1    ≈ 512 
 ↑ AN1               optimization algorithms    ≈ 519 
 ↑ AN2               numerical analysis    ≈ 519.4 
 ↑ AN3               approximation methods    ≈ 519.4 
 ↑ AN4               numerical methods for partial derivative equations    ≈ 519.4 
 ↑ AN5               numerical methods for ordinary differential equations    ≈ 519.4 
 ↑ AN6               congresses (numerical analysis)    ≈ 519.4 
CG               Combinatorial theories    ≈ 511.6 
 ↑ CS1               finite difference    ≈ 519.4 
 ↑ CS2               padding    ≈ 519.4 
 ↑ CS3               finite element    ≈ 519.4 
 ↑ CS4               matrix methods    ≈ 519.4 
 ↑ CS5               numerical methods    ≈ 519.4 
 ↑ CS6               mathematical programming    ≈ 519.4 
 ↑ CS7               conference (Calculation of structures)    ≈ 519.4 
 ↑ D1D               Mathematics and mathematics manuals    ≈ 519.4 
 ↑ D3A               Design and calculation of structures by electronic computer    ≈ 519.4 
 ↑ ET7               numerical methods for electrical engineering    ≈ 519.4  621.3 
 ↑  IV, V                   ≈ 519 
LC               Logic and computability    ≈ 511.3 
 ↑ MA1               Mathematical analysis    ≈ 515 
 ↑ MA3               Geometry and algebra    ≈ 512  516 
 ↑ MA4               Congresses (Mathematics)    ≈ 515 
 ↑ MAT               Mathematics    ≈ 515 
MG               General mathematics    ≈ 515 
 ↑ MN6               Math manuals    ≈ 515 
 ↑ OM1               Optimization    ≈ 519.6  519.7 
 ↑ OM2               Theory and methods of optimization    ≈ 519.6 
OP               Optimization and operational research    ≈ 519.6 
PS               probability and statistics    ≈ 519 
 ↑ R1A               mathematics    ≈ 515 
 ↑ R3A               Statistics and probability theory    ≈ 519 
 ↑ R3B               Applied statistics    ≈ 519 
 ↑ R3C               Probabilistic methods applied    ≈ 519.2 
 ↑ R3F               Optimization, theory of decisions    ≈ 519.6 
 ↑ R4A               Numerical methods     ≈ 624.17  519.4 
 ↑ R4B               Finite difference    ≈ 624.17  519.4 
 ↑ R4C               Finite element     ≈ 624.17  519.4 
 ↑ R4D               Mathematical Programming    ≈ 624.17  519.4 
 ↑ R4E               Matrix methods    ≈ 624.17  519.4 
 ↑ S.SPEC.42.GB               biometry    ≈ 519 
 ↑ SP1               time series anlysis and forecast techniques    ≈ 519 
 ↑ SP2               multivariate anlaysis and classification techniques    ≈ 519 
 ↑ SP3               experiments drawing    ≈ 519 
 ↑ SP4               probabilistic methods    ≈ 519.2 
 ↑ SP5               pattern-recognition    ≈ 519 
 ↑ SP6               stochastic simulation    ≈ 519 
 ↑ SP7               statistics    ≈ 519 
 ↑ SP8               congresses (statistics and probability)    ≈ 519 
 ↑ 60E               mathematics    ≈ 510 
 ↑ 60F               mathematical and statistical tables     ≈ 510 


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