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 ↑ 333.7               natural resources, energy         → 338.927 354 621.31 720.47    
 ↑ 333.72                    conservation         → 344.046 639.9 719 S.SPEC.32.BJ  18C    

See also:

 ↑ 338.02                    products and services, study of commodities  → 333.7 
 ↑ 338.927                    environmental economy, sustainable development  → 333.7  720.47 
 ↑ 344                    social law, safety, environment, nature reserves  → 333.72  363  614  690.22  ≈ S.SPEC.32.BJ e al Botta 2
 ↑ 344.046                    environmental protection  → 333.72  344.45046  363.72 
 ↑ 621.31                    electrical energy  → 333.7 
 ↑ 639.9                    conservation  → 333.72 
 ↑ 719                    wildlife landscapes  → 333.72  577.8  712.5 
 ↑ 720.47                    architecture and environment  → 333.7  338.927  621.47  696 
 ↑ AIV                    energetic    ≈ 333.7  720.47 
 ↑ AM1                    agricolture    ≈ 333.7  630 
 ↑ AM2                    enviromnet    ≈ 333.72  720.47 
 ↑ AMB                    environments, energy    ≈ 333.7 
 ↑ EE2                    power development    ≈ 333.7 
EN                    energetic    ≈ 333.7 
 ↑ S.SPEC.32.BJ                    reserves, conservation    ≈ 333.72  344 
 ↑ TS1                    natural resources management    ≈ 333.7 
 ↑ TS2                    modelling and simulation    ≈ 333.7 
 ↑ TS3                    ecological systems    ≈ 333.7 
 ↑ TS5                    theory of estimate and identification    ≈ 333.7 
 ↑ TS6                    congresses (systems)    ≈ 333.7 
 ↑ 18C                    environmental geology    ≈ 333.72  719 


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