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  320     political sciences        
 ↑ 320          anthropology in general         → 304.5 305.8 599.93     
 ↑ 320.01                             → 172       
 ↑ 320.1               the state             
 ↑ 320.5               political ideologies             
 ↑ 320.531                         socialism         → 335       
 ↑ 320.532                         Communism             
 ↑ 320.55                    religion-grounded theories and ideologies         → 909.09767       
 ↑ 320.9               situation and political conditions             
 ↑ 320.94                    political conditions in Europe         → 341.2422       
 ↑ 320.945                         political conditions in Italy             
 ↑ 320.95                    political conditions in Asia             
 ↑ 320.956                         political conditions in Middle East         → 320.9174927 956      
 ↑ 320.95694                                   political conditions in Palestine and Israel         → 327.5694 956.94      
 ↑ 320.96                    political conditions in Africa         → 960.3       
 ↑ 320.965                         political conditions in Algeria         → 349.65       
 ↑ 320.968                         political conditions in South Africa             
 ↑ 321          forms of government             
 ↑ 321.8               democratic government             
 ↑ 321.9               authoritarian government             
 ↑ 322          relations of state with organized groups             
 ↑ 322.42                    revolutionists and mutinous             
 ↑ 323          civil and political rights             
 ↑ 323.1               civil and political rights of non-dominant groups             
 ↑ 323.168                         minority rights in South Africa         → 305.800968 968      
 ↑ 323.4               limitations of civil rights             
 ↑ 323.6               citizenship             
 ↑ 324          political life             
 ↑ 324.2               political parties         → 329       
 ↑ 325          migration         → 304.8 331.6      
 ↑ 325.2               emigration             
 ↑ 325.245                         Italian emigration             
 ↑ 325.3               colonization             
 ↑ 325.309                         colonization history         → 950 960      
 ↑ 325.309034                                        colonization in 19th Century             
 ↑ 325.32                    imperialism             
 ↑ 325.34                    European colonization             
 ↑ 325.341                         British colonization         → 960       
 ↑ 325.343                         German colonization             
 ↑ 325.344                         French colonization             
 ↑ 325.344096                                        French colonization in Africa             
 ↑ 325.345                         Italian colonization             
 ↑ 325.345096                                        Italian colonization in Africa         → 961 963 967.7     
 ↑ 325.346                         Spanish and Portuguese colonization             
 ↑ 325.3469                              Portuguese colonization             
 ↑ 325.6               colonization of Africa         → 960       
 ↑ 327          international relations         → 172.4 337 341     
 ↑ 327.0904                              international relations in 20th Century         → 909.82       
 ↑ 327.12                    secret service             
 ↑ 327.17                    international cooperation         → 341.7       
 ↑ 327.172                         promotion of peace         → 172.4 341.1      
 ↑ 327.2               diplomacy             
 ↑ 327.2092                              ambassadors             
 ↑ 327.4               European international relations         → 341.2422       
 ↑ 327.406                         Europe-Africa relations             
 ↑ 327.41                    international relations of Britain             
 ↑ 327.44                    international relations of France             
 ↑ 327.45                    international relations of Italy             
 ↑ 327.47                    international relationships of Eastern Europe             
 ↑ 327.5               Asian international relations             
 ↑ 327.5691                              Syrian international relations         → 956.91       
 ↑ 327.5694                              international relations of Israel and Palestine         → 320.95694 956.94      
 ↑ 327.6               African international relations             
 ↑ 327.7               North-American international relations              
 ↑ 327.73                    international relations of USA         → 973       
 ↑ 329          political parties [obsolete]         → 324.2       

See also:

 ↑ DD.          Diplomatic documents    ≈ 327.2 
 ↑ DD.CH          Diplomatic documents of Switzerland    ≈ 327.2 
 ↑ DD.FR          Diplomatic documents of France    ≈ 327.2 
 ↑ DD.GB          Diplomatic documents of Great Britain    ≈ 327.2 
 ↑ DD.IT          Diplomatic documents of Italy    ≈ 327.2 
 ↑ DD.IT AFR          Diplomatic documents Italy / Africa    ≈ 327.2 
 ↑ DD.USA          American diplomatic documents    ≈ 327.2 
 ↑ I.B          History of politcal doctrines    ≈ 320.09 
 ↑ I.D          Doctrines (Orient)    ≈ 320 
 ↑ I.E          History of political parties and movements     ≈ 324.209 
 ↑ I.F          Slavery    ≈ 326 
 ↑ I.G          Archives    ≈ 320 
 ↑ I.H          Politcal doctrines (Middle Ages)    ≈ 320.01 
 ↑ II.A          International politics    ≈ 327 
 ↑ II.B          International politics (conflicts)    ≈ 327.16 
 ↑ II.D          International politics (manuals and depositions)    ≈ 327 
 ↑ II.F          Diplomatic relations    ≈ 327 
 ↑ II.G          Foreign affairs    ≈ 327.1 
 ↑ III.C          International politics    ≈ 327 
 ↑ IX.A          Poltical studies    ≈ 320 
 ↑ IX.B          Political philosophy    ≈ 320.01 
 ↑ IX.D          International politics    ≈ 327 
 ↑ IX.E          Political studies    ≈ 320 
 ↑ IX.F          Political studies (democracy)    ≈ 321.8 
 ↑ IX.G          Political studies (Church)    ≈ 322.1 
 ↑ SP.1          History of political thought and political philosophy    ≈ 320.01 
 ↑ SP.10          International relations    ≈ 327 
 ↑ SP.11          Ideology    ≈ 320.5 
 ↑ SP.12          Political parties and party systems    ≈ 324.2 
 ↑ SP.13          Pressure groups and movements    ≈ 322.43 
 ↑ SP.14          Politcal institutions and regimes    ≈ 321 
 ↑ SP.16          Public politics analysis    ≈ 320 
 ↑ SP.17          Local government    ≈ 321 
 ↑ SP.18          Electoral behavior    ≈ 324.63   324.7 
 ↑ SP.19          Political culture and socialization     ≈ 323 
 ↑ SP.20          Political change and development    ≈ 321.09 
 ↑ SP.21          Description of political systems    ≈ 321 
 ↑ SP.6          General political theory    ≈ 320.01 
 ↑ SP.7          Political powers and elites     ≈ 324.4 
 ↑ SP.9          Political communications and symbols     ≈ 324 
 ↑ STA14A          Electoral statistics    ≈ 310  324.6 
 ↑ V.E          International politics    ≈ 327 
 ↑ VII.D          International politics    ≈ 327 
 ↑ VIII.E          Diplomatic agreements    ≈ 327.2 
 ↑ XII.D          Foreign policy FR    ≈ 327.1 
 ↑ XII.G          European international politics    ≈ 327 
 ↑ XIV.D          Liberalism and protectionism    ≈ 382  320.51 
 ↑ 42            → 327 
 ↑ ROI            → 327 
 ↑ ROI.2            → 320 
 ↑ 172            → 320.01 
 ↑ 172.4          ethics of international relationships, peace  → 327.172 
 ↑ 304.5          nature and culture, human ethology, sociobiology  → 320  591.5 
 ↑ 304.8          population movements  → 325 
 ↑ 305.8          ethnical groups  → 320 
 ↑ 305.800968          apartheid  → 323.168  968 
 ↑ 320.9174927          polical conditions in Arab countries  → 320.956 
 ↑ 320.956          political conditions in Middle East  → 320.9174927  956 
 ↑ 320.95694          political conditions in Palestine and Israel  → 327.5694  956.94 
 ↑ 324.2          political parties  → 329 
 ↑ 327.5694          international relations of Israel and Palestine  → 320.95694  956.94 
 ↑ 329          political parties [obsolete]  → 324.2 
 ↑ 331.6          workers of particular ethnic groups  → 325 
 ↑ 335          socialist economy  → 320.531 
 ↑ 337          international economical politics  → 327  338.91 
 ↑ 341          international law  → 327 
 ↑ 341.1          pacifism [obsolete]  → 327.172 
 ↑ 341.2422          treatises of European Union  → 320.94  327.4 
 ↑ 341.7          international cooperation law  → 327.17 
 ↑ 349.65          Algerian law  → 320.965  340.59  916.5 
 ↑ 599.9          humans, physical anthropology  → 320  569.9 
 ↑ 599.935          human genetics  → 320  576.5  616.04 
 ↑ 909.82          20th century world history  → 270.82  327.0904 
 ↑ 915.6          Middle East  → 320.956  338.2728  956 
 ↑ 950          Asian history in general  → 325.309 
 ↑ 956          history of Middle East  → 297.09  305.89159  320.956  915.6 
 ↑ 956.94          history of Israel  → 296.09  320.95694  327.5694  909.0492 
 ↑ 960          African history in general  → 306.096  325.309  325.6  916  ≈ )AA. 
 ↑ 960.3          African history after 1885  → 320.96 
 ↑ 961          history of Tunisia and Libia  → 325.345096  916.1 
 ↑ 963          history of Ethiopia and Eritrea  → 305.8928  325.345096  916.3 
 ↑ 966.9          history of Nigeria  → 325.341 
 ↑ 967.7          history of Somalia  → 325.345096 
 ↑ 967.8          history of Tanzania  → 325.341 
 ↑ 968          history of Southern Africa  → 305.800968  323.168 
 ↑ 973          history of USA  → 327.73 
 ↑ ISTAT          Censuses    ≈ 320 


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