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 ↑ 325          migration         → 304.8 331.6      
 ↑ 325.2               emigration             
 ↑ 325.245                         Italian emigration             
 ↑ 325.3               colonization             
 ↑ 325.309                         colonization history         → 950 960      
 ↑ 325.32                    imperialism             
 ↑ 325.34                    European colonization             
 ↑ 325.341                         British colonization         → 960       
 ↑ 325.343                         German colonization             
 ↑ 325.344                         French colonization             
 ↑ 325.345                         Italian colonization             
 ↑ 325.346                         Spanish and Portuguese colonization             
 ↑ 325.6               colonization of Africa         → 960       

See also:

 ↑ 304.8               population movements  → 325 
 ↑ 331.6               workers of particular ethnic groups  → 325 
 ↑ 950               Asian history in general  → 325.309 
 ↑ 960               African history in general  → 306.096  325.309  325.6  916  ≈ )AA. 
 ↑ 961               history of Tunisia and Libia  → 325.345096  916.1 
 ↑ 963               history of Ethiopia and Eritrea  → 305.8928  325.345096  916.3 
 ↑ 966.9               history of Nigeria  → 325.341 
 ↑ 967.7               history of Somalia  → 325.345096 
 ↑ 967.8               history of Tanzania  → 325.341 


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