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  340     law        
 ↑ 340          law in general             
 ↑ 340.07                    law teaching             
 ↑ 340.0711                              university law schools             
 ↑ 340.09                    history and geography of law             
 ↑ 340.1               law philosophy and theory             
 ↑ 340.112                         law and ethics         → 170       
 ↑ 340.2               comparative law             
 ↑ 340.59                    Islamic law         → 297 349.65      
 ↑ 340.9               conflict of laws             
 ↑ 340.92                    conflict of laws on contracts and representation         → 346.02       
 ↑ 341          international law         → 327       
 ↑ 341.1               pacifism [obsolete]         → 327.172       
 ↑ 341.2               treaties             
 ↑ 341.23                    United Nations             
 ↑ 341.2422                              treatises of European Union         → 320.94 327.4      
 ↑ 341.3               relationships between states             
 ↑ 341.4               jurisdiction on space             
 ↑ 341.45                    open sea         → 387.5       
 ↑ 341.6               law of nations, war law             
 ↑ 341.7               international cooperation law         → 327.17       
 ↑ 342          public, administrative, constitutional law             
 ↑ 342.06                    administrative law         → 342.4506       
 ↑ 342.066                         administrative procedure         → 342.45066       
 ↑ 342.08                    jurisdiction on persons             
 ↑ 342.085                         rights and personal activities         → 342.45085       
 ↑ 342.0853                              freedom of information and opinion         → 342.450853       
 ↑ 342.0858                              privacy protection         → 342.240858 342.450858      
 ↑ 342.0878                              women rights         → 342.450878       
 ↑ 342.4               constitutional and administrative law in Europe             
 ↑ 343          military, public property, fiscal law         → 005.8    [e Fisica 34]   
 ↑ 343.02                    public heritage law         → 343.4502       
 ↑ 343.025                         real estate         → 343.45025       
 ↑ 343.07                    economical law         → 343.4507       
 ↑ 343.071                         protection of consumers         → 343.45071       
 ↑ 343.076                         agriculture regulation         → 343.45076 630      
 ↑ 343.078                         secondary industries and services         → 343.45078       
 ↑ 343.08                    trade regulation         → 343.4508       
 ↑ 343.09                    public service law         → 343.4509       
 ↑ 343.094                         road transport law         → 343.45094 363.125 629.2     
 ↑ 343.094026                                        traffic laws         → 343.45094026       
 ↑ 344          social law, safety, environment, nature reserves         → 333.72 363 614 690.22S.SPEC.32.BJ e al Botta 2   
 ↑ 344.01                    labour law         → 344.4501       
 ↑ 344.017                         professional qualification law         → 344.45017       
 ↑ 344.04                    law of social problems and services         → 344.4504 362      
 ↑ 344.041                         healthcare staff law         → 344.45041 610.69      
 ↑ 344.0419                              medical profession law         → 344.450419       
 ↑ 344.042                         laws on food and drugs         → 344.45042 615 664     
 ↑ 344.046                         environmental protection         → 333.72 344.45046 363.72     
 ↑ 344.09                    culture and religion law         → 344.4509 363.69      
 ↑ 345          penal law             
 ↑ 346          private, civil, urbanistic law         → 348 711      
 ↑ 346.0026                              texts of acts and verdicts of private law         → 346.450026       
 ↑ 346.01                    law of persons and families         → 346.4501       
 ↑ 346.013                         legal capacity of persons         → 346.45013       
 ↑ 346.0138                              capacity of persons with mental disorders         → 346.450138       
 ↑ 346.015                         family law         → 346.45015       
 ↑ 346.016                         marriage, domestic partnership, civil union         → 262.9 346.45016      
 ↑ 346.016026                                        texts of acts on marriage         → 346.45016026       
 ↑ 346.0166                              divorce         → 346.450166       
 ↑ 346.02                    contracts and representation         → 340.92 346.4502      
 ↑ 346.02026                                   texts of acts on contracts and representation         → 346.4502026       
 ↑ 346.022                         contracts         → 346.45022       
 ↑ 346.03                    offenses         → 346.4503       
 ↑ 346.03026                                   texts of acts on offenses         → 346.4503026       
 ↑ 346.031                         employers responsibility         → 346.45031       
 ↑ 346.032                         negligence         → 346.45032       
 ↑ 346.0322                              accidents         → 346.450322       
 ↑ 346.0323                              personal injuries         → 346.450323       
 ↑ 346.04                    property         → 330.17 346.4504      
 ↑ 346.043                         real estate law         → 333.3 346.45043      
 ↑ 346.0434                              real estate tenancy         → 346.450434       
 ↑ 346.04348                                   location of agricultural land         → 346.4504348       
 ↑ 346.0435                              easement         → 346.450435       
 ↑ 346.0436                              real estate sell         → 333.33 346.450436      
 ↑ 346.045                         land planning         → 690.2 711.4      
 ↑ 346.048                         copyright, patents and trade marks law         → 346.45048 608      
 ↑ 346.05                    inheritance         → 346.4505       
 ↑ 346.052                         inheritance and succession         → 346.45052       
 ↑ 346.054                         testament         → 346.45054       
 ↑ 346.059                         trusteeship, fideicommissum         → 346.45059       
 ↑ 346.06                    organizations, associations         → 346.4506       
 ↑ 346.064                         no-profit organizations         → 346.45064       
 ↑ 346.065                         law of enterprises         → 346.45065       
 ↑ 346.066                         company law         → 346.45066       
 ↑ 346.068                         enterprises without legal personality         → 346.45068       
 ↑ 346.07                    commercial law         → 346.4507       
 ↑ 346.072                         law of selling         → 346.45072       
 ↑ 346.073                         law of loan         → 346.45073       
 ↑ 346.074                         warranted operations         → 346.45074       
 ↑ 346.077                         law of creditors         → 346.45077       
 ↑ 346.08                    bank and insurance law         → 332.1 346.4508 368     
 ↑ 346.09                    investment and negotiable instrument law         → 346.4509       
 ↑ 346.092                         investment law         → 346.45092       
 ↑ 346.096                         negotiable instrument law         → 346.45096       
 ↑ 347          civil and processual law              
 ↑ 347.01                    tribunals         → 347.4501       
 ↑ 347.016                         public officers         → 347.45016       
 ↑ 347.07                    cases         → 347.4507       
 ↑ 347.077                         judgments         → 347.45077       
 ↑ 347.09                    arbitration         → 347.4509       
 ↑ 348          laws, regulations, jurisprudence         → 346       
 ↑ 349          law in specific states             
 ↑ 349.4               law in European states             
 ↑ 349.44                    French law             
 ↑ 349.45                    Italian law [see also individual matters]             
 ↑ 349.5               law in Asian countries         → 915       
 ↑ 349.52                    Japanese law         → 915.2       
 ↑ 349.6               law in African countries         → 916       
 ↑ 349.63                    Ethopian law         → 916.3       
 ↑ 349.65                    Algerian law         → 320.965 340.59 916.5     
 ↑ 349.67                    law in central Africa             

See also:

 ↑ D.PEN                    Penal law / Criminal law    ≈ 345 
 ↑ D.PRI                    Private law    ≈ 346 
 ↑ D.PRI.A                    Companies, enterprises, shareholders    ≈ 346.06 
 ↑ D.PRI.B                    Commercial law    ≈ 346.07 
 ↑ D.PRI.C                    Private and civil law, civil procedure    ≈ 346 
 ↑ D.PRI.E                    Bankruptcy law    ≈ 346.078 
 ↑ D.PRI.F                    Industrial law (patents and licenses)    ≈ 346 
 ↑ D.PRI.G                    Labour law    ≈ 344 
 ↑ D.PUB                    Public law    ≈ 342 
 ↑ D.PUB.A                    Regional law    ≈ 342 
 ↑ D.PUB.B                    Parliamentary law    ≈ 342 
 ↑ D.PUB.C                    Public economic law, accounting    ≈ 342 
 ↑ D.PUB.D                    Philosophy of law, political sciences, sociology    ≈ 340.1   342 
 ↑ D.PUB.E                    Science of finance, tax law     ≈ 343.04 
 ↑ D.PUB.F                    Administrative law    ≈ 342 
 ↑ D.PUB.G                    International law    ≈ 342 
 ↑ D.PUB.H                    European Union law     ≈ 342  341.2422 
 ↑ D.PUB.L                    Public comparative law    ≈ 342  340.2 
 ↑ D.PUB.M                    Environmental law    ≈ 344.046 
 ↑ D.PUB.N                    Health law    ≈ 342  344.04 
 ↑ II.C                    International law    ≈ 341 
 ↑ II.E                    Laws of Native Americans    ≈ 970  348 
 ↑ SP.2                    Sociology and theory of law    ≈ 340.115 
 ↑ STA10                    International trade    ≈ 343.087 
 ↑ STA13                    Legal statistics    ≈ 310  340 
 ↑ STA1C                    Methodological studies (ONU)    ≈ 341.23 
 ↑ 41                      → 343.087 
 ↑ ROI.3                      → 340 
 ↑ 005.8                    data security  → 343 
 ↑ 170                    ethics generally, bioethics  → 340.112 
 ↑ 262.9                    Church law  → 346.016  346.45016 
 ↑ 297                    Islam  → 181.07  305.697  340.59 
 ↑ 320.94                    political conditions in Europe  → 341.2422 
 ↑ 320.965                    political conditions in Algeria  → 349.65 
 ↑ 327                    international relations  → 172.4  337  341 
 ↑ 327.17                    international cooperation  → 341.7 
 ↑ 327.172                    promotion of peace  → 172.4  341.1 
 ↑ 327.4                    European international relations  → 341.2422 
 ↑ 330.17                    theory of property  → 346.04  346.4504 
 ↑ 332.1                    banks  → 346.08 
 ↑ 333.3                    private property, expertise  → 346.043 
 ↑ 333.33                    land sell  → 346.0436 
 ↑ 333.72                    conservation  → 344.046  639.9  719  ≈ S.SPEC.32.BJ  `18C 
 ↑ 340.59                    Islamic law  → 297  349.65 
 ↑ 340.92                    conflict of laws on contracts and representation  → 346.02 
 ↑ 342.06                    administrative law  → 342.4506 
 ↑ 342.066                    administrative procedure  → 342.45066 
 ↑ 342.085                    rights and personal activities  → 342.45085 
 ↑ 342.0853                    freedom of information and opinion  → 342.450853 
 ↑ 342.0858                    privacy protection  → 342.240858  342.450858 
 ↑ 342.0878                    women rights  → 342.450878 
 ↑ 343.02                    public heritage law  → 343.4502 
 ↑ 343.025                    real estate  → 343.45025 
 ↑ 343.07                    economical law  → 343.4507 
 ↑ 343.071                    protection of consumers  → 343.45071 
 ↑ 343.076                    agriculture regulation  → 343.45076  630 
 ↑ 343.078                    secondary industries and services  → 343.45078 
 ↑ 343.08                    trade regulation  → 343.4508 
 ↑ 343.09                    public service law  → 343.4509 
 ↑ 343.094                    road transport law  → 343.45094  363.125  629.2 
 ↑ 343.094026                    traffic laws  → 343.45094026 
 ↑ 344.01                    labour law  → 344.4501 
 ↑ 344.017                    professional qualification law  → 344.45017 
 ↑ 344.04                    law of social problems and services  → 344.4504  362 
 ↑ 344.041                    healthcare staff law  → 344.45041  610.69 
 ↑ 344.0419                    medical profession law  → 344.450419 
 ↑ 344.042                    laws on food and drugs  → 344.45042  615  664 
 ↑ 344.046                    environmental protection  → 333.72  344.45046  363.72 
 ↑ 344.09                    culture and religion law  → 344.4509  363.69 
 ↑ 346                    private, civil, urbanistic law  → 348  711 
 ↑ 346.0026                    texts of acts and verdicts of private law  → 346.450026 
 ↑ 346.01                    law of persons and families  → 346.4501 
 ↑ 346.013                    legal capacity of persons  → 346.45013 
 ↑ 346.0138                    capacity of persons with mental disorders  → 346.450138 
 ↑ 346.015                    family law  → 346.45015 
 ↑ 346.016                    marriage, domestic partnership, civil union  → 262.9  346.45016 
 ↑ 346.016026                    texts of acts on marriage  → 346.45016026 
 ↑ 346.0166                    divorce  → 346.450166 
 ↑ 346.02                    contracts and representation  → 340.92  346.4502 
 ↑ 346.02026                    texts of acts on contracts and representation  → 346.4502026 
 ↑ 346.022                    contracts  → 346.45022 
 ↑ 346.03                    offenses  → 346.4503 
 ↑ 346.03026                    texts of acts on offenses  → 346.4503026 
 ↑ 346.031                    employers responsibility  → 346.45031 
 ↑ 346.032                    negligence  → 346.45032 
 ↑ 346.0322                    accidents  → 346.450322 
 ↑ 346.0323                    personal injuries  → 346.450323 
 ↑ 346.04                    property  → 330.17  346.4504 
 ↑ 346.043                    real estate law  → 333.3  346.45043 
 ↑ 346.0434                    real estate tenancy  → 346.450434 
 ↑ 346.0434026                    texts of acts on real estate tenancy  → 346.450434026 
 ↑ 346.04348                    location of agricultural land  → 346.4504348 
 ↑ 346.04348026                    texts of acts on agricultural land location  → 346.4504348026 
 ↑ 346.0435                    easement  → 346.450435 
 ↑ 346.0436                    real estate sell  → 333.33  346.450436 
 ↑ 346.048                    copyright, patents and trade marks law  → 346.45048  608 
 ↑ 346.05                    inheritance  → 346.4505 
 ↑ 346.052                    inheritance and succession  → 346.45052 
 ↑ 346.054                    testament  → 346.45054 
 ↑ 346.059                    trusteeship, fideicommissum  → 346.45059 
 ↑ 346.06                    organizations, associations  → 346.4506 
 ↑ 346.064                    no-profit organizations  → 346.45064 
 ↑ 346.065                    law of enterprises  → 346.45065 
 ↑ 346.066                    company law  → 346.45066 
 ↑ 346.068                    enterprises without legal personality  → 346.45068 
 ↑ 346.07                    commercial law  → 346.4507 
 ↑ 346.072                    law of selling  → 346.45072 
 ↑ 346.073                    law of loan  → 346.45073 
 ↑ 346.074                    warranted operations  → 346.45074 
 ↑ 346.077                    law of creditors  → 346.45077 
 ↑ 346.08                    bank and insurance law  → 332.1  346.4508  368 
 ↑ 346.09                    investment and negotiable instrument law  → 346.4509 
 ↑ 346.092                    investment law  → 346.45092 
 ↑ 346.096                    negotiable instrument law  → 346.45096 
 ↑ 347.01                    tribunals  → 347.4501 
 ↑ 347.016                    public officers  → 347.45016 
 ↑ 347.07                    cases  → 347.4507 
 ↑ 347.077                    judgments  → 347.45077 
 ↑ 347.09                    arbitration  → 347.4509 
 ↑ 348                    laws, regulations, jurisprudence  → 346 
 ↑ 349.65                    Algerian law  → 320.965  340.59  916.5 
 ↑ 362                    welfare  → 344.04 
 ↑ 363                    security and social problems  → 344 
 ↑ 363.125                    road transportation risk  → 343.094  629.213 
 ↑ 363.69                    cultural heritage protection  → 344.09  720.288 
 ↑ 363.7                    pollution, environmental concerns  → 304.2  344.046  628.5  632.95 
 ↑ 368                    insurance  → 346.08  519.8 
 ↑ 387.5                    maritime transport  → 341.45 
 ↑ 577                    ecology  → 304.2  333.95  344  363.7 
 ↑ 608                    patents  → 346.048 
 ↑ 610.69                    medical staff  → 344.041 
 ↑ 614                    public health  → 344  362.1  725.5 
 ↑ 615                    pharmacology, terapeutics  → 344.042 
 ↑ 629.2                    land vehicles  → 343.094  625.7 
 ↑ 630                    agriculture in general  → 338.1  343.076  580  ≈ S.SPEC.21.AE 
 ↑ 664                    food technology and microbiology  → 344.042  579.563  641 
 ↑ 690.2                    activities on buildings  → 346.045  ≈ AR18 
 ↑ 690.22                    safety actions in building  → 344  ≈ AR24 
 ↑ 711                    area planning  → 346  526  ≈ S.SPEC.43.ID 
 ↑ 711.4                    municipal-scale planning, cities  → 307  333.337  346.045  629 
 ↑ 915                    Asia  → 349.5 
 ↑ 915.2                    Japan  → 349.52 
 ↑ 916.3                    Ethiopia and Eritrea  → 349.63  963 
 ↑ AM3                    quarries    ≈ 344  622.2 
 ↑ AM7                    nature conservation    ≈ 344 
 ↑ AR20                    technical legislation    ≈ 344 
 ↑  I, VII, VIII                        ≈ 346 
 ↑ LG1                    Law    ≈ 346 
 ↑ LG2                    Urban planning law    ≈ 346 
 ↑ LG3                    Legislation    ≈ 346 
 ↑ LG4                    public works legislation    ≈ 346 
 ↑ LG5                    transport legislation    ≈ 346 
 ↑ LG6                    mining legislation    ≈ 346 
 ↑ LG7                    town-planning legislation    ≈ 346 
 ↑ LG8                    Legal issues    ≈ 346 
 ↑ LG9                    congresses (legislation)    ≈ 346 
N1                    Regulations on metals    ≈ 344 
N2                    Regulations on non-metallic metals    ≈ 344 
N3                    Regulations on structures and structural elements    ≈ 344 
N4                    Regulations on loads    ≈ 344 
N5                    Various regulations    ≈ 344 
NO                    Regulations (elect.)    ≈ 344 
 ↑ NO1                    regulations on loads    ≈ 344 
 ↑ NO2                    Regulations on non-metallic metals    ≈ 344 
 ↑ NO3                    Regulations on metals    ≈ 344 
 ↑ NO4                    Regulations on structures or structural elements    ≈ 344 
 ↑ NO5                    Various regulations    ≈ 344 
RI                    Research (projects, laws, patents)    ≈ 344 
 ↑ S.SPEC.32.BJ                    reserves, conservation    ≈ 333.72  344 
 ↑ VA6                    university legislation    ≈ 344 
 ↑ VA7                    rules    ≈ 344 


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