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 ↑ 343          military, public property, fiscal law         → 005.8    [e Fisica 34]   
 ↑ 343.02                    public heritage law         → 343.4502       
 ↑ 343.025                         real estate         → 343.45025       
 ↑ 343.07                    economical law         → 343.4507       
 ↑ 343.071                         protection of consumers         → 343.45071       
 ↑ 343.076                         agriculture regulation         → 343.45076 630      
 ↑ 343.078                         secondary industries and services         → 343.45078       
 ↑ 343.08                    trade regulation         → 343.4508       
 ↑ 343.09                    public service law         → 343.4509       
 ↑ 343.094                         road transport law         → 343.45094 363.125 629.2     

See also:

 ↑ D.PUB.E                         Science of finance, tax law     ≈ 343.04 
 ↑ STA10                         International trade    ≈ 343.087 
 ↑ 41                           → 343.087 
 ↑ 005.8                         data security  → 343 
 ↑ 343.02                         public heritage law  → 343.4502 
 ↑ 343.025                         real estate  → 343.45025 
 ↑ 343.07                         economical law  → 343.4507 
 ↑ 343.071                         protection of consumers  → 343.45071 
 ↑ 343.076                         agriculture regulation  → 343.45076  630 
 ↑ 343.078                         secondary industries and services  → 343.45078 
 ↑ 343.08                         trade regulation  → 343.4508 
 ↑ 343.09                         public service law  → 343.4509 
 ↑ 343.094                         road transport law  → 343.45094  363.125  629.2 
 ↑ 343.094026                         traffic laws  → 343.45094026 
 ↑ 363.125                         road transportation risk  → 343.094  629.213 
 ↑ 629.2                         land vehicles  → 343.094  625.7 
 ↑ 630                         agriculture in general  → 338.1  343.076  580  ≈ S.SPEC.21.AE 


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