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  300     sociology        
 ↑ 301          sociology in general         → 923       
 ↑ 301.096                         sociology and anthropology of Africa         → 916       
 ↑ 302          social interaction             
 ↑ 303          social processes             
 ↑ 304          sociological essays             
 ↑ 304.2               human ecology         → 363.7 577      
 ↑ 304.5               nature and culture, human ethology, sociobiology         → 320 591.5      
 ↑ 304.6               population             
 ↑ 304.61                    characters of population             
 ↑ 304.8               population movements         → 325       
 ↑ 305          social groups             
 ↑ 305.42                    social function and status of women         → 331.4       
 ↑ 305.6               religious groups             
 ↑ 305.697                         Muslims         → 297 305.8927      
 ↑ 305.8               ethnical groups         → 320       
 ↑ 305.800968                                        apartheid         → 323.168 968      
 ↑ 305.89159                                   Kurds         → 956       
 ↑ 305.8924                              Jews         → 909.0492       
 ↑ 305.8927                              Arabs         → 305.697       
 ↑ 305.8928                              Ethopians         → 963       
 ↑ 306          culture and institutions             
 ↑ 306.096                         African social history         → 960       
 ↑ 307          communities         → 711.4 728      

See also:

 ↑ I.I          History of social institutions    ≈ 306.09 
 ↑ IX.C          Political sociology    ≈ 301 
 ↑ SP.22          Political anthropology    ≈ 301 
 ↑ SP.23          Sociological theory    ≈ 301.01 
 ↑ SP.3          Political and social psychology    ≈ 302 
 ↑ SP.8          Political and social conflicts    ≈ 303.6 
 ↑ STA12A          Cultural statistics    ≈ 310  306 
 ↑ STA3B          Urban demography and economy    ≈ 304.6  330.91732 
 ↑ STA3D          Demographic annual reports     ≈ 310  304.6 
 ↑ STA3E          Migratory movements    ≈ 304.8 
 ↑ STA3F          Demography (handbooks and studies)    ≈ 304.6  310 
 ↑ 297          Islam  → 181.07  305.697  340.59 
 ↑ 305.697          Muslims  → 297  305.8927 
 ↑ 305.8927          Arabs  → 305.697 
 ↑ 320          anthropology in general  → 304.5  305.8  599.93 
 ↑ 323.168          minority rights in South Africa  → 305.800968  968 
 ↑ 325          migration  → 304.8  331.6 
 ↑ 331.4          working women  → 305.42 
 ↑ 363.7          pollution, environmental concerns  → 304.2  344.046  628.5  632.95 
 ↑ 577          ecology  → 304.2  333.95  344  363.7 
 ↑ 591.5          ethology, animal behaviour  → 304.5 
 ↑ 711.1          procedural and social aspects  → 307 
 ↑ 711.4          municipal-scale planning, cities  → 307  333.337  346.045  629 
 ↑ 728          houses  → 307 
 ↑ 909.0492          history of Jews and other Semitic peoples  → 296.09  305.8924  947  956.94 
 ↑ 916          Africa  → 301.096  338.1096  496  960 
 ↑ 923          biographies of social scientists  → 301 
 ↑ 956          history of Middle East  → 297.09  305.89159  320956  915.6 
 ↑ 960          African history in general  → 306.096  325.309  325.6  916  ≈ )AA. 
 ↑ 963          history of Ethiopia and Eritrea  → 305.8928  325.345096  916.3 
 ↑ 968          history of Southern Africa  → 305.800968  323.168 


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