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    help        it / en   
  000 ↓  reference, information     
  000 ↓       information and computer science     
 ↑ 001 ↓            knowledge     
 ↑ 001.4 ↓                 research methods and statistics     
 ↑ 001.5 ↓                 information, communication, HCI, usability     
 ↑ 003 ↓            systems     
 ↑ 003.5 ↓                 communication and control theory, cybernetics     
 ↑ 003.7 ↓                 system types     
 ↑ 003.8 ↓                 systems according to time     
 ↑ 004 ↓            hardware, networks, computer science generally     
 ↑ 004.16 ↓                      computer types, microcomputers     
 ↑ 004.22 ↓                      architecture of computers     
 ↑ 004.3 ↓                 processing modes     
 ↑ 004.6 ↓                 networks, Internet     
 ↑ 005 ↓            programming and data     
 ↑ 005.1 ↓                 programming     
 ↑ 005.117 ↓                           object-oriented programming     
 ↑ 005.13 ↓                      programming languages     
 ↑ 005.14 ↓                      tests, measures, debugging     
 ↑ 005.2 ↓                 programming for the Net: ASP, JS, JSP, MPI...     
 ↑ 005.3 ↓                 programs     
 ↑ 005.4 ↓                 operative systems     
 ↑ 005.7 ↓                 data, databases     
 ↑ 005.72 ↓                      formats, HTML, LaTEX     
 ↑ 005.74 ↓                      databases, big data     
 ↑ 005.8 ↓                 data security     
 ↑ 005.82 ↓                      encryption, cryptography     
 ↑ 006 ↓            methods, applications     
 ↑ 006.3 ↓                 artificial intelligence     
 ↑ 006.301 ↓                           AI philosophy and problems     
 ↑ 006.31 ↓                      machine learning, data mining     
 ↑ 006.32 ↓                      neural networks     
 ↑ 006.37 ↓                      artificial vision     
 ↑ 006.4 ↓                 pattern recognition     
 ↑ 006.6 ↓                 digital images     
 ↑ 006.7 ↓                 multimedia, Web interfaces     
 ↑ 010 ↓            bibliography     
 ↑ 011 ↓            bibliographies and catalogues     
 ↑ 016 ↓            bibliography on specific subjects     
 ↑ 016.2 ↓                 religious bibliography     
 ↑ 016.5 ↓                 science bibliography     
 ↑ 016.54 ↓                      bibliography of chemistry     
 ↑ 016.78 ↓                      music bibliography     
 ↑ 016.78026 ↓                                     bibliography on scores and texts     
 ↑ 016.780262 ↓                                          bibliography on musical manuscripts     
 ↑ 016.78092 ↓                                     bibliography on musicians     
 ↑ 016.780945 ↓                                          Italian music bibliography     
 ↑ 016.781 ↓                           bibliography on music principles and forms     
 ↑ 016.782 ↓                           bibliography on vocal music     
 ↑ 016.7821 ↓                                bibliography on dramatic music     
 ↑ 016.7822 ↓                                bibliography on non-dramatic vocal music     
 ↑ 016.8 ↓                 bibliography on literature     
 ↑ 016.9 ↓                 historical-geographical bibliography     
  020 ↓       library and information science     
 ↑ 020 ↓            library science in general     
 ↑ 025 ↓            library activities and services     
 ↑ 025.3 ↓                 cataloguing     
 ↑ 025.4 ↓                 subject indexing     
 ↑ 027 ↓            libraries and archives     
 ↑ 069 ↓            museology     
 ↑ 070 ↓            news, press, publishing     
 ↑ 070.4 ↓                 journalism     
 ↑ 070.5 ↓                 publishing     
 ↑ 079.6 ↓                      
  100 ↓  philosophy, psychology     
  150 ↓       psychology, perception     
 ↑ 152 ↓            perception, emotions     
 ↑ 152.1 ↓                 sensorial perception, vision     
 ↑ 152.4 ↓                 emotions     
 ↑ 153 ↓            mental processes, understanding     
 ↑ 153.4 ↓                 thought, reasoning, judgment     
 ↑ 153.8 ↓                 will, choice, decisions     
 ↑ 153.9 ↓                 intelligence, skills     
 ↑ 160 ↓            logic     
  170 ↓       ethics     
 ↑ 170 ↓            ethics generally, bioethics     
 ↑ 172 ↓                 
 ↑ 172.4 ↓                 ethics of international relationships, peace     
 ↑ 174 ↓            professional ethics     
 ↑ 174.2 ↓                      
 ↑ 179 ↓            applied ethics     
 ↑ 181 ↓            Eastern philosophy     
 ↑ 181.07 ↓                      Islamic philosophy     
 ↑ 181.4 ↓                 Indian philosophy     
  200 ↓  religion     
 ↑ 200.9 ↓                 history of religion     
 ↑ 204 ↓            religious experience, life and practice     
  220 ↓       The Bible     
 ↑ 220.9 ↓                 Bible history     
 ↑ 220.93 ↓                      archaeology of the Bible     
 ↑ 224 ↓            Old Testament prophetic books     
 ↑ 232 ↓            Jesus and his family     
  240 ↓       Christian practice and observance     
 ↑ 248 ↓            Christian practice     
 ↑ 248.4 ↓                 Christian life and practice     
 ↑ 251.53 ↓                      Jesuits     
 ↑ 262.9 ↓                 Church law     
 ↑ 266 ↓            Christian missions     
 ↑ 266.2 ↓                 Catholic missions     
 ↑ 270.8 ↓                 history of Church after 1789     
 ↑ 270.82 ↓                      history of Church in 20th century     
 ↑ 271.3 ↓                 history of Franciscans     
 ↑ 271.5 ↓                 history of regular clerics     
 ↑ 271.53 ↓                      history of Jesuits     
 ↑ 274 ↓                 
 ↑ 274.2 ↓                 christianism in England     
 ↑ 275 ↓            Christianism in Asia     
 ↑ 276 ↓            Christianism in Africa     
 ↑ 282 ↓            Roman church     
 ↑ 282.09 ↓                      Roman Church history     
 ↑ 282.5 ↓                 catholic Church in Asia     
 ↑ 284 ↓            Protestantism     
  290 ↓       non-Christian religions     
 ↑ 292 ↓            Greek and Roman religion     
 ↑ 294 ↓            Buddhism, Hinduism     
 ↑ 294.3 ↓                 Buddhism     
 ↑ 294.5 ↓                 Hinduism     
 ↑ 296 ↓            Judaism     
 ↑ 296.09 ↓                      history of Judaism     
 ↑ 296.1 ↓                 sources of Judaism     
 ↑ 296.12 ↓                      Talmud literature     
 ↑ 296.16 ↓                      cabalistic literature     
 ↑ 296.3 ↓                 Jew theology and ethics     
 ↑ 296.8 ↓                 Judaism denominations and movements     
 ↑ 297 ↓            Islam     
 ↑ 297.09 ↓                      history of Islam     
 ↑ 297.0904 ↓                                Islamism in 20th century     
 ↑ 297.1 ↓                 sources of Islam, Koran     
 ↑ 297.3 ↓                 Islamic worship     
 ↑ 297.4 ↓                 Sufism     
 ↑ 297.6 ↓                 Islam chiefs and organizations, Muhammad     
 ↑ 299 ↓            other religions     
 ↑ 299.31 ↓                      religion of ancient Egyptians     
 ↑ 299.51 ↓                      Confucianism and Taoism     
 ↑ 299.6 ↓                 religions of Black Africa     
  300 ↓  social sciences     
  300 ↓       sociology     
 ↑ 301 ↓            sociology in general     
 ↑ 301.096 ↓                           sociology and anthropology of Africa     
 ↑ 302 ↓            social interaction     
 ↑ 303 ↓            social processes     
 ↑ 304 ↓            sociological essays     
 ↑ 304.2 ↓                 human ecology     
 ↑ 304.5 ↓                 nature and culture, human ethology, sociobiology     
 ↑ 304.6 ↓                 population     
 ↑ 304.61 ↓                      characters of population     
 ↑ 304.8 ↓                 population movements     
 ↑ 305 ↓            social groups     
 ↑ 305.42 ↓                      social function and status of women     
 ↑ 305.6 ↓                 religious groups     
 ↑ 305.697 ↓                           Muslims     
 ↑ 305.8 ↓                 ethnical groups     
 ↑ 305.800968 ↓                                          apartheid     
 ↑ 305.89159 ↓                                     Kurds     
 ↑ 305.8924 ↓                                Jews     
 ↑ 305.8927 ↓                                Arabs     
 ↑ 305.8928 ↓                                Ethopians     
 ↑ 306 ↓            culture and institutions     
 ↑ 306.096 ↓                           African social history     
 ↑ 307 ↓            communities     
  310 ↓       statistics     
 ↑ 310 ↓            general statistics     
  320 ↓       political sciences     
 ↑ 320 ↓            anthropology in general     
 ↑ 320.01 ↓                           
 ↑ 320.1 ↓                 the state     
 ↑ 320.5 ↓                 political ideologies     
 ↑ 320.531 ↓                           socialism     
 ↑ 320.532 ↓                           Communism     
 ↑ 320.55 ↓                      religion-grounded theories and ideologies     
 ↑ 320.9 ↓                 situation and political conditions     
 ↑ 320.94 ↓                      political conditions in Europe     
 ↑ 320.945 ↓                           political conditions in Italy     
 ↑ 320.95 ↓                      political conditions in Asia     
 ↑ 320.956 ↓                           political conditions in Middle East     
 ↑ 320.95694 ↓                                     political conditions in Palestine and Israel     
 ↑ 320.96 ↓                      political conditions in Africa     
 ↑ 320.965 ↓                           political conditions in Algeria     
 ↑ 320.968 ↓                           political conditions in South Africa     
 ↑ 321 ↓            forms of government     
 ↑ 321.8 ↓                 democratic government     
 ↑ 321.9 ↓                 authoritarian government     
 ↑ 322 ↓            relations of state with organized groups     
 ↑ 322.42 ↓                      revolutionists and mutinous     
 ↑ 323 ↓            civil and political rights     
 ↑ 323.1 ↓                 civil and political rights of non-dominant groups     
 ↑ 323.168 ↓                           minority rights in South Africa     
 ↑ 323.4 ↓                 limitations of civil rights     
 ↑ 323.6 ↓                 citizenship     
 ↑ 324 ↓            political life     
 ↑ 324.2 ↓                 political parties     
 ↑ 325 ↓            migration     
 ↑ 325.2 ↓                 emigration     
 ↑ 325.245 ↓                           Italian emigration     
 ↑ 325.3 ↓                 colonization     
 ↑ 325.309 ↓                           colonization history     
 ↑ 325.309034 ↓                                          colonization in 19th Century     
 ↑ 325.32 ↓                      imperialism     
 ↑ 325.34 ↓                      European colonization     
 ↑ 325.341 ↓                           British colonization     
 ↑ 325.343 ↓                           German colonization     
 ↑ 325.344 ↓                           French colonization     
 ↑ 325.344096 ↓                                          French colonization in Africa     
 ↑ 325.345 ↓                           Italian colonization     
 ↑ 325.345096 ↓                                          Italian colonization in Africa     
 ↑ 325.346 ↓                           Spanish and Portuguese colonization     
 ↑ 325.3469 ↓                                Portuguese colonization     
 ↑ 325.6 ↓                 colonization of Africa     
 ↑ 327 ↓            international relations     
 ↑ 327.0904 ↓                                international relations in 20th Century     
 ↑ 327.12 ↓                      secret service     
 ↑ 327.17 ↓                      international cooperation     
 ↑ 327.172 ↓                           promotion of peace     
 ↑ 327.2 ↓                 diplomacy     
 ↑ 327.2092 ↓                                ambassadors     
 ↑ 327.4 ↓                 European international relations     
 ↑ 327.406 ↓                           Europe-Africa relations     
 ↑ 327.41 ↓                      international relations of Britain     
 ↑ 327.44 ↓                      international relations of France     
 ↑ 327.45 ↓                      international relations of Italy     
 ↑ 327.47 ↓                      international relationships of Eastern Europe     
 ↑ 327.5 ↓                 Asian international relations     
 ↑ 327.5691 ↓                                Syrian international relations     
 ↑ 327.5694 ↓                                international relations of Israel and Palestine     
 ↑ 327.6 ↓                 African international relations     
 ↑ 327.7 ↓                 North-American international relations      
 ↑ 327.73 ↓                      international relations of USA     
 ↑ 329 ↓            political parties [obsolete]     
  330 ↓       economics     
 ↑ 330 ↓            economics in general     
 ↑ 330.0151 ↓                                mathematical economics     
 ↑ 330.1 ↓                 economic systems, schools and theories     
 ↑ 330.17 ↓                      theory of property     
 ↑ 330.9 ↓                 economical conditions     
 ↑ 330.91 ↓                      economic conditions by region     
 ↑ 330.94 ↓                      economical conditions in Europe     
 ↑ 330.95 ↓                      economic conditions in Asia     
 ↑ 330.96 ↓                      economic conditions in Africa     
 ↑ 331 ↓            labour economics     
 ↑ 331.4 ↓                 working women     
 ↑ 331.6 ↓                 workers of particular ethnic groups     
 ↑ 332 ↓            finance economics     
 ↑ 332.1 ↓                 banks     
 ↑ 332.4 ↓                 currency     
 ↑ 333 ↓            real estate     
 ↑ 333.3 ↓                 private property, expertise     
 ↑ 333.31 ↓                      land reform     
 ↑ 333.33 ↓                      land sell     
 ↑ 333.337 ↓                           selling urban land     
 ↑ 333.7 ↓                 natural resources, energy     
 ↑ 333.72 ↓                      conservation     
 ↑ 333.95 ↓                      biological resources     
 ↑ 334 ↓            cooperatives     
 ↑ 334.6 ↓                 producer cooperatives     
 ↑ 335 ↓            socialist economy     
 ↑ 335.0096 ↓                                socialism in Africa     
 ↑ 335.4 ↓                 Marxist systems     
 ↑ 336 ↓            public finance     
 ↑ 337 ↓            international economical politics     
 ↑ 337.1 ↓                 multilateral economic cooperation     
 ↑ 337.4 ↓                 European foreign policy     
 ↑ 338 ↓            production, microeconomics     
 ↑ 338.02 ↓                      products and services, study of commodities     
 ↑ 338.06 ↓                      productive efficiency, innovation     
 ↑ 338.1 ↓                 agricultural economics     
 ↑ 338.1096 ↓                                economics of African agriculture     
 ↑ 338.17 ↓                      agricultural products     
 ↑ 338.2 ↓                 mining economics     
 ↑ 338.2728 ↓                                oil economics     
 ↑ 338.5 ↓                 general production economics     
 ↑ 338.54 ↓                      economic fluctuations     
 ↑ 338.6 ↓                 production organization     
 ↑ 338.9 ↓                 economical development and growth     
 ↑ 338.91 ↓                      international development and growth     
 ↑ 338.92 ↓                      specific ecomonic policies     
 ↑ 338.927 ↓                           environmental economy, sustainable development     
 ↑ 338.96 ↓                      economical development of Africa     
 ↑ 339 ↓            macroeconomics     
  340 ↓       law     
 ↑ 340 ↓            law in general     
 ↑ 340.07 ↓                      law teaching     
 ↑ 340.0711 ↓                                university law schools     
 ↑ 340.09 ↓                      history and geography of law     
 ↑ 340.1 ↓                 law philosophy and theory     
 ↑ 340.112 ↓                           law and ethics     
 ↑ 340.2 ↓                 comparative law     
 ↑ 340.59 ↓                      Islamic law     
 ↑ 340.9 ↓                 conflict of laws     
 ↑ 340.92 ↓                      conflict of laws on contracts and representation     
 ↑ 341 ↓            international law     
 ↑ 341.1 ↓                 pacifism [obsolete]     
 ↑ 341.2 ↓                 treaties     
 ↑ 341.23 ↓                      United Nations     
 ↑ 341.2422 ↓                                treatises of European Union     
 ↑ 341.3 ↓                 relationships between states     
 ↑ 341.4 ↓                 jurisdiction on space     
 ↑ 341.45 ↓                      open sea     
 ↑ 341.6 ↓                 law of nations, war law     
 ↑ 341.7 ↓                 international cooperation law     
 ↑ 342 ↓            public, administrative, constitutional law     
 ↑ 342.06 ↓                      administrative law     
 ↑ 342.066 ↓                           administrative procedure     
 ↑ 342.08 ↓                      jurisdiction on persons     
 ↑ 342.085 ↓                           rights and personal activities     
 ↑ 342.0853 ↓                                freedom of information and opinion     
 ↑ 342.0858 ↓                                privacy protection     
 ↑ 342.0878 ↓                                women rights     
 ↑ 342.4 ↓                 constitutional and administrative law in Europe     
 ↑ 343 ↓            military, public property, fiscal law     
 ↑ 343.02 ↓                      public heritage law     
 ↑ 343.025 ↓                           real estate     
 ↑ 343.07 ↓                      economical law     
 ↑ 343.071 ↓                           protection of consumers     
 ↑ 343.076 ↓                           agriculture regulation     
 ↑ 343.078 ↓                           secondary industries and services     
 ↑ 343.08 ↓                      trade regulation     
 ↑ 343.09 ↓                      public service law     
 ↑ 343.094 ↓                           road transport law     
 ↑ 343.094026 ↓                                          traffic laws     
 ↑ 344 ↓            social law, safety, environment, nature reserves     
 ↑ 344.01 ↓                      labour law     
 ↑ 344.017 ↓                           professional qualification law     
 ↑ 344.04 ↓                      law of social problems and services     
 ↑ 344.041 ↓                           healthcare staff law     
 ↑ 344.0419 ↓                                medical profession law     
 ↑ 344.042 ↓                           laws on food and drugs     
 ↑ 344.046 ↓                           environmental protection     
 ↑ 344.09 ↓                      culture and religion law     
 ↑ 345 ↓            penal law     
 ↑ 346 ↓            private, civil, urbanistic law     
 ↑ 346.0026 ↓                                texts of acts and verdicts of private law     
 ↑ 346.01 ↓                      law of persons and families     
 ↑ 346.013 ↓                           legal capacity of persons     
 ↑ 346.0138 ↓                                capacity of persons with mental disorders     
 ↑ 346.015 ↓                           family law     
 ↑ 346.016 ↓                           marriage, domestic partnership, civil union     
 ↑ 346.016026 ↓                                          texts of acts on marriage     
 ↑ 346.0166 ↓                                divorce     
 ↑ 346.02 ↓                      contracts and representation     
 ↑ 346.02026 ↓                                     texts of acts on contracts and representation     
 ↑ 346.022 ↓                           contracts     
 ↑ 346.03 ↓                      offenses     
 ↑ 346.03026 ↓                                     texts of acts on offenses     
 ↑ 346.031 ↓                           employers responsibility     
 ↑ 346.032 ↓                           negligence     
 ↑ 346.0322 ↓                                accidents     
 ↑ 346.0323 ↓                                personal injuries     
 ↑ 346.04 ↓                      property     
 ↑ 346.043 ↓                           real estate law     
 ↑ 346.0434 ↓                                real estate tenancy     
 ↑ 346.04348 ↓                                     location of agricultural land     
 ↑ 346.0435 ↓                                easement     
 ↑ 346.0436 ↓                                real estate sell     
 ↑ 346.045 ↓                           land planning     
 ↑ 346.048 ↓                           copyright, patents and trade marks law     
 ↑ 346.05 ↓                      inheritance     
 ↑ 346.052 ↓                           inheritance and succession     
 ↑ 346.054 ↓                           testament     
 ↑ 346.059 ↓                           trusteeship, fideicommissum     
 ↑ 346.06 ↓                      organizations, associations     
 ↑ 346.064 ↓                           no-profit organizations     
 ↑ 346.065 ↓                           law of enterprises     
 ↑ 346.066 ↓                           company law     
 ↑ 346.068 ↓                           enterprises without legal personality     
 ↑ 346.07 ↓                      commercial law     
 ↑ 346.072 ↓                           law of selling     
 ↑ 346.073 ↓                           law of loan     
 ↑ 346.074 ↓                           warranted operations     
 ↑ 346.077 ↓                           law of creditors     
 ↑ 346.08 ↓                      bank and insurance law     
 ↑ 346.09 ↓                      investment and negotiable instrument law     
 ↑ 346.092 ↓                           investment law     
 ↑ 346.096 ↓                           negotiable instrument law     
 ↑ 347 ↓            civil and processual law      
 ↑ 347.01 ↓                      tribunals     
 ↑ 347.016 ↓                           public officers     
 ↑ 347.07 ↓                      cases     
 ↑ 347.077 ↓                           judgments     
 ↑ 347.09 ↓                      arbitration     
 ↑ 348 ↓            laws, regulations, jurisprudence     
 ↑ 349 ↓            law in specific states     
 ↑ 349.4 ↓                 law in European states     
 ↑ 349.44 ↓                      French law     
 ↑ 349.45 ↓                      Italian law [see also individual matters]     
 ↑ 349.5 ↓                 law in Asian countries     
 ↑ 349.52 ↓                      Japanese law     
 ↑ 349.6 ↓                 law in African countries     
 ↑ 349.63 ↓                      Ethopian law     
 ↑ 349.65 ↓                      Algerian law     
 ↑ 349.67 ↓                      law in central Africa     
  350 ↓       public administration and military science     
 ↑ 351 ↓            public administration     
 ↑ 352.5 ↓                 heritage administration     
 ↑ 355 ↓            military science     
 ↑ 358.4 ↓                 air force and operations     
 ↑ 359 ↓            maritime force and operations     
  360 ↓       social problems and services     
 ↑ 361 ↓            social services     
 ↑ 361.6 ↓                 public intervention     
 ↑ 361.610945 ↓                                          social politics in Italy     
 ↑ 361.65 ↓                      welfare state     
 ↑ 362 ↓            welfare     
 ↑ 362.1 ↓                 health services     
 ↑ 362.7 ↓                 young people     
 ↑ 363 ↓            security and social problems     
 ↑ 363.1 ↓                 public security     
 ↑ 363.12 ↓                      transportation risk     
 ↑ 363.125 ↓                           road transportation risk     
 ↑ 363.17 ↓                      dangerous substances     
 ↑ 363.25 ↓                      criminal investigation     
 ↑ 363.3 ↓                 civil protection, disasters     
 ↑ 363.6 ↓                 public services     
 ↑ 363.69 ↓                      cultural heritage protection     
 ↑ 363.7 ↓                 pollution, environmental concerns     
 ↑ 364 ↓            criminology     
 ↑ 368 ↓            insurance     
  370 ↓       education     
 ↑ 370 ↓            education in general, pedagogy, textbooks at Physics Library     
 ↑ 370.96 ↓                      learning in Africa     
 ↑ 371 ↓            teaching activities     
 ↑ 371.35 ↓                      remote education, e-learning     
 ↑ 372 ↓            primary school     
 ↑ 373 ↓            secondary school     
 ↑ 378 ↓            university     
 ↑ 378.4529 ↓                                University of Pavia     
  380 ↓       communication     
 ↑ 382 ↓            international trade     
 ↑ 382.09 ↓                      history and geography of international trade     
 ↑ 385 ↓            rail transport     
 ↑ 386 ↓            river transport     
 ↑ 386.4 ↓                 transport via canals     
 ↑ 386.43 ↓                      Suez Canal     
 ↑ 387 ↓            maritime and air transport     
 ↑ 387.5 ↓                 maritime transport     
 ↑ 388 ↓            transportation     
  390 ↓       customs     
 ↑ 390 ↓            customs, folklore     
  400 ↓  languages     
 ↑ 420 ↓            English in general     
 ↑ 423 ↓            English dictionaries     
 ↑ 433 ↓            German dictionaries     
 ↑ 443 ↓            French dictionaries     
 ↑ 453 ↓            Italian dictionaries     
 ↑ 463 ↓            Spanish dictionaries     
 ↑ 491 ↓            Indo-iranic languages, Russian language     
 ↑ 492 ↓            Semitic languages, Arabian language     
 ↑ 495 ↓            Eastern languages, Chinese     
 ↑ 496 ↓            African languages     
  500 ↓  pure sciences     
  500 ↓       science     
 ↑ 500 ↓            sciences generally     
 ↑ 501 ↓            philosophy of science     
 ↑ 502 ↓            professions and materials     
 ↑ 502.8 ↓                 techniques, devices, equipment     
 ↑ 502.82 ↓                      microscopy     
 ↑ 503 ↓            scientific dictionaries and encyclopedias     
 ↑ 506 ↓            scientific organizations and management     
 ↑ 507 ↓            science didactics, textbooks at Botta 2     
 ↑ 509 ↓            history of science     
  510 ↓       mathematics     
 ↑ 510 ↓            mathematics generally     
 ↑ 510.1 ↓                 philosophy of mathematics     
 ↑ 510.21 ↓                      mathematics tables     
 ↑ 510.28 ↓                      techniques and devices for mathematics     
 ↑ 510.285 ↓                           computers in mathematics     
 ↑ 510.7 ↓                 mathematics teaching     
 ↑ 510.9 ↓                 history of mathematics     
 ↑ 511 ↓            general principles of mathematics     
 ↑ 511.3 ↓                 mathematical logic, computability     
 ↑ 511.32 ↓                      sets     
 ↑ 511.35 ↓                      recursitivy, cellular automata, λ calculus     
 ↑ 511.4 ↓                 approximations, error     
 ↑ 511.5 ↓                 graph theory     
 ↑ 511.6 ↓                 combinatorics     
 ↑ 512 ↓            algebra     
 ↑ 512.2 ↓                 group theory     
 ↑ 512.3 ↓                 field theory     
 ↑ 512.4 ↓                 rings     
 ↑ 512.482 ↓                           Lie algebras and groups     
 ↑ 512.5 ↓                 linear algebra     
 ↑ 512.6 ↓                 category theory, homological algebra, K theory     
 ↑ 512.7 ↓                 number theory     
 ↑ 512.72 ↓                      elementar number theory     
 ↑ 512.74 ↓                      algebraic number theory     
 ↑ 512.75 ↓                      geometry of numbers     
 ↑ 512.9 ↓                 foundations of algebra, logarithms     
 ↑ 514 ↓            topology     
 ↑ 514.2 ↓                 algebraic topology     
 ↑ 514.7 ↓                 analytical, differential, global topology     
 ↑ 514.74 ↓                      global analysis, fractals     
 ↑ 515 ↓            calculus     
 ↑ 515.021 ↓                           tables of calculus     
 ↑ 515.07 ↓                      exercises in analysis     
 ↑ 515.2 ↓                 general aspects of calculus     
 ↑ 515.24 ↓                      sequences and series, Fourier analysis     
 ↑ 515.3 ↓                 differential calculus     
 ↑ 515.35 ↓                      differential equations     
 ↑ 515.352 ↓                           ordinary differential equations, ODEs     
 ↑ 515.353 ↓                           partial differential equations, PDEs     
 ↑ 515.355 ↓                           nonlinear differential equations     
 ↑ 515.39 ↓                      dynamical systems, chaos     
 ↑ 515.4 ↓                 integral calculus, integral equations     
 ↑ 515.42 ↓                      measure and integration theory     
 ↑ 515.45 ↓                      integral equations     
 ↑ 515.5 ↓                 special functions     
 ↑ 515.6 ↓                 other analytical methods     
 ↑ 515.62 ↓                      finite differences     
 ↑ 515.64 ↓                      calculus of variations     
 ↑ 515.7 ↓                 functional analysis     
 ↑ 515.72 ↓                      operator calculus, transforms     
 ↑ 515.75 ↓                      functional equations     
 ↑ 515.785 ↓                           abstract harmonic calculus     
 ↑ 515.8 ↓                 real variable functions     
 ↑ 515.9 ↓                 complex variable functions     
 ↑ 515.93 ↓                      functions of one complex variable     
 ↑ 515.94 ↓                      functions of several complex variables     
 ↑ 515.96 ↓                      potential theory     
 ↑ 516 ↓            geometry     
 ↑ 516.08 ↓                      convex sets     
 ↑ 516.3 ↓                 analytical geometries     
 ↑ 516.35 ↓                      algebraic geometry     
 ↑ 516.353 ↓                           several-dimension algebraic manifolds     
 ↑ 516.36 ↓                      differential and integral geometry     
 ↑ 516.5 ↓                 projective geometry     
 ↑ 516.6 ↓                 abstract descriptive geometry     
 ↑ 516.9 ↓                 non-Euclidean geometries     
 ↑ 518 ↓            numerical analysis     
 ↑ 518.4 ↓                 numerical methods in algebra and in number theory     
 ↑ 518.5 ↓                 numerical approximation     
 ↑ 518.6 ↓                 numerical methods in analysis     
 ↑ 518.63 ↓                      numerical solutions of ordinal differential equations     
 ↑ 518.64 ↓                      numerical solutions of partial differential equations     
 ↑ 519 ↓            probability, statistics, applied maths     
 ↑ 519.2 ↓                 probability     
 ↑ 519.23 ↓                      stochastic processes, Markov chains, martingales     
 ↑ 519.3 ↓                 game theory     
 ↑ 519.4 ↓                 applied numerical analysis, finite elements, MATLAB     
 ↑ 519.5 ↓                 mathematical statistics     
 ↑ 519.53 ↓                      descriptive statistics, multivariate analysis     
 ↑ 519.54 ↓                      statistical inference     
 ↑ 519.55 ↓                      time series analysis     
 ↑ 519.6 ↓                 mathematical optimization     
 ↑ 519.7 ↓                 programming theory, operations research     
 ↑ 519.8 ↓                 mathematical methods of sciences     
  520 ↓       astronomy     
 ↑ 520 ↓            astronomy generally     
 ↑ 523.44 ↓                      asteroids     
 ↑ 526 ↓            mathematical geography, topography     
 ↑ 526.9 ↓                 surveying     
  530 ↓       physics     
 ↑ 530 ↓            physics in general     
 ↑ 530.021 ↓                           physics tables     
 ↑ 530.092 ↓                           physicists     
 ↑ 530.1 ↓                 theoretical and mathematical physics     
 ↑ 530.11 ↓                      relativity     
 ↑ 530.12 ↓                      quantum physics     
 ↑ 530.13 ↓                      statistical mechanics     
 ↑ 530.14 ↓                      fields and waves     
 ↑ 530.15 ↓                      mathematical physics     
 ↑ 530.4 ↓                 states of matter     
 ↑ 530.41 ↓                      solid state physics     
 ↑ 530.415 ↓                           mass diffusion and transfer     
 ↑ 530.42 ↓                      liquid state physics     
 ↑ 530.44 ↓                      plasma and ionized gas physics     
 ↑ 530.8 ↓                 measurement     
 ↑ 531 ↓            classical mechanics, continuum mechanics     
 ↑ 531.1 ↓                 mechanics, statics     
 ↑ 531.16 ↓                      particle mechanics     
 ↑ 531.3 ↓                 solid dynamics     
 ↑ 531.6 ↓                 energy     
 ↑ 532 ↓            fluid mechanics     
 ↑ 532.05 ↓                      fluid dynamics     
 ↑ 533 ↓            gas mechanics     
 ↑ 534 ↓            sound and vibrations     
 ↑ 535 ↓            optics     
 ↑ 535.2 ↓                 physical optics, nonlinear optics     
 ↑ 535.8 ↓                 optical spectroscopy in infrared and ultraviolet     
 ↑ 536 ↓            thermology     
 ↑ 536.5 ↓                 temperature     
 ↑ 536.56 ↓                      cryogeny, low temperatures     
 ↑ 536.7 ↓                 thermodynamics     
 ↑ 537 ↓            electromagnetism     
 ↑ 537.535 ↓                           X and gamma rays electronics     
 ↑ 537.62 ↓                      conductivity and electric resistance     
 ↑ 538 ↓            magnetism     
 ↑ 538.36 ↓                      magnetic resonance     
 ↑ 538.362 ↓                           NMR: nuclear magnetic resonance     
 ↑ 538.364 ↓                           EPR: electronic paramagnetic resonance     
 ↑ 539 ↓            modern physics     
 ↑ 539.2 ↓                 radiations     
 ↑ 539.7 ↓                 atomic and nuclear physics     
 ↑ 539.72 ↓                      particle physics, ionizing radiations     
 ↑ 539.721 ↓                           neutrons and other particles     
 ↑ 539.722 ↓                           ionizing radiations, X, gamma and cosmic rays     
 ↑ 539.75 ↓                      nuclear interactions, radioactivity     
 ↑ 539.77 ↓                      particle and radioactivity detection and measure     
  540 ↓       chemistry     
 ↑ 540 ↓            chemistry in general     
 ↑ 540.14 ↓                      nomenclature     
 ↑ 540.2 ↓                 miscellaneous works in chemistry     
 ↑ 540.7 ↓                 education and research in chemistry     
 ↑ 540.76 ↓                      exercice and auxiliary books in chemistry     
 ↑ 540.9 ↓                 history of chemistry     
 ↑ 540.92 ↓                      biographies of chemists     
 ↑ 541 ↓            physical chemistry     
 ↑ 541.042 ↓                           matter state chemistry, solid state     
 ↑ 541.2 ↓                 theoretic chemistry     
 ↑ 541.22 ↓                      molecular structure     
 ↑ 541.220 ↓                           formulas, specifications     
 ↑ 541.223 ↓                           stereochemistry     
 ↑ 541.224 ↓                           chemical bonds, valency, radicals     
 ↑ 541.2242 ↓                                coordination compounds, blenders     
 ↑ 541.26 ↓                      stoichiometry     
 ↑ 541.28 ↓                      quantum chemistry     
 ↑ 541.3 ↓                 various subects in physical chemistry     
 ↑ 541.33 ↓                      surface chemistry, adsorption, adhesion     
 ↑ 541.34 ↓                      chemistry of solutions, colloids     
 ↑ 541.345 ↓                           colloid chemistry     
 ↑ 541.348 ↓                           solvents     
 ↑ 541.35 ↓                      photochemistry     
 ↑ 541.36 ↓                      thermochemistry     
 ↑ 541.363 ↓                           state changes, phase transformations     
 ↑ 541.368 ↓                           reactions at extreme temperatures     
 ↑ 541.369 ↓                           chemical thermodynamics     
 ↑ 541.37 ↓                      electrochemistry, magnetochemistry     
 ↑ 541.372 ↓                           electrolytic solutions     
 ↑ 541.378 ↓                           magnetochemistry     
 ↑ 541.38 ↓                      radiochemistry     
 ↑ 541.388 ↓                           isotopes     
 ↑ 541.39 ↓                      chemical reactions     
 ↑ 541.392 ↓                           chemical equilibrium     
 ↑ 541.393 ↓                           oxydo-reduction     
 ↑ 541.394 ↓                           chemical kinetics     
 ↑ 541.395 ↓                           catalysis     
 ↑ 542 ↓            laboratory techniques, computational chemistry     
 ↑ 542.8 ↓                 auxiliary and electronic facilities, data processing     
 ↑ 543 ↓            analytical chemistry     
 ↑ 543.08 ↓                      spectroscopy, chromatography [outdated number]     
 ↑ 543.1 ↓                 bromatological analysis     
 ↑ 543.17 ↓                      organic analytical chemistry     
 ↑ 543.2 ↓                 classical methods     
 ↑ 543.22 ↓                      microchemistry     
 ↑ 543.24 ↓                      volumetric analysis     
 ↑ 543.26 ↓                      thermal analysis     
 ↑ 543.4 ↓                 electrochemical analysis     
 ↑ 543.5 ↓                 optical spectroscopy     
 ↑ 543.6 ↓                 non-optical spectroscopy     
 ↑ 543.63 ↓                      radiochemical analysis     
 ↑ 543.8 ↓                 chromatography     
 ↑ 543.84 ↓                      liquid-mobile phase chromatography     
 ↑ 543.85 ↓                      gas chromatography     
 ↑ 546 ↓            inorganic chemistry     
 ↑ 546.2 ↓                 hydrogen and its compounds     
 ↑ 546.24 ↓                      acids     
 ↑ 546.3 ↓                 metals, metallic compounds, alloys     
 ↑ 546.34 ↓                      salts     
 ↑ 546.4 ↓                 group 3, lantanids, actinids     
 ↑ 546.41 ↓                      lantanids, rare earths     
 ↑ 546.42 ↓                      actinids     
 ↑ 546.5 ↓                 groups 4 to 7: of titanium, vanadium, chrome, manganese     
 ↑ 546.6 ↓                 groups 8 to 14     
 ↑ 546.625 ↓                           nickel     
 ↑ 546.671 ↓                           boron     
 ↑ 546.7 ↓                 groups 15 to 18: chalcogens, alogens, noble gases     
 ↑ 546.8 ↓                 periodic law and table     
 ↑ 547 ↓            organic chemistry     
 ↑ 547.002 ↓                           techniques, devices, equipment     
 ↑ 547.007 ↓                           exercices and auxiliary materials in organic chemistry     
 ↑ 547.01 ↓                      hydrocarbons     
 ↑ 547.02 ↓                      halogenated compounds     
 ↑ 547.04 ↓                      nitrogen compounds     
 ↑ 547.05 ↓                      organometallic compounds     
 ↑ 547.06 ↓                      sulphur organic compounds     
 ↑ 547.1 ↓                 physical and theoretical organic chemistry     
 ↑ 547.122 ↓                           molecular structures, stereochemistry, bonds     
 ↑ 547.128 ↓                           quantum chemistry     
 ↑ 547.135 ↓                           photochemistry     
 ↑ 547.137 ↓                           electrochemistry, magnetochemistry     
 ↑ 547.2 ↓                 organic reactions     
 ↑ 547.23 ↓                      oxydoreduction     
 ↑ 547.28 ↓                      polymerization     
 ↑ 547.4 ↓                 aliphatic compounds     
 ↑ 547.41 ↓                      hydrocarbons     
 ↑ 547.413 ↓                           acetylenes, alchines     
 ↑ 547.5 ↓                 cyclic compounds     
 ↑ 547.59 ↓                      heterocycles     
 ↑ 547.593 ↓                           heteronitrogen compounds, clorophillae, diazines, imidazolos     
 ↑ 547.6 ↓                 aromatic compounds     
 ↑ 547.7 ↓                 macromolecules, polymers     
 ↑ 547.71 ↓                      terpenes and essential oils     
 ↑ 547.77 ↓                      lipids     
 ↑ 547.78 ↓                      carbohydrates     
 ↑ 547.8 ↓                 other organic substances     
 ↑ 547.84 ↓                      elastomers, resins, lignin     
 ↑ 547.86 ↓                      colourants and pigments     
 ↑ 548 ↓            crystallography     
 ↑ 548.021 ↓                           formulas     
 ↑ 548.3 ↓                 crystallochemistry     
 ↑ 548.5 ↓                 crystallization     
 ↑ 548.7 ↓                 mathematical crystallography     
 ↑ 548.8 ↓                 physical and structural crystallography     
 ↑ 548.81 ↓                      structural crystallography     
 ↑ 548.83 ↓                      diffractometric methods     
 ↑ 548.9 ↓                 optical crystallography     
 ↑ 549 ↓            mineralogy     
 ↑ 549.1 ↓                 determinative mineralogy     
 ↑ 549.6 ↓                 silicates     
 ↑ 549.67 ↓                      phyllosilicates, clay minerals     
 ↑ 549.9 ↓                 geography of minerals     
  550 ↓       Earth science     
 ↑ 550 ↓            Earth science in general     
 ↑ 550.11 ↓                      models in Earth science     
 ↑ 550.28 ↓                      remote sensing     
 ↑ 551 ↓            geology and hydrology     
 ↑ 551.023 ↓                           geologist as a profession     
 ↑ 551.072 ↓                           geological survey     
 ↑ 551.1 ↓                 Earth structure and properties     
 ↑ 551.2 ↓                 volcanoes, earthquakes, thermal water and gases     
 ↑ 551.21 ↓                      volcanology     
 ↑ 551.22 ↓                      seismology, earthquakes     
 ↑ 551.23 ↓                      thermal water and gases     
 ↑ 551.3 ↓                 surface processes, rock fall, landslides     
 ↑ 551.303 ↓                           sediment transportation and deposit     
 ↑ 551.31 ↓                      glaciology     
 ↑ 551.4 ↓                 geomorphology and hydrosphere     
 ↑ 551.41 ↓                      geomorphology     
 ↑ 551.46 ↓                      oceanography, underwater geology     
 ↑ 551.48 ↓                      hydrology, surface waters     
 ↑ 551.483 ↓                           rivers, streams     
 ↑ 551.489 ↓                           floods     
 ↑ 551.49 ↓                      hydrogeology, ground waters     
 ↑ 551.5 ↓                 meteorology     
 ↑ 551.6 ↓                 climatology, weather     
 ↑ 551.7 ↓                 historical geology     
 ↑ 551.8 ↓                 structural geology     
 ↑ 551.9 ↓                 geochemistry     
 ↑ 552 ↓            petrology     
 ↑ 552.06 ↓                      rock composition, structure and analysis     
 ↑ 552.1 ↓                 igneous rocks     
 ↑ 552.4 ↓                 metamorphic rocks     
 ↑ 552.5 ↓                 sedimentary rocks     
 ↑ 553 ↓            economic and applied geology, layers     
 ↑ 553.2 ↓                 hydrocarbons, fuels     
 ↑ 553.6 ↓                 clays, sands, salts     
 ↑ 553.7 ↓                 water     
 ↑ 554 ↓            Earth sciences of Europe     
 ↑ 554.5 ↓                 Earth sciences of Italy     
 ↑ 554.51 ↓                      Earth sciences of Northern Italy and the Alps     
 ↑ 555 ↓            Earth sciences of Asia     
 ↑ 556 ↓            Earth sciences of Africa     
 ↑ 557 ↓            Earth sciences of Northern America     
 ↑ 558 ↓            Earth sciences of Southern America     
 ↑ 559 ↓            Earth sciences of Antarctica and islands     
  560 ↓       palaeontology     
 ↑ 560 ↓            palaeobiology in general     
 ↑ 561 ↓            palaeobotany and micropalaeontology     
 ↑ 562 ↓            invertebrate palaeontology     
 ↑ 567 ↓            fossil fishes, amphibians and reptiles     
 ↑ 568 ↓            fossil birds     
 ↑ 569 ↓            fossil mammals     
 ↑ 569.9 ↓                 fossil hominids     
  570 ↓       biology     
 ↑ 570 ↓            general biology     
 ↑ 570.12 ↓                      biological systematics     
 ↑ 570.28 ↓                      biological techniques and equipments     
 ↑ 570.285 ↓                           bioinformatics, computational biology     
 ↑ 570.9 ↓                 history of biology     
 ↑ 570.92 ↓                      biologists     
 ↑ 571 ↓            physiology in general     
 ↑ 571.1 ↓                 animal physiology     
 ↑ 571.2 ↓                 plant and microrganism physiology     
 ↑ 571.3 ↓                 comparative anatomy     
 ↑ 571.31 ↓                      animal anatomy     
 ↑ 571.5 ↓                 histology     
 ↑ 571.6 ↓                 cell biology     
 ↑ 571.63 ↓                      anatomy, morphology, biophysics, cell culture     
 ↑ 571.64 ↓                      membranes     
 ↑ 571.65 ↓                      cytoplasm     
 ↑ 571.8 ↓                 reproduction, development, embryology     
 ↑ 571.9 ↓                 general pathology     
 ↑ 571.93 ↓                      diseases in general     
 ↑ 571.96 ↓                      immunology     
 ↑ 571.978 ↓                           carcinogenesis     
 ↑ 571.99 ↓                      parassitology     
 ↑ 572 ↓            biochemistry     
 ↑ 572.2 ↓                 biochemistry of plants and microorganisms     
 ↑ 572.4 ↓                 metabolism     
 ↑ 572.49 ↓                      fermentation     
 ↑ 572.5 ↓                 various chemical substances     
 ↑ 572.51 ↓                      bioinorganic chemistry, trace elements      
 ↑ 572.56 ↓                      carbohydrates     
 ↑ 572.58 ↓                      vitamins     
 ↑ 572.6 ↓                 proteins     
 ↑ 572.65 ↓                      protein components     
 ↑ 572.7 ↓                 enzymes     
 ↑ 572.8 ↓                 molecular biology, biochemical genetics     
 ↑ 572.86 ↓                      DNA, genomics     
 ↑ 573 ↓            specific systems     
 ↑ 573.4 ↓                 endocrinology     
 ↑ 576 ↓            genetics, evolution     
 ↑ 576.5 ↓                 general genetics     
 ↑ 576.54 ↓                      variation, mutation     
 ↑ 576.58 ↓                      population genetics     
 ↑ 576.8 ↓                 evolution     
 ↑ 576.83 ↓                      origins of life     
 ↑ 577 ↓            ecology     
 ↑ 577.6 ↓                 hydrobiology, freshwater ecology     
 ↑ 577.8 ↓                 synecology, population biology     
 ↑ 577.85 ↓                      symbiosis and parasitism     
 ↑ 578 ↓            natural history     
 ↑ 578.62 ↓                      alien, invasive species     
 ↑ 578.7 ↓                 organisms of special environments, biodiversity     
 ↑ 578.77 ↓                      marine biology     
 ↑ 579 ↓            microbiology, fungus, algae     
 ↑ 579.2 ↓                 virology     
 ↑ 579.3 ↓                 prokaryotes, bacteria     
 ↑ 579.4 ↓                 protozoans     
 ↑ 579.5 ↓                 fungus, mycology     
 ↑ 579.52 ↓                           
 ↑ 579.53 ↓                           
 ↑ 579.54 ↓                           
 ↑ 579.55 ↓                           
 ↑ 579.56 ↓                           
 ↑ 579.563 ↓                                
 ↑ 579.57 ↓                           
 ↑ 579.59 ↓                           
 ↑ 579.6 ↓                 mushrooms     
 ↑ 579.7 ↓                      
 ↑ 579.8 ↓                 algae     
  580 ↓       botany     
 ↑ 580 ↓            botany in general     
 ↑ 580.12 ↓                      systematic botany     
 ↑ 580.73 ↓                      botanical gardens     
 ↑ 580.74 ↓                      botanical museums, herbariums     
 ↑ 580.9 ↓                 history of botany     
 ↑ 581 ↓            plant characters, genetics and ecology     
 ↑ 581.092 ↓                           botanists     
 ↑ 581.3 ↓                 plant genetics and physiology     
 ↑ 581.6 ↓                 plant uses and effects     
 ↑ 581.634 ↓                           medicinal plants     
 ↑ 581.7 ↓                 plants of special environments, plant ecology     
 ↑ 581.753 ↓                           mountain, Alpine plants     
 ↑ 581.9 ↓                 phytogeography, floras     
 ↑ 581.94 ↓                      plants of Europe     
 ↑ 581.943 ↓                           plants of Germany and Central Europe     
 ↑ 581.944 ↓                           plants of France     
 ↑ 581.945 ↓                           plants of Italy     
 ↑ 581.9451 ↓                                plants of NW Italy     
 ↑ 581.9452 ↓                                plants of Lombardy     
 ↑ 581.9454 ↓                                plants of Emilia-Romagna     
 ↑ 581.947 ↓                           plants of Russia     
 ↑ 581.95 ↓                      plants of Asia     
 ↑ 581.955 ↓                           plants of Iran     
 ↑ 581.96 ↓                      plants of Africa     
 ↑ 581.97 ↓                      plants of North and Central America     
 ↑ 581.98 ↓                      plants of South America     
 ↑ 582 ↓            phanerogams, spermatophytes     
 ↑ 582.0463 ↓                                flowers and their parts     
 ↑ 582.13 ↓                      flowers     
 ↑ 582.16 ↓                      trees     
 ↑ 586 ↓            cryptogams     
  590 ↓       zoology     
 ↑ 590 ↓            zoology in general     
 ↑ 591 ↓            animal biology     
 ↑ 591.3 ↓                 animal genetics     
 ↑ 591.5 ↓                 ethology, animal behaviour     
 ↑ 591.513 ↓                           animal intelligence     
 ↑ 591.59 ↓                      animal communication     
 ↑ 592 ↓            lower invertebrates, worms     
 ↑ 594 ↓            molluscs     
 ↑ 595 ↓            entomology, arthropods     
 ↑ 595.7 ↓                 insects     
 ↑ 596 ↓            chordates, vertebrates in general     
 ↑ 597 ↓            cold-blooded vertebrates, fish     
 ↑ 597.9 ↓                 amphibians and reptiles     
 ↑ 598 ↓            birds     
 ↑ 599 ↓            mammals     
 ↑ 599.3 ↓                 rodents, insectivores, lagomorphs     
 ↑ 599.6 ↓                 ungulates     
 ↑ 599.7 ↓                 carnivores     
 ↑ 599.8 ↓                 primates, monkeys     
 ↑ 599.9 ↓                 humans, physical anthropology     
 ↑ 599.93 ↓                      human genetics and evolution     
 ↑ 599.935 ↓                           human genetics     
  600 ↓  applied sciences     
  600 ↓       technology      
 ↑ 600 ↓            applied sciences in general     
 ↑ 602 ↓            handbooks     
 ↑ 603 ↓            technical dictionaries and encyclopaedias     
 ↑ 604 ↓            technical drawing     
 ↑ 607 ↓            education of technicians and engineers, research     
 ↑ 607.2 ↓                 technological research, statistical methods     
 ↑ 607.4529 ↓                                education of technicians and engineers in Pavia     
 ↑ 608 ↓            patents     
 ↑ 609 ↓            history of technology     
  610 ↓       medicine     
 ↑ 610 ↓            medicine in general     
 ↑ 610.15 ↓                      biomedical models     
 ↑ 610.153 ↓                           medical physics     
 ↑ 610.28 ↓                      biomedical instrumentation     
 ↑ 610.285 ↓                           computer applications for medicine     
 ↑ 610.3 ↓                 medical dictionaries     
 ↑ 610.6 ↓                 medical professions     
 ↑ 610.69 ↓                      medical staff     
 ↑ 610.72 ↓                      medical statistics     
 ↑ 610.73 ↓                      nursing     
 ↑ 610.9 ↓                 history of medicine     
 ↑ 611 ↓            human anatomy     
 ↑ 611.0022 ↓                                anatomic atlases     
 ↑ 611.018 ↓                           human cytology and histology     
 ↑ 611.1 ↓                 anatomy of the circulatory system     
 ↑ 611.2 ↓                 anatomy of the respiratory system     
 ↑ 611.3 ↓                 anatomy of the digestive system     
 ↑ 611.6 ↓                 anatomy of the urinary system     
 ↑ 611.7 ↓                 anatomy of the muscular and skeletal system     
 ↑ 611.8 ↓                 nervous system anatomy     
 ↑ 611.85 ↓                      ear anatomy     
 ↑ 611.9 ↓                 regional and topography anatomy     
 ↑ 611.91 ↓                      head anatomy     
 ↑ 612 ↓            human physiology     
 ↑ 612.01 ↓                      biophysics and biochemistry     
 ↑ 612.014 ↓                           biophysics, radiobiology     
 ↑ 612.015 ↓                           medical biological chemistry     
 ↑ 612.1 ↓                 physiology of circulatory system     
 ↑ 612.2 ↓                 pneumology     
 ↑ 612.3 ↓                 physiology of digestive system     
 ↑ 612.4 ↓                 endocrine system     
 ↑ 612.405 ↓                           hormones     
 ↑ 612.6 ↓                 human reproduction and growth     
 ↑ 612.62 ↓                      female reproductive system     
 ↑ 612.63 ↓                      pregnancy and childbirth     
 ↑ 612.64 ↓                      human embryology     
 ↑ 612.7 ↓                 bones, muscles and movement, biomechanics     
 ↑ 612.76 ↓                      locomotion, physical exercise, rest     
 ↑ 612.78 ↓                      voice and language     
 ↑ 612.8 ↓                 nervous system physiology     
 ↑ 612.804 ↓                           neurochemistry, cerebrospinal fluid     
 ↑ 612.846 ↓                           movement of the eyes     
 ↑ 612.85 ↓                      physiology of ear     
 ↑ 612.858 ↓                           internal ear     
 ↑ 613 ↓            hygiene, health     
 ↑ 613.1 ↓                 environmental factors of health     
 ↑ 613.2 ↓                 nutrition     
 ↑ 613.5 ↓                 hygiene in artificial environments     
 ↑ 613.6 ↓                 personal safety and facets of health     
 ↑ 613.62 ↓                      occupational medicine     
 ↑ 613.7 ↓                 physical fitness     
 ↑ 613.71 ↓                      physical exercise and sport activities     
 ↑ 613.8 ↓                 abuse of substances     
 ↑ 613.81 ↓                      alcoholism     
 ↑ 613.83 ↓                      narcotics, hallucinogens, psychedelics, cannabis     
 ↑ 613.9 ↓                 sex and reproduction hygiene     
 ↑ 613.94 ↓                      birth control     
 ↑ 614 ↓            public health     
 ↑ 614.1 ↓                 legal medicine, forensic pathology     
 ↑ 614.17 ↓                      forensic anthropology and entomology     
 ↑ 614.4 ↓                 disease incidence and prevention     
 ↑ 615 ↓            pharmacology, terapeutics     
 ↑ 615.1 ↓                 drugs     
 ↑ 615.10033 ↓                                     drugs and economics     
 ↑ 615.11 ↓                      pharmacopoeia     
 ↑ 615.19 ↓                      pharmaceutical chemistry and technology     
 ↑ 615.1901 ↓                                pharmaceutical chemical analysis     
 ↑ 615.19C ↓                           pharmaceutical chemistry     
 ↑ 615.19T ↓                           pharmaceutical technology     
 ↑ 615.3 ↓                 organic drugs     
 ↑ 615.321 ↓                           plant-derived drugs, phytotherapy, pharmacognosis     
 ↑ 615.328 ↓                           vitamins     
 ↑ 615.329 ↓                           drugs from microorganisms, fungi, algae, antibiotics     
 ↑ 615.36 ↓                      animal-derived drugs, hormones     
 ↑ 615.4 ↓                 recipe preparation     
 ↑ 615.5 ↓                 therapeutics     
 ↑ 615.6 ↓                 administering methods     
 ↑ 615.7 ↓                 pharmacokinetics     
 ↑ 615.78 ↓                      drugs active on nervous system      
 ↑ 615.8 ↓                 therapies, radio- and chemiotherapy     
 ↑ 615.9 ↓                 toxicology      
 ↑ 615.902  ↓                                     industrial toxicology     
 ↑ 616 ↓            pathology, clinics, internal medicine     
 ↑ 616.007 ↓                           studying, admittance exams     
 ↑ 616.01 ↓                      medical microbiology     
 ↑ 616.02 ↓                      special subjects of diseases     
 ↑ 616.025 ↓                           urgent diseases     
 ↑ 616.042 ↓                           medical genetics     
 ↑ 616.047 ↓                           inflammation     
 ↑ 616.07 ↓                      physiopathology     
 ↑ 616.075 ↓                           diagnosis and prognosis, bioimages     
 ↑ 616.0756 ↓                                chemical diagnosis, clinical chemistry     
 ↑ 616.079 ↓                           immunology     
 ↑ 616.1 ↓                 cardiovascular diseases     
 ↑ 616.12 ↓                      cardiology     
 ↑ 616.123 ↓                           coronariopatias, myocardial infarction     
 ↑ 616.128 ↓                           arrhythmia     
 ↑ 616.13 ↓                      aterosclerosis     
 ↑ 616.132 ↓                           hypertension     
 ↑ 616.136 ↓                           arteriosclerosis     
 ↑ 616.15 ↓                      hematology     
 ↑ 616.2 ↓                 pneumology     
 ↑ 616.21 ↓                      rhinology     
 ↑ 616.212 ↓                           paranasal sinuses deseases     
 ↑ 616.22 ↓                      laryngology     
 ↑ 616.3 ↓                 gastroenterology     
 ↑ 616.31 ↓                      mouth and throat deseases     
 ↑ 616.39 ↓                      obesity     
 ↑ 616.4 ↓                 endocrinology     
 ↑ 616.5 ↓                 dermatology     
 ↑ 616.6 ↓                 nephrology     
 ↑ 616.7 ↓                 orthopedics     
 ↑ 616.72 ↓                      arthritis, rheumatism     
 ↑ 616.723 ↓                           rheumatism     
 ↑ 616.8 ↓                 neurology     
 ↑ 616.84 ↓                      symptoms of neurological deseases     
 ↑ 616.841 ↓                           dizziness and vertigo     
 ↑ 616.855 ↓                           speech and language disorders     
 ↑ 616.89 ↓                      psychiatry     
 ↑ 616.891 ↓                           therapy, drug therapy     
 ↑ 616.9 ↓                 oncology and infectuous diseases     
 ↑ 616.91 ↓                      viral diseases     
 ↑ 616.92 ↓                      bacterial diseases     
 ↑ 616.96 ↓                      parasitosis and mycosis     
 ↑ 616.969 ↓                           mycosis, fungal diseases      
 ↑ 616.97 ↓                      allergology     
 ↑ 616.973 ↓                           contact allergies     
 ↑ 616.98 ↓                      environmental and climate diseases     
 ↑ 616.99 ↓                      tumours     
 ↑ 616.992 ↓                           neoplasms     
 ↑ 616.993 ↓                           benign neoplasm     
 ↑ 616.994 ↓                           cancers, chemiotherapy     
 ↑ 616.9941 ↓                                cardiac tumors     
 ↑ 616.99422 ↓                                     larynx tumors     
 ↑ 616.99465 ↓                                     female cancers     
 ↑ 616.995 ↓                           tuberculosis     
 ↑ 617 ↓            surgery, prostheses     
 ↑ 617.05 ↓                      surgical tools and techniques     
 ↑ 617.1 ↓                 traumatology     
 ↑ 617.3 ↓                 orthopedics     
 ↑ 617.4 ↓                 surgery of specific systems     
 ↑ 617.41 ↓                      cardiovascular surgery     
 ↑ 617.47 ↓                      orthopedic surgery     
 ↑ 617.48 ↓                      neural surgery     
 ↑ 617.5 ↓                 specific organs surgery     
 ↑ 617.51 ↓                      head surgery     
 ↑ 617.52 ↓                      face surgery     
 ↑ 617.522 ↓                           oral region surgery     
 ↑ 617.523 ↓                           nose surgery     
 ↑ 617.53 ↓                      neck surgery     
 ↑ 617.533 ↓                           larynx and trachea surgery     
 ↑ 617.6 ↓                 dentistry     
 ↑ 617.7 ↓                 ophthalmology     
 ↑ 617.8 ↓                 deafness     
 ↑ 617.8059 ↓                                ear deseases     
 ↑ 617.8075 ↓                                audiometry     
 ↑ 617.84 ↓                      medium ears deseases     
 ↑ 617.88 ↓                      internal ears deseases     
 ↑ 617.882 ↓                           labyrinthitis     
 ↑ 617.89 ↓                      hearing correction     
 ↑ 617.9 ↓                 surgery techniques     
 ↑ 617.952 ↓                           plastic surgery     
 ↑ 617.96 ↓                      anaesthetic     
 ↑ 618 ↓            gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics     
 ↑ 618.1 ↓                 gynecology     
 ↑ 618.1059 ↓                                gynecological surgical techniques     
 ↑ 618.1075 ↓                                diagnosis and prognosis     
 ↑ 618.10757 ↓                                     radiological diagnosis     
 ↑ 618.178 ↓                           sterility     
 ↑ 618.2 ↓                 obstetrics      
 ↑ 618.3 ↓                 diseases and pregnancy complications     
 ↑ 618.32 ↓                      fetal disorders     
 ↑ 618.4 ↓                 childbirth     
 ↑ 618.9 ↓                 pediatrics and geriatrics     
 ↑ 618.92 ↓                      pediatrics     
 ↑ 618.922 ↓                           pediatric diseases of the respiratory tract     
 ↑ 618.928 ↓                           pediatric diseases of nervous system     
 ↑ 618.929 ↓                           contagious diseases     
 ↑ 618.97 ↓                      geriatrics     
  620 ↓       engineering     
 ↑ 620 ↓            engineering in general     
 ↑ 620.0042 ↓                                engineering design, AutoCAD     
 ↑ 620.009 ↓                           history of engineering     
 ↑ 620.1 ↓                 mechanics and materials     
 ↑ 620.11 ↓                      materials, tests, alteration      
 ↑ 620.112 ↓                           material properties, tests     
 ↑ 620.13 ↓                      walling materials     
 ↑ 620.14 ↓                      ceramics, bricks and analogous materials     
 ↑ 620.16 ↓                      metals     
 ↑ 620.17 ↓                      iron, steel     
 ↑ 620.19 ↓                      other materials, polymers     
 ↑ 620.2 ↓                 applied acoustics     
 ↑ 620.3 ↓                 mechanic vibration     
 ↑ 620.4 ↓                 fine particle and surface technology     
 ↑ 620.5 ↓                 nanotechnology     
 ↑ 620.8 ↓                 ergonomy     
 ↑ 621 ↓            applied physics     
 ↑ 621.2 ↓                 hydraulic machinery     
 ↑ 621.3 ↓                 electrotechnics     
 ↑ 621.31 ↓                      electrical energy     
 ↑ 621.312 ↓                           generation, transformation, accumulation     
 ↑ 621.317 ↓                           control devices     
 ↑ 621.319 ↓                           transmission, electrical plants     
 ↑ 621.32 ↓                      electric enlightenment     
 ↑ 621.36 ↓                      optical engineering     
 ↑ 621.366 ↓                           lasers     
 ↑ 621.367 ↓                           technical photography, photoptics     
 ↑ 621.369 ↓                           fiber, integrated, nonlinear optics     
 ↑ 621.37 ↓                      tests and measures of electrical quantities     
 ↑ 621.38 ↓                      electronic and communication engineering     
 ↑ 621.381 ↓                           electronics      
 ↑ 621.381045 ↓                                          photodetectors     
 ↑ 621.3813 ↓                                microwaves     
 ↑ 621.3815 ↓                                components and circuits, CMOSs     
 ↑ 621.38152 ↓                                     semiconductors     
 ↑ 621.38153 ↓                                     circuits for special functions     
 ↑ 621.38154 ↓                                     photoelectric, test and measure components     
 ↑ 621.3817 ↓                                microelectronics     
 ↑ 621.382 ↓                           communication engineering     
 ↑ 621.3822 ↓                                signal processing     
 ↑ 621.3824 ↓                                antennas and propagation     
 ↑ 621.3825 ↓                                relays, satellites     
 ↑ 621.3827 ↓                                optical communication and fibers     
 ↑ 621.384 ↓                           radios, radars     
 ↑ 621.3841 ↓                                radio transmission, components, systems     
 ↑ 621.3848 ↓                                radars     
 ↑ 621.39 ↓                      computer engineering     
 ↑ 621.395 ↓                           logical networks, VLSI     
 ↑ 621.398 ↓                           interfaces, communication, devices     
 ↑ 621.4 ↓                 heat engineering, engines     
 ↑ 621.45 ↓                      wind engines     
 ↑ 621.46 ↓                      electric motors     
 ↑ 621.47 ↓                      solar energy engineering     
 ↑ 621.48 ↓                      nuclear engineering     
 ↑ 621.483 ↓                           nuclear reactors and power plants     
 ↑ 621.5 ↓                 pneumatics, void, low temperatures     
 ↑ 621.8 ↓                 machinery engineering     
 ↑ 621.89 ↓                      tribology     
 ↑ 621.9 ↓                 tools     
 ↑ 622 ↓            mining engineering     
 ↑ 622.1 ↓                 geophysical prospecting      
 ↑ 622.2 ↓                 excavation techniques     
 ↑ 622.3 ↓                 mining special minerals     
 ↑ 622.33 ↓                      hydrocarbons excavation     
 ↑ 623 ↓            military and naval engineering     
 ↑ 624 ↓            civil engineering     
 ↑ 624.072 ↓                           research and dissertations in civil engineering     
 ↑ 624.09 ↓                      history of civil engineering     
 ↑ 624.1 ↓                 structural engineering and underground building technology     
 ↑ 624.15 ↓                      building technology     
 ↑ 624.151 ↓                           geotechnics, soil mechanics     
 ↑ 624.1513 ↓                                rock and soil mechanics     
 ↑ 624.154 ↓                           pile foundations     
 ↑ 624.17 ↓                      structural systems, building science     
 ↑ 624.171 ↓                           structural analysis     
 ↑ 624.176 ↓                           seismic engineering     
 ↑ 624.177 ↓                           structure design     
 ↑ 624.1771 ↓                                structural design     
 ↑ 624.1772 ↓                                     
 ↑ 624.1776 ↓                                     
 ↑ 624.18 ↓                      materials     
 ↑ 624.182 ↓                           metal structures: iron, steel, aluminium     
 ↑ 624.183 ↓                           masonry structures     
 ↑ 624.1834 ↓                                concrete, reinforced concrete     
 ↑ 624.184 ↓                           wooden structures     
 ↑ 624.19 ↓                      underground building, tunnels     
 ↑ 624.2 ↓                 bridges     
 ↑ 625 ↓            railway and road engineering     
 ↑ 625.1 ↓                 railways     
 ↑ 625.7 ↓                 roads     
 ↑ 627 ↓            hydraulic engineering     
 ↑ 627.1 ↓                 inland waters     
 ↑ 627.12 ↓                      streams     
 ↑ 627.13 ↓                      canals     
 ↑ 627.14 ↓                      lakes     
 ↑ 627.2 ↓                 harbours     
 ↑ 627.5 ↓                 land improvement and irrigation     
 ↑ 627.54 ↓                      drainage     
 ↑ 627.8 ↓                 dams and reservoirs     
 ↑ 628 ↓            sanitary engineering, sewers, wastewater     
 ↑ 628.1 ↓                 water provision     
 ↑ 628.16 ↓                      analysis, treatment, countermeasures to pollution     
 ↑ 628.2 ↓                 sewers     
 ↑ 628.3 ↓                 wastewater treatment and disposal     
 ↑ 628.4 ↓                 trash     
 ↑ 628.5 ↓                 pollution control techniques     
 ↑ 628.53 ↓                      air pollution     
 ↑ 628.9 ↓                 fire prevention     
 ↑ 629 ↓            transport engineering, automatic controls     
 ↑ 629.1 ↓                 aerospace engineering     
 ↑ 629.2 ↓                 land vehicles     
 ↑ 629.4 ↓                 astronautics     
 ↑ 629.8 ↓                 automatic control engineering     
 ↑ 629.83 ↓                      closed-ring systems, feedback     
 ↑ 629.89 ↓                      computer control, robotics     
  630 ↓       agriculture     
 ↑ 630 ↓            agriculture in general     
 ↑ 630.91 ↓                      regional and tropical agriculture      
 ↑ 631 ↓            techniques, tools, materials     
 ↑ 631.4 ↓                 soil science     
 ↑ 631.41 ↓                      soil chemistry     
 ↑ 631.5 ↓                 cultivation and harvesting      
 ↑ 631.52 ↓                      seed and variety production, agricultural genetics     
 ↑ 631.53 ↓                      plant breeding     
 ↑ 632 ↓            plant pathology, biological and chemical control     
 ↑ 632.32 ↓                      bacterial diseases of plants     
 ↑ 632.7 ↓                 noxious insects, agricultural entomology     
 ↑ 632.9 ↓                 pesticides     
 ↑ 632.95 ↓                      pesticides     
 ↑ 633 ↓            field and plantation crops     
 ↑ 633.1 ↓                 grain growth     
 ↑ 633.5 ↓                 fiber cultivations     
 ↑ 633.7 ↓                 cultivation of alkaloid plants, tobacco, cacao     
 ↑ 634 ↓            arboriculture, fruit farming     
 ↑ 634.8 ↓                 viticulture     
 ↑ 635 ↓            horticulture, vegetables, gardening     
 ↑ 635.9 ↓                 floriculture, ornamental plants     
 ↑ 636 ↓            husbandry, breeding     
 ↑ 639 ↓            hunting, fishing, conservation     
 ↑ 639.2 ↓                 commercial fishing     
 ↑ 639.9 ↓                 conservation     
  640 ↓       home management, food     
 ↑ 641 ↓            food, hunting and fishing     
  650 ↓       business, management     
 ↑ 650 ↓            management and auxiliary services     
 ↑ 657 ↓            accounting     
 ↑ 658 ↓            organization and management     
 ↑ 658.4 ↓                 executive management     
 ↑ 658.401 ↓                           planning, control     
 ↑ 658.403 ↓                           decisions, information management     
 ↑ 658.404 ↓                           project management     
 ↑ 658.5 ↓                 production, quality control      
 ↑ 658.8 ↓                 distribution, sale, marketing, e-business     
  660 ↓       applied chemistry, food technology     
 ↑ 660 ↓            laboratory techniques, biotechnology in general     
 ↑ 660.28 ↓                      chemical plants and activities     
 ↑ 660.283 ↓                           equipment for processes, piping     
 ↑ 660.284 ↓                           unit operations and processes     
 ↑ 660.29 ↓                      applied physical chemistry, electrochemistry     
 ↑ 660.6 ↓                 biotechnology     
 ↑ 663 ↓            beverage technology     
 ↑ 663.2 ↓                 oenology     
 ↑ 664 ↓            food technology and microbiology     
 ↑ 666 ↓            ceramic and analogous technologies      
 ↑ 666.1 ↓                 glass     
 ↑ 666.7 ↓                 refractory materials, building clay products     
 ↑ 667 ↓            technology of cleaning, colour and upholstery     
 ↑ 667.2 ↓                 dyes and pigments     
 ↑ 668 ↓            technology of other organic products     
 ↑ 668.1 ↓                 surfactants     
 ↑ 668.4 ↓                 plastics     
 ↑ 668.5 ↓                 perfumes, cosmetics     
 ↑ 668.6 ↓                 agricultural chemical substances, pesticides     
 ↑ 668.9 ↓                 polymers     
 ↑ 669 ↓            metallurgy     
 ↑ 669.9 ↓                 chemical and physical metallurgy     
  670 ↓       manufacturing     
 ↑ 671 ↓            metal processing, galvanoplastics     
 ↑ 677 ↓            textiles     
  680 ↓       manufacturing for special use     
 ↑ 681 ↓            precision instruments     
 ↑ 681.2 ↓                 test and measurement tools, sensors     
 ↑ 686 ↓            printing     
  690 ↓       building     
 ↑ 690 ↓            building in general     
 ↑ 690.1 ↓                 structural elements     
 ↑ 690.16 ↓                      floors, lofts     
 ↑ 690.18 ↓                      openings, doors and windows     
 ↑ 690.2 ↓                 activities on buildings     
 ↑ 690.22 ↓                      safety actions in building     
 ↑ 690.24 ↓                      maintenance and restoration     
 ↑ 691 ↓            building materials     
 ↑ 693 ↓            buildings of special materials and purposes     
 ↑ 693.1 ↓                 stone     
 ↑ 693.5 ↓                 concrete     
 ↑ 693.7 ↓                 metals     
 ↑ 693.8 ↓                 special purpose building     
 ↑ 693.83 ↓                      thermal and acoustic isolation     
 ↑ 693.85 ↓                      antiseismic and antiexplosion buildings     
 ↑ 693.9 ↓                 other materials     
 ↑ 693.96 ↓                      glass     
 ↑ 693.97 ↓                      prefabricated materials     
 ↑ 694 ↓            wooden buildings     
 ↑ 695 ↓            roofing     
 ↑ 696 ↓            internal plants     
 ↑ 697 ↓            heating and conditioning     
 ↑ 697.9 ↓                 air conditioning, climatization     
 ↑ 698 ↓            finishes     
  700 ↓  architecture and arts     
 ↑ 700 ↓            the arts in general     
 ↑ 701 ↓            art philosophy ant theory     
 ↑ 701.8 ↓                 colour, perspective, composition     
 ↑ 702 ↓            art techniques and materials     
 ↑ 702.88 ↓                      maintenance and repair     
 ↑ 704.9 ↓                 iconography     
 ↑ 704.944 ↓                           iconography of architectures, urban views     
 ↑ 704.949 ↓                           iconography of other themes     
 ↑ 704.94978 ↓                                     music iconography     
 ↑ 704.949784 ↓                                          music instrument iconography     
 ↑ 707 ↓            art education     
 ↑ 707.4 ↓                 art expositions     
 ↑ 708 ↓            art galleries and collections     
 ↑ 709 ↓            art history     
 ↑ 709.02 ↓                      Middle Ages arts     
 ↑ 709.04 ↓                      twentieth century art     
 ↑ 709.2 ↓                 artists     
 ↑ 709.4 ↓                 European arts     
 ↑ 709.45 ↓                      Italian art     
  710 ↓       area planning, landscape     
 ↑ 711 ↓            area planning     
 ↑ 711.01 ↓                      area planning theory     
 ↑ 711.09 ↓                      history of area planning     
 ↑ 711.1 ↓                 procedural and social aspects     
 ↑ 711.3 ↓                 regional-scale planning     
 ↑ 711.4 ↓                 municipal-scale planning, cities     
 ↑ 711.409452 ↓                                          Lombardy and Pavia planning     
 ↑ 711.7 ↓                 transport facilities     
 ↑ 712 ↓            landscape architecture     
 ↑ 712.5 ↓                 public parks     
 ↑ 712.6 ↓                 proprietary parks     
 ↑ 714 ↓            water features in landscape     
 ↑ 719 ↓            wildlife landscapes     
 ↑ 719.3 ↓                 nature reserves     
 ↑ 719.32 ↓                      public parks and nature monuments     
  720 ↓       architecture     
 ↑ 720 ↓            architecture in general     
 ↑ 720.1 ↓                 architecture theory     
 ↑ 720.22 ↓                      architecture illustrations and models     
 ↑ 720.28 ↓                      restoration, architectural drawing     
 ↑ 720.284 ↓                           architectural drawing     
 ↑ 720.285 ↓                           digital architecture representation     
 ↑ 720.286 ↓                           renovation, reuse     
 ↑ 720.288 ↓                           conservation and restoration     
 ↑ 720.42 ↓                      architecture for disabled people, accessibility     
 ↑ 720.47 ↓                      architecture and environment     
 ↑ 720.71 ↓                      teaching architecture     
 ↑ 720.74 ↓                      architecture expositions and archives     
 ↑ 720.92 ↓                      architects and their works     
 ↑ 720.922 ↓                           groups of architects     
 ↑ 720.92AAL ↓                                     Alvar Aalto     
 ↑ 720.92BOT ↓                                     Mario Botta     
 ↑ 720.92CAL ↓                                     Santiago Calatrava     
 ↑ 720.92FOS ↓                                     Norman Foster     
 ↑ 720.92GAU ↓                                     Antoni Gaudí     
 ↑ 720.92GRO ↓                                     Walter Gropius     
 ↑ 720.92KAH ↓                                     Louis Kahn     
 ↑ 720.92KOO ↓                                     Rem Koolhaas     
 ↑ 720.92LEC ↓                                     Le Corbusier     
 ↑ 720.92MIE ↓                                     Ludwig Mies van der Rohe     
 ↑ 720.92NOU ↓                                     Jean Nouvel     
 ↑ 720.92PIA ↓                                     Renzo Piano     
 ↑ 720.92POR ↓                                     Paolo Portoghesi     
 ↑ 720.92ROS ↓                                     Aldo Rossi     
 ↑ 720.92WRI ↓                                     Frank Lloyd Wright     
 ↑ 720.94 ↓                      architecture in Europe     
 ↑ 720.94529 ↓                                     Pavia architecture     
 ↑ 720.9456 ↓                                Roman and central-Italian architecture     
 ↑ 720.95 ↓                      architecture in Asia     
 ↑ 721 ↓            building and architectural structures     
 ↑ 721.04 ↓                      architecture materials     
 ↑ 722 ↓            ancient architecture     
 ↑ 722.3 ↓                 Semitic ancient architecture     
 ↑ 722.5 ↓                 Middle East ancient architecture     
 ↑ 722.7 ↓                 Roman architecture     
 ↑ 722.8 ↓                 Hellenic architecture     
 ↑ 723 ↓            Middle Age architecture     
 ↑ 724 ↓            Renaissance and modern architecture     
 ↑ 724.1 ↓                 15th-18th century architecture     
 ↑ 724.12 ↓                      15th century architecture     
 ↑ 724.14 ↓                      16th century architecture     
 ↑ 724.16 ↓                      17th century architecture     
 ↑ 724.19 ↓                      18th century architecture     
 ↑ 724.5 ↓                 19th century architecture     
 ↑ 724.6 ↓                 20th century architecture     
 ↑ 724.7 ↓                 21st century architecture     
 ↑ 725 ↓            public buildings     
 ↑ 725.1 ↓                 administration buildings     
 ↑ 725.18 ↓                      military buildings, fortresses     
 ↑ 725.2 ↓                 commercial buildings     
 ↑ 725.3 ↓                 buildings for tranport and storage     
 ↑ 725.4 ↓                 industrial buildings, industrial archaeology     
 ↑ 725.5 ↓                 health buildings     
 ↑ 725.8 ↓                 buildings for shows and recreation     
 ↑ 726 ↓            buildings for worship     
 ↑ 726.5 ↓                 Christian churches and chapels     
 ↑ 726.6 ↓                 cathedrals     
 ↑ 726.7 ↓                 monasteries     
 ↑ 726.8 ↓                 tombs and cemeteries     
 ↑ 727 ↓            buildings for education and research     
 ↑ 727.1 ↓                 school buildings     
 ↑ 727.3 ↓                 university and college buildings     
 ↑ 727.7 ↓                 museums     
 ↑ 727.75 ↓                      science museums     
 ↑ 727.8 ↓                 libraries     
 ↑ 728 ↓            houses     
 ↑ 728.3 ↓                 residential buildings     
 ↑ 728.31 ↓                      multiple dwellings     
 ↑ 728.37 ↓                      single family houses     
 ↑ 728.5 ↓                 hotels and motels     
 ↑ 728.6 ↓                 rural houses     
 ↑ 728.8 ↓                 castles, manors     
 ↑ 729 ↓            design and decoration     
 ↑ 729.1 ↓                 vertical design     
 ↑ 729.2 ↓                 horizontal design     
 ↑ 729.28 ↓                      lighting     
  730 ↓       sculpture, plastic arts     
 ↑ 730 ↓            sculpture in general     
 ↑ 730.92 ↓                      sculptors     
 ↑ 733 ↓            ancient sculpture     
 ↑ 737 ↓            numismatics     
 ↑ 738 ↓            ceramic arts     
  740 ↓       graphic and decorative arts     
 ↑ 741 ↓            drawing, illustration and comics     
 ↑ 741.6 ↓                 illustration     
 ↑ 744 ↓            communication and visual design, graphics     
 ↑ 745 ↓            design, decoration     
 ↑ 745.2 ↓                 design, industrial art     
 ↑ 745.67 ↓                      illumination     
 ↑ 747 ↓            interior decoration     
  750 ↓       painting     
 ↑ 750 ↓            painting in general     
 ↑ 751 ↓            painting techniques     
 ↑ 755 ↓            religious painting     
 ↑ 757 ↓            human pictures     
 ↑ 759 ↓            painting in specific periods and regions     
 ↑ 759.5 ↓                 Italian painting     
 ↑ 759.529 ↓                           Pavia painting     
  770 ↓       photography and cinematography     
 ↑ 770 ↓            photography in general     
 ↑ 777 ↓            cinema and videos     
  780 ↓       music     
 ↑ 780 ↓            music in general     
 ↑ 780.02 ↓                      music and religion     
 ↑ 780.03 ↓                      music and society     
 ↑ 780.061 ↓                           music and medicine     
 ↑ 780.07 ↓                      music and arts     
 ↑ 780.0791 ↓                                music and cinema     
 ↑ 780.08 ↓                      music and literature     
 ↑ 780.1 ↓                 music theory     
 ↑ 780.14 ↓                      music language and communication     
 ↑ 780.148 ↓                           music notation     
 ↑ 780.149 ↓                           music editing and publication     
 ↑ 780.26 ↓                      scores and texts     
 ↑ 780.262 ↓                           music manuscripts     
 ↑ 780.285 ↓                           music computing     
 ↑ 780.3 ↓                 music dictionaries     
 ↑ 780.6 ↓                 music organizations     
 ↑ 780.7 ↓                 music education     
 ↑ 780.76 ↓                      handbooks, examinations     
 ↑ 780.77 ↓                      music pedagogy     
 ↑ 780.8 ↓                 social groups in music     
 ↑ 780.82 ↓                      women in music     
 ↑ 780.89 ↓                      ethnomusicology     
 ↑ 780.9 ↓                 music history     
 ↑ 780.902 ↓                           music in the Middle Ages     
 ↑ 780.903 ↓                           music in the Modern Age     
 ↑ 780.9031 ↓                                music 1450 to 1599     
 ↑ 780.9032 ↓                                music 1600 to 1750     
 ↑ 780.9033 ↓                                music 1750 to 1825     
 ↑ 780.9034 ↓                                music 1825 to 1899     
 ↑ 780.904 ↓                           music in 20th century     
 ↑ 780.92 ↓                      musicians   [all ↓]     
 ↑ 780.92.BAC ↓                                          Bach     
 ↑ 780.92.BAR ↓                                          Bartók     
 ↑ 780.92.BEE ↓                                          Beethoven     
 ↑ 780.92.BOC ↓                                          Boccherini     
 ↑ 780.92.BRA ↓                                          Brahms     
 ↑ 780.92.BRI ↓                                          Britten     
 ↑ 780.92.BRU ↓                                          Bruckner     
 ↑ 780.92.CAG ↓                                          Cage     
 ↑ 780.92.CAJ ↓                                          Cajkovskij     
 ↑ 780.92.DAL ↓                                          Dallapiccola     
 ↑ 780.92.DEB ↓                                          Debussy     
 ↑ 780.92.HAN ↓                                          Händel     
 ↑ 780.92.HAY ↓                                          Haydn     
 ↑ 780.92.MAH ↓                                          Mahler     
 ↑ 780.92.MEN ↓                                          Mendelssohn Bartholdy     
 ↑ 780.92.MES ↓                                          Messiaen     
 ↑ 780.92.MOZ ↓                                          Mozart     
 ↑ 780.92.NON ↓                                          Nono     
 ↑ 780.92.RAV ↓                                          Ravel     
 ↑ 780.92.SOS ↓                                          Shostakovich     
 ↑ 780.92.VIV ↓                                          Vivaldi     
 ↑ 780.922 ↓                           collective biographies of musicians     
 ↑ 780.92243 ↓                                     German musicians     
 ↑ 780.92245 ↓                                     Italian musicians     
 ↑ 780.93 ↓                      music in Antiquity     
 ↑ 780.937 ↓                           music in Roman age     
 ↑ 780.938 ↓                           music in ancient Greece     
 ↑ 780.94 ↓                      European music     
 ↑ 780.942 ↓                           English music     
 ↑ 780.943 ↓                           German music     
 ↑ 780.944 ↓                           French music     
 ↑ 780.945 ↓                           Italian music     
 ↑ 780.9451 ↓                                music in NW Italy     
 ↑ 780.9452 ↓                                music in Lombardy     
 ↑ 780.94521 ↓                                     music in Milan     
 ↑ 780.9453 ↓                                music in Veneto, Trentino AA, Friuli VG     
 ↑ 780.94531 ↓                                     music in Venice     
 ↑ 780.9454 ↓                                music in Emilia-Romagna     
 ↑ 780.9455 ↓                                music in Tuscany     
 ↑ 780.9456 ↓                                music in central Italy     
 ↑ 780.9457 ↓                                music in Southern Italy     
 ↑ 780.9458 ↓                                music in Sicily     
 ↑ 780.946 ↓                           music in Spain and Portugal     
 ↑ 780.947 ↓                           music in Russia     
 ↑ 780.948 ↓                           music in Northern Europe     
 ↑ 780.95 ↓                      music in Asia     
 ↑ 780.96 ↓                      music in Africa     
 ↑ 780.97 ↓                      music in Northern America     
 ↑ 780.98 ↓                      music in Southern America     
 ↑ 781 ↓            music principles and forms     
 ↑ 781.09 ↓                      history of music principles     
 ↑ 781.0902 ↓                                music principles in Middle Ages     
 ↑ 781.0903 ↓                                music principles in Modern Age     
 ↑ 781.09031 ↓                                     music principles in 16th century     
 ↑ 781.0904 ↓                                music principles in 20th century     
 ↑ 781.092 ↓                           music theoreticians     
 ↑ 781.0938 ↓                                music principles in ancient Greece     
 ↑ 781.094 ↓                           music principles in Europe     
 ↑ 781.1 ↓                 fundamental principles of music     
 ↑ 781.11 ↓                      psychological principles of music     
 ↑ 781.17 ↓                      artistic principles of music     
 ↑ 781.1709 ↓                                history of artistic principles of music     
 ↑ 781.17092 ↓                                     music art theoreticians     
 ↑ 781.17094 ↓                                     artistic principles of music in 20th century     
 ↑ 781.2 ↓                 music elements     
 ↑ 781.22 ↓                      tempo     
 ↑ 781.224 ↓                           rhythm     
 ↑ 781.23 ↓                      music sound     
 ↑ 781.24 ↓                      melody     
 ↑ 781.25 ↓                      harmony     
 ↑ 781.2509 ↓                                harmony in history     
 ↑ 781.26 ↓                      tonal systems     
 ↑ 781.263 ↓                           Medieval ecclesiastical modes     
 ↑ 781.28 ↓                      tessitura     
 ↑ 781.286 ↓                           counterpoint     
 ↑ 781.3 ↓                 composition     
 ↑ 781.309 ↓                           history of composition     
 ↑ 781.33 ↓                      seriality     
 ↑ 781.4 ↓                 music techniques     
 ↑ 781.42 ↓                      learning techniques, solfège     
 ↑ 781.43 ↓                      execution techniques     
 ↑ 781.4309 ↓                                history of execution techniques     
 ↑ 781.45 ↓                      direction     
 ↑ 781.46 ↓                      interpretation     
 ↑ 781.4609 ↓                                history of interpretation     
 ↑ 781.47 ↓                      accompaniment     
 ↑ 781.49 ↓                      music recording     
 ↑ 781.5 ↓                 music types     
 ↑ 781.542 ↓                           music for movies     
 ↑ 781.556 ↓                           music for ballet     
 ↑ 781.6 ↓                 musical traditions     
 ↑ 781.62 ↓                      traditional folk music     
 ↑ 781.62007 ↓                                     ethnomusicology     
 ↑ 781.625 ↓                           Italian traditional music     
 ↑ 781.63 ↓                      light music, pop     
 ↑ 781.64 ↓                      Western popular music     
 ↑ 781.65 ↓                      jazz     
 ↑ 781.66 ↓                      rock     
 ↑ 781.7 ↓                 sacred music     
 ↑ 781.71 ↓                      Christian sacred music     
 ↑ 781.710092 ↓                                          Christian musicians     
 ↑ 781.72 ↓                      music of Christian liturgical year     
 ↑ 781.8 ↓                 musical forms     
 ↑ 782 ↓            vocal music     
 ↑ 782.00268 ↓                                     music lyrics     
 ↑ 782.0092 ↓                                vocal music authors and interpreters     
 ↑ 782.1 ↓                 drama vocal music, operas     
 ↑ 782.1.MOZ ↓                                     Mozart     
 ↑ 782.1.VER ↓                                     Verdi     
 ↑ 782.1.WAG ↓                                     Wagner     
 ↑ 782.10268 ↓                                     librettos     
 ↑ 782.109 ↓                           history of opera music     
 ↑ 782.109032 ↓                                          opera 1600 to 1750     
 ↑ 782.109034 ↓                                          opera 1825 to 1899     
 ↑ 782.10904 ↓                                     opera in 20th century     
 ↑ 782.1092 ↓                                opera authors and interpreters     
 ↑ 782.10922 ↓                                     collective biographies of opera authors and interpreters     
 ↑ 782.1094 ↓                                opera in Europe     
 ↑ 782.10943 ↓                                     opera in Germany     
 ↑ 782.10944 ↓                                     opera in France     
 ↑ 782.10945 ↓                                     opera in Italy     
 ↑ 782.2 ↓                 non-drama vocal music     
 ↑ 782.20262 ↓                                     vocal music manuscripts     
 ↑ 782.20902 ↓                                     Medieval vocal music     
 ↑ 782.2092 ↓                                non-drama vocal music authors and interpreters     
 ↑ 782.22 ↓                      sacred vocal forms     
 ↑ 782.220262 ↓                                          sacred vocal music manuscripts     
 ↑ 782.22092 ↓                                     authors and interpreters of sacred vocal music     
 ↑ 782.23 ↓                      oratorios     
 ↑ 782.24 ↓                      complex vocal compositions     
 ↑ 782.25 ↓                      simple vocal compositions     
 ↑ 782.26 ↓                      mottettos     
 ↑ 782.27 ↓                      hymns     
 ↑ 782.29 ↓                      liturgical vocal music     
 ↑ 782.297 ↓                           tropes     
 ↑ 782.298 ↓                           liturgic drama     
 ↑ 782.3 ↓                 religious functions     
 ↑ 782.32219 ↓                                     orthodox functions     
 ↑ 782.3222 ↓                                Gregorian chants     
 ↑ 782.323 ↓                           mass     
 ↑ 782.324 ↓                           divine office     
 ↑ 782.4 ↓                 prophane forms     
 ↑ 782.42 ↓                      songs     
 ↑ 782.43 ↓                      poetry-derivated forms     
 ↑ 782.43092 ↓                                     authors of poetry-derivated forms     
 ↑ 782.430945 ↓                                          poetry-derivated forms in Italy     
 ↑ 782.47 ↓                      song cycles     
 ↑ 782.48 ↓                      prophane cantatas     
 ↑ 782.5 ↓                 mixed voices     
 ↑ 783 ↓            music for single voices     
 ↑ 783.2 ↓                 solo voice     
 ↑ 784 ↓            instruments and ensembles     
 ↑ 784.1 ↓                 principles, forms, instruments     
 ↑ 784.183 ↓                           sonata     
 ↑ 784.188 ↓                           dance forms     
 ↑ 784.19 ↓                      instruments     
 ↑ 784.19074 ↓                                     instrument museums and collections     
 ↑ 784.1909 ↓                                history of instruments     
 ↑ 784.192 ↓                           techniques and procedures for instruments     
 ↑ 784.2 ↓                 symphonic orchestra     
 ↑ 784.8 ↓                 band     
 ↑ 785 ↓            single-instruments ensembles     
 ↑ 785.71 ↓                      groups of strings     
 ↑ 786 ↓            keyboard, mechanic and percussion instruments     
 ↑ 786.2 ↓                 pianos     
 ↑ 786.2092 ↓                                piano authors and interpreters     
 ↑ 786.3 ↓                 clavichords     
 ↑ 786.4 ↓                 harpsichords     
 ↑ 786.5 ↓                 organs     
 ↑ 786.5092 ↓                                organists     
 ↑ 786.5094 ↓                                European organs     
 ↑ 786.5192 ↓                                organ techniques     
 ↑ 786.51943 ↓                                     German organs     
 ↑ 786.51944 ↓                                     French organs     
 ↑ 786.51945 ↓                                     Italian organs     
 ↑ 786.55 ↓                      reed and regal organs     
 ↑ 786.6 ↓                 mechanic and eolic instruments     
 ↑ 786.7 ↓                 electronic instruments     
 ↑ 786.8 ↓                 percussion instruments     
 ↑ 786.9 ↓                 drums     
 ↑ 786519 ↓                           specific organs     
 ↑ 787 ↓            stringed instruments     
 ↑ 787.2 ↓                 fiddles     
 ↑ 787.2092 ↓                                fiddlers     
 ↑ 787.219092 ↓                                          lutists, fiddle makers     
 ↑ 787.3 ↓                 violas     
 ↑ 787.4 ↓                 cellos     
 ↑ 787.5 ↓                 contrabasses     
 ↑ 787.6 ↓                 old violas     
 ↑ 787.8 ↓                 picked lute family     
 ↑ 787.83 ↓                      lutes     
 ↑ 787.87 ↓                      guitars     
 ↑ 787.9 ↓                 harps     
 ↑ 787219 ↓                           specific fiddles     
 ↑ 788 ↓            wind instruments     
 ↑ 788.3 ↓                 flute family     
 ↑ 788.32 ↓                      transverse flutes     
 ↑ 788.4 ↓                 reed instruments     
 ↑ 788.5 ↓                 double-reed instruments     
 ↑ 788.6 ↓                 simple-reed instruments     
 ↑ 788.9 ↓                 brasses     
  790 ↓       sport and entertainment     
 ↑ 790 ↓            sport and entertainment in general     
 ↑ 790.2 ↓                 performance and show arts     
 ↑ 791 ↓            public shows     
 ↑ 791.43 ↓                      cinema     
 ↑ 791.4301 ↓                                cinema theory     
 ↑ 791.4302 ↓                                film techniques     
 ↑ 791.430233 ↓                                          film direction     
 ↑ 791.4309 ↓                                history of cinema     
 ↑ 791.430945 ↓                                          history of Italian cinema     
 ↑ 791.430973 ↓                                          history of American cinema     
 ↑ 791.436 ↓                           genres and themes of cinema     
 ↑ 791.44 ↓                      radio broadcasting     
 ↑ 791.45 ↓                      television     
 ↑ 792 ↓            theatre     
 ↑ 792.01 ↓                      theatre theory     
 ↑ 792.02 ↓                      theatre techniques     
 ↑ 792.09 ↓                      history of theatre     
 ↑ 792.0938 ↓                                ancient Greek theatre     
 ↑ 792.094 ↓                           history of European theatre     
 ↑ 792.0945 ↓                                history of Italian theatre     
 ↑ 792.1 ↓                 tragedy and drama     
 ↑ 792.2 ↓                 comedy     
 ↑ 792.5 ↓                 opera     
 ↑ 792.509 ↓                           history of opera     
 ↑ 792.50945 ↓                                     history of Italian opera     
 ↑ 792.6 ↓                 musical shows, dance     
 ↑ 792.8 ↓                 ballet and modern dance     
 ↑ 793.3 ↓                 social, folk and national dance     
 ↑ 793.7 ↓                 actionless games     
 ↑ 793.74 ↓                      mathematical games     
 ↑ 796 ↓            athletic and outdoor sport and games     
 ↑ 796.08 ↓                      sportsmen of special categories     
  800 ↓  literature     
 ↑ 800 ↓            literature in general     
 ↑ 801 ↓            philosophy and theory of literature     
 ↑ 801.93 ↓                      aesthetics     
 ↑ 801.95 ↓                      literary criticism     
 ↑ 801.959 ↓                           text criticism     
 ↑ 808 ↓            rhetorics     
 ↑ 808.02 ↓                      editing techniques     
 ↑ 808.1 ↓                 poetry rhetorics     
 ↑ 808.3 ↓                 rhetorics of fiction     
 ↑ 808.5 ↓                 speech rhetorics     
 ↑ 808.8 ↓                      
 ↑ 808.8002 ↓                                Middle Ages texts     
 ↑ 809 ↓            history of literatures     
 ↑ 809.02 ↓                      Middle Ages literatures     
 ↑ 809.03 ↓                      modern literatures     
 ↑ 809.04 ↓                      20th Century literatures     
 ↑ 809.1 ↓                 history of poetry     
 ↑ 809.3 ↓                 history of fiction     
 ↑ 809.933 ↓                           literature on special topics     
 ↑ 809.93351  ↓                                          legendary characters     
 ↑ 813 ↓            English American fiction     
 ↑ 823 ↓            English fiction     
 ↑ 830 ↓            German literature in general     
 ↑ 831 ↓            German poetry     
 ↑ 832 ↓            German drama     
 ↑ 833 ↓            German fiction     
 ↑ 840 ↓            Romance literatures     
 ↑ 840.09 ↓                      history of Romance literatures     
 ↑ 840.9 ↓                 history of French literature     
 ↑ 841 ↓            French poetry     
 ↑ 841.1 ↓                 medieval French poetry     
 ↑ 843 ↓            French fiction     
 ↑ 849 ↓            Occitan literature, troubadours     
  850 ↓       Italian literature     
 ↑ 850 ↓            Italian literature in general     
 ↑ 850.9 ↓                 history of Italian literature     
 ↑ 850.9001 ↓                                medieval Italian literature     
 ↑ 850.9002 ↓                                humanism Italian literature     
 ↑ 850.9009 ↓                                20th-21th century Italian literature     
 ↑ 851 ↓            Italian poetry     
 ↑ 851.009 ↓                           history of Italian poetry     
 ↑ 851.04 ↓                      Italian lyric poetry and ballads     
 ↑ 851.1 ↓                 medieval Italian poetry     
 ↑ 851.2 ↓                 Humanism Italian poetry     
 ↑ 851.3 ↓                 Renaissance Italian poetry     
 ↑ 851.5 ↓                 1542-1585 Italian poetry     
 ↑ 851.5 ↓                 1585-1748 Italian poetry     
 ↑ 851.6 ↓                 1748-1814 Italian poetry     
 ↑ 851.7 ↓                 1814-1859 Italian poetry     
 ↑ 851.8 ↓                 1859-1899 Italian poetry     
 ↑ 851.9 ↓                 20th-21th century Italian poetry     
 ↑ 851.912 ↓                           1900-1945 Italian poetry     
 ↑ 851.914 ↓                           1945-1999 Italian poetry     
 ↑ 852 ↓            Italian drama     
 ↑ 853 ↓            Italian fiction     
 ↑ 853.1 ↓                 medieval Italian fiction     
 ↑ 853.7 ↓                 1814-1859 Italian fiction     
 ↑ 853.8 ↓                 1859-1899 Italian fiction     
 ↑ 853.9 ↓                 20th-21th century Italian novels      
 ↑ 853.912 ↓                           1900-1945 Italian fiction     
 ↑ 853.914 ↓                           1945-1999 Italian fiction     
 ↑ 854 ↓            Italian essays     
 ↑ 856 ↓            Italian epistolography     
 ↑ 858 ↓            Italian miscellaneous works     
 ↑ 858.9 ↓                 20th-21st century Italian miscellaneous works     
 ↑ 861 ↓            Spanish poetry     
 ↑ 863 ↓            Spanish fiction     
 ↑ 869 ↓            Portuguese literature     
 ↑ 870 ↓            Latin literature in general     
 ↑ 870.9 ↓                 history of Latin literature     
 ↑ 870.9001 ↓                                classic Latin literature     
 ↑ 870.9003 ↓                                750-1349 CE Latin literature     
 ↑ 870.9004 ↓                                modern Latin literature     
 ↑ 871 ↓            Latin poetry     
 ↑ 871.01 ↓                      classic Latin poetry     
 ↑ 871.03 ↓                      750-1349 CE Latin poetry     
 ↑ 871.04 ↓                      modern Latin poetry     
 ↑ 872 ↓            Latin drama     
 ↑ 873 ↓            Latin epic and fiction     
 ↑ 874 ↓            Latin lyric poetry     
 ↑ 875 ↓            Latin speeches     
 ↑ 876 ↓            Latin epistolography     
 ↑ 878 ↓            Latin miscellaneous works     
 ↑ 880 ↓            Greek literature in general     
 ↑ 880.09 ↓                      history of classic literatures     
 ↑ 880.9 ↓                 history of Greek literature     
 ↑ 881 ↓            Greek poetry     
 ↑ 882 ↓            Greek drama     
 ↑ 883 ↓            Greek epic and fiction     
 ↑ 884 ↓            Greek lyric poetry     
 ↑ 888 ↓            Greek miscellaneous works     
 ↑ 896 ↓            African literatures     
  900 ↓  geography and history     
 ↑ 901 ↓            philosophy and theory of history     
 ↑ 904 ↓            narrations of events     
 ↑ 904.5 ↓                 natural events     
 ↑ 907 ↓            research and teaching in history     
 ↑ 907.2 ↓                 research in history     
 ↑ 909 ↓            world history     
 ↑ 909.04 ↓                      national and ethnic group history     
 ↑ 909.0492 ↓                                history of Jews and other Semitic peoples     
 ↑ 909.04927 ↓                                     history of Arabs     
 ↑ 909.09 ↓                      regional history     
 ↑ 909.09767 ↓                                     history of Islamic regions     
 ↑ 909.09822 ↓                                     history of Mediterranean Sea     
 ↑ 909.8 ↓                 world history after 1800     
 ↑ 909.82 ↓                      20th century world history     
  910 ↓       geography     
 ↑ 910 ↓            geography in general, biogeography     
 ↑ 910.02 ↓                      physical geography     
 ↑ 910.28 ↓                      techniques and equipments of geography, GIS     
 ↑ 910.4 ↓                 narration of travels, travel facilities     
 ↑ 910.92 ↓                      geographers     
 ↑ 911 ↓            historical geography     
 ↑ 912 ↓            cartography     
 ↑ 914 ↓            Europe     
 ↑ 914.52 ↓                      Lombardy     
 ↑ 914.96 ↓                      Balkan peninsula     
 ↑ 915 ↓            Asia     
 ↑ 915.1 ↓                 China and Korea     
 ↑ 915.2 ↓                 Japan     
 ↑ 915.4 ↓                 India     
 ↑ 915.6 ↓                 Middle East     
 ↑ 915.8 ↓                 Central Asia     
 ↑ 916 ↓            Africa     
 ↑ 916.04 ↓                      travels in Africa     
 ↑ 916.1 ↓                 Tunisia and Lybia     
 ↑ 916.3 ↓                 Ethiopia and Eritrea     
 ↑ 916.6 ↓                 West Africa     
 ↑ 920 ↓            biography in general     
 ↑ 923 ↓            biographies of social scientists     
 ↑ 929 ↓            genealogy and names     
  930 ↓       ancient history     
 ↑ 930 ↓            ancient world history     
 ↑ 930.1 ↓                 archaeology, archaeometry     
 ↑ 933 ↓            ancient history of Palestine     
 ↑ 937 ↓            ancient history of Italy     
 ↑ 938 ↓                 
 ↑ 939 ↓            history of other parts of the Ancient World     
  940 ↓       European history     
 ↑ 940 ↓            European history in general     
 ↑ 940.1 ↓                 medieval history of Europe     
 ↑ 940.2 ↓                 modern history of Europe     
 ↑ 940.3 ↓                 World War I     
 ↑ 940.4 ↓                 military history of WW I     
 ↑ 940.5 ↓                 history of Europe after WWI     
 ↑ 940.53 ↓                           
 ↑ 940.54 ↓                           
 ↑ 941 ↓            history of British Isles     
 ↑ 941.6 ↓                 history of Northern Ireland     
 ↑ 942 ↓            English history     
 ↑ 943 ↓            German history     
 ↑ 943.086 ↓                           Third Reich period     
 ↑ 943.6 ↓                 history of Austria     
 ↑ 943.8 ↓                 Polish history     
 ↑ 944 ↓            history of France     
 ↑ 945 ↓            Italian history     
 ↑ 945.01 ↓                      ancient history of Italy     
 ↑ 945.02 ↓                      history of Carolingian Italy     
 ↑ 945.08 ↓                      history of Italy in 19th century     
 ↑ 945.083 ↓                           history of Italian Risorgimento     
 ↑ 945.09 ↓                      history of Italy in 20th-21st century     
 ↑ 945.0915 ↓                                history of Italian Fascism     
 ↑ 945.0916 ↓                                history of Italian Resistance     
 ↑ 945.092 ↓                           history of Italy in 1945-1999     
 ↑ 945.1 ↓                 history of Piedmont and Liguria     
 ↑ 945.2 ↓                 history of Lombardy     
 ↑ 945.27 ↓                      history of Cremona     
 ↑ 945.29 ↓                      history of Pavia     
 ↑ 945.3 ↓                 history of Venezie     
 ↑ 945.4 ↓                 history of Emilia     
 ↑ 945.5 ↓                 history of Tuscany     
 ↑ 945.6 ↓                 history of Rome and Central Italy     
 ↑ 945.7 ↓                 history of Southern Italy     
 ↑ 945.8 ↓                 history of Sicily     
 ↑ 945.9 ↓                 history of Sardinia     
 ↑ 946 ↓            Spanish history     
 ↑ 947 ↓            Russian history     
 ↑ 949 ↓            history of other European countries     
 ↑ 949.5 ↓                 Greek history     
 ↑ 949.502 ↓                           history of Byzantium     
 ↑ 949.65 ↓                      Albanian history     
 ↑ 949.7 ↓                 Balkan history     
 ↑ 949.8 ↓                 Romanian history     
  950 ↓       Asian history     
 ↑ 950 ↓            Asian history in general     
 ↑ 951 ↓            Chinese history     
 ↑ 953 ↓            history of Arabian area     
 ↑ 954 ↓            Indian history     
 ↑ 955 ↓            history of Iran     
 ↑ 956 ↓            history of Middle East     
 ↑ 956.04 ↓                      Afterwar Middle-East history     
 ↑ 956.1 ↓                 history of Turkey     
 ↑ 956.7 ↓                 history of Iraq     
 ↑ 956.9 ↓                 history of Near East      
 ↑ 956.91 ↓                      history of Syria     
 ↑ 956.94 ↓                      history of Israel     
 ↑ 959 ↓            history of SE Asia     
 ↑ 959.6 ↓                 history of Cambodia     
 ↑ 959.7 ↓                 Vietnamese history     
  960 ↓       African history     
 ↑ 960 ↓            African history in general     
 ↑ 960.3 ↓                 African history after 1885     
 ↑ 961 ↓            history of Tunisia and Libia     
 ↑ 962 ↓            history of Egypt     
 ↑ 963 ↓            history of Ethiopia and Eritrea     
 ↑ 964 ↓            history of Morocco     
 ↑ 965 ↓            history of Algeria     
 ↑ 966 ↓            history of West Africa     
 ↑ 966.9 ↓                 history of Nigeria     
 ↑ 967 ↓            history of central Africa     
 ↑ 967.3 ↓                 history of Angola     
 ↑ 967.5 ↓                 history of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi     
 ↑ 967.6 ↓                 history of Uganda, Kenya     
 ↑ 967.7 ↓                 history of Somalia     
 ↑ 967.8 ↓                 history of Tanzania     
 ↑ 967.9 ↓                 Mozambican history     
 ↑ 968 ↓            history of Southern Africa     
 ↑ 968.9 ↓                 history of Rhodesia-Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi     
 ↑ 968.91 ↓                      history of Zimbabwe     
  970 ↓       North-American history     
 ↑ 970 ↓            history of Northern America in general     
 ↑ 972 ↓            history of Mexico and central America     
 ↑ 973 ↓            history of USA     
  980 ↓       South-American history     
 ↑ 982 ↓            Argentinian history     
 ↑ 983 ↓            Chilean history     
 ↑ 984 ↓            Bolivian history     
 ↑ 985 ↓            Peruan history     
 ↑ ?338.2728 ↓                                     oil mining economics     
 ↑ ANTICO.P ↓                                old materials     
 ↑ B.3  ↓                  

Jump to: 320 political sciences · 330 economics · 340 law 
510 mathematics · 530 physics · 540 chemistry · 550 Earth sciences 
570 biology · 610 medicine · 620 engineering · 720 architecture 
780 music · 800 literature · 900 geography and history 





 Local shelfmarks
 ↓ Political Sciences shelfmarks
 ↓ Economics shelfmarks
 ↓ Oftalmology shelfmarks at Medical library
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 ↓ Earth Sciences shelfmarks in Tamburo store
 ↓ old Engineering shelfmarks in Tamburo store:
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 ↓ S.SPEC, S.FLORE, MICOL and ANTICO shelfmarks at Botanical Garden


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