↑ | 10A | hydrogeology | ≈ 551.49 | |
↑ | 10A/ | petrographic research methods and specific petrography | ≈ 552 /min | |
↑ | 10B | hydrology | ≈ 551.48 | |
↑ | 10B/ | experimental petrography | ≈ 552 /min | |
↑ | 10C | structural petrography | ≈ 552.06 /min | |
↑ | 10D | X-rays in petrography | ≈ 552.06 /min | |
↑ | 10E | methods of rocks analysis | ≈ 552.06 /min | |
↑ | 10F | rock analysis, petrochemistry | ≈ 552.06 /min | |
↑ | 10G | astronomy and cosmochemistry | ≈ 520 /min | |
↑ | 10H | meteorites | ≈ 523.44 /min | |
↑ | 10I | geochemistry | ≈ 551.9 /min | |
↑ | 10L | geochemical research methods | ≈ 551.9 /min | |
↑ | 11A | general geography | ≈ 910 | |
↑ | 11B | oceanography | ≈ 551.46 | |
↑ | 11C | cartography | ≈ 912 | |
↑ | 12A | geomorphology | ≈ 551.41 | |
↑ | 12B | physical geography | ≈ 910.02 | |
↑ | 13A | climatology | ≈ 551.6 | |
↑ | 13D | glaciology | ≈ 551.31 | |
↑ | 14A | regional geology. Extra Europe | ≈ 555 556 | |
↑ | 15A | regional geology. Europe | ≈ 554 | |
↑ | 15B | regional geology. Italy in general | ≈ 554.5 | |
↑ | 16A | regional geology. Alps | ≈ 554.51 | |
↑ | 16B | regional geology. Apennines | ≈ 554.5 | |
↑ | 17A | structural geology | ≈ 551.8 | |
↑ | 17B | geological survey, sections and geological maps, orientation | ≈ 551.072 | |
↑ | 17C | photogeology | ≈ 550.28 | |
↑ | 17D | historical geology | ≈ 551.7 | |
↑ | 18A | geodynamics, plate tectonics, geology of the lithosphere | ≈ 551.8 | |
↑ | 18B | mathematical and statistical geology, computer | ≈ 550.11 | |
↑ | 18C | environmental geology | ≈ 333.72 719 | |
↑ | 19A | general geology | ≈ 551.1 | |
↑ | 19B | stratigraphic geology | ≈ 551.7 | |
↑ | 19C | neotectonic | ≈ 551.8 | |
↑ | 20A | applied geology. Treatises and handbooks | ≈ 624.1 | |
↑ | 20B | applied geology. Geology of buildings and geology of linear works | ≈ 624.15 | |
↑ | 20D | applied geology. Landslides. Arrangements | ≈ 551.3 | |
↑ | 20E | applied geology. Landslides. Censuses | ≈ 551.3 | |
↑ | 20F | applied geology. Local studies | ≈ 624.15 | |
↑ | 20G | applied geology. Geopedology | ≈ 624.151 | |
↑ | 21A | geological exploration of the subsurface and technical geological survey. Treatises and handbooks | ≈ 551.072 | |
↑ | 21B | geological exploration of the subsurface and technical geological survey. Tunnels and underground spaces | ≈ 551.072 | |
↑ | 21C | geological exploration of the subsurface and technical geological survey. Thematic cartography | ≈ 551.072 | |
↑ | 21D | geological exploration of the subsurface and technical geological survey. Applied geophysical prospecting | ≈ 551.072 | |
↑ | 21E | geological exploration of the subsurface. Earthquakes | ≈ 551.22 | |
↑ | 21F | geological exploration of the subsurface. Volcanoes | ≈ 551.21 | |
↑ | 22A | geotechnic and technical geology. Treatises and handbooks | ≈ 624.151 | |
↑ | 22B | geotechnic and technical geology. Soil mechanics | ≈ 624.151 | |
↑ | 22C | geotechnic ancd technical geology. Mechanics of the rocks | ≈ 624.151 | |
↑ | 23A | mining geology. Geology of hydrocarbons | ≈ 553.2 | |
↑ | 23B | mining geology. Ore deposits | ≈ 553 | |
↑ | 23C | mining geology. Treatises and handbooks | ≈ 553 | |
↑ | 23D | mining geology. Geology of fossil coals | ≈ 553.2 | |
↑ | 23E | mining geology. Geothermy | ≈ 551.23 | |
↑ | 23F | mining geology. Quarries | ≈ 622.2 | |
↑ | 23G | mining geology. Legislation | ≈ 553 | |
↑ | 24A | geophysics. Treatises and handbooks | ≈ 551.1 | |
↑ | 24B | geophysics. Seismology | ≈ 551.22 | |
↑ | 24C | geophysics. Planetary sciences | ≈ 551.1 | |
↑ | 25A | geochemistry | ≈ 551.9 | |
↑ | 25B | mineralogy | ≈ 549 | |
↑ | 25C | petrography | ≈ 552 | |
↑ | 26A | general and systematic paleontology | ≈ 560 | |
↑ | 26B | micropaleontology | ≈ 561 | |
↑ | 27A | paleontology. Invertebrates | ≈ 562 | |
↑ | 27B | paleontology. Invertebrates | ≈ 562 | |
↑ | 28B | paleontology. Vertebrates | ≈ 567 569 | |
↑ | 29A | general sedimentology | ≈ 552.5 | |
↑ | 29B | sedimentology. Silicoclastic | ≈ 552.5 | |
↑ | 29C | sedimentology. Carbonates | ≈ 552.5 | |
↑ | 29D | sedimentary petrography | ≈ 552.5 | |
↑ | 30A | petrography and geology. Southern Italy and islands | ≈ 554.5 | |
↑ | 30AA | elementary courses in geology (ex-Mineralogy institute) | ≈ 551 | |
↑ | 30AB | regional geology (ex-Mineralogy institute) | ≈ 554 | |
↑ | 30AR | geology treatises | ≈ 551 | |
↑ | 30AT | Antarctica | ≈ 559 | |
↑ | 30B | petrography and geology. Central Italy | ≈ 554.5 | |
↑ | 30C | petrography and geology. Po valley | ≈ 554.51 | |
↑ | 30D | petrography and geology. Lombardy | ≈ 554.51 | |
↑ | 30E | petrography and geology. Eastern Alps | ≈ 554.51 | |
↑ | 30F | petrography and geology. Africa | ≈ 556 | |
↑ | 30G | petrography and geology. Non-Italian Alps | ≈ 554.51 | |
↑ | 30H | petrography and geology. Western Europe special works | ≈ 554 | |
↑ | 30I | petrography and geology. Central-Southern Europe | ≈ 554 | |
↑ | 30L | petrography and geology. Northern Europe | ≈ 554 | |
↑ | 30M | petrography and geology. Russia [no EC] | | |
↑ | 30N | petrography and geology. America [no EC] | | |
↑ | 31A | sedimentary petrography | ≈ 552.5 | |
↑ | 31B | geology special works | ≈ 551 | |
↑ | 31B-I | sedimentology | ≈ 552.5 | |
↑ | 31B-II | diagenesis | ≈ 552 | |
↑ | 31C | geography, physical geography and geophysics | ≈ 551 | |
↑ | 31CR | methods of analysis | ≈ 549 | |
↑ | 31D | paleontology | ≈ 560 | |
↑ | 31DR | carbonate rocks | ≈ 552.5 | |
↑ | 31E | history and philosophy of science | ≈ 509 | |
↑ | 31G | geothermal energy | ≈ 551.23 | |
↑ | 31H | technical geology | ≈ 624.15 | |
↑ | 31I | dictionaries of earth sciences | ≈ 550.3 | |
↑ | 32E | soils and weathering | ≈ 551.3 | |
↑ | 32F | geology. Clays | ≈ 551.3 | |
↑ | 32G | clays, thermal analysis | ≈ 549.67 | |
↑ | 32H | ceramics | ≈ 620.14 553.6 | |
↑ | 32L | [soils] | ≈ 551.3 | |
↑ | 44A | elementary mineralogy courses | ≈ 549 | |
↑ | 44B | history of mineralogy and geological sciences | ≈ 550.9 | |
↑ | 44C | mineralogy courses | ≈ 549 | |
↑ | 44D | museums | ≈ 549 | |
↑ | 45A | special mineralogy treatises | ≈ 549 | |
↑ | 45B | local mineralogy | ≈ 549.9 | |
↑ | 45C | regional mineralogy. Western Europe | ≈ 549.9 | |
↑ | 45D | mineralogy of Russia (no ec) | ≈ 549.9 | |
↑ | 45E | extra-European regional mineralogy | ≈ 549.9 | |
↑ | 45F | minerals by element or chemical group | ≈ 549 | |
↑ | 45G | applied mineralogy | ≈ 549 | |
↑ | 45H | feldspars | ≈ 549.6 | |
↑ | 46A | ore deposits treatises | ≈ 553 | |
↑ | 47A | general crystallography | ≈ 548 | |
↑ | 47B | crystallography. Morphology | ≈ 548.8 | |
↑ | 47BA | simple shapes tables | ≈ 548.8 | |
↑ | 47C | cristallography classics | ≈ 548 | |
↑ | 47D | projections and calculation of crystals | ≈ 548.8 | |
↑ | 47E | special works of morphological chrystallography | ≈ 548.8 | |
↑ | 47F | crystalline optics | ≈ 548.9 | |
↑ | 47H | crystal physics | ≈ 548.8 | |
↑ | 48A | theory on the chrystal structure | ≈ 548.8 | |
↑ | 48B | X ray diffraction. Theory | ≈ 548.9 | |
↑ | 48BA | X-ray search methods | ≈ 548.9 | |
↑ | 48BB | structural data | ≈ 548.8 | |
↑ | 48BC | crystal chemistry | ≈ 548.3 | |
↑ | 48BD | Fourier methods and direct methods | ≈ 548.7 | |
↑ | 48BE | organic structures | ≈ 548.9 | |
↑ | 48C | tables for x-rays searches | ≈ 548.9 | |
↑ | 49D | minerochemistry | ≈ 549.1 | |
↑ | 49E | special works of minerochemistry | ≈ 549.1 | |
↑ | 49F | physical chemistry of minerals and crystals | ≈ 549.1 | |
↑ | 49G | mineral synthesis and increase | ≈ 549.1 | |
↑ | 49H | mineral determination | ≈ 549.1 | |
↑ | 49L | neutron diffraction | ≈ 549.1 | |
↑ | 49M | electron diffraction and electronic microscopy | ≈ 549.1 | |
↑ | 58A | treatises and tables. (Abegg-Auerbach), Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie | ≈ 549 | |
↑ | 58B | treatises and tables. Pascal | ≈ 549 | |
↑ | 58BB | Nouveau traité de chimie minérale | ≈ 549.1 | |
↑ | 58C | treatises and tables | ≈ 549 | |
↑ | 58D | Handbuch der Mineralchemie / Doelter | ≈ 549.1 | |
↑ | 58E | Chemische Krystallographie / Groth | ≈ 548.3 | |
↑ | 58F | Handbuch der Mineralogie / Hintze | ≈ 549 | |
↑ | 58G | DNA Ert al. | ≈ 549 | |
↑ | 58H | Landolt, Bornstein Physikalisch chemische Tabellen | ≈ 549 | |
↑ | 58I | numerical data cristallography | ≈ 548 | |
↑ | 58L | treatises and tables: Goldschmidt, Groth, Strunz | ≈ 548 | |
↑ | 58M | the Barker index of crystals | ≈ 548 | |
↑ | 58N | treatises and tables. Physical constants | ≈ 548.8 | |
↑ | 58O | In the world of science: encyclopedias of natural sciences | ≈ 550 | |
↑ | 58P | treatises and tables. Catalogues | ≈ 549 | |
↑ | 59A | general and inorganic chemistry | ≈ 540 | |
↑ | 59B | analytical chemistry | ≈ 543 | |
↑ | 59C | microchemistry | ≈ 543.22 | |
↑ | 59D | physical methods of analytical chemistry | ≈ 543.2 | |
↑ | 59E | industrial chemistry | ≈ 660 | |
↑ | 59F | metallurgy | ≈ 669 | |
↑ | 59G | organic chemistry | ≈ 547 | |
↑ | 59H | colloids and rare soils | ≈ 541.345 | |
↑ | 59I | organic biological chemistry | ≈ 572 | |
↑ | 60A | chemistry-physics | ≈ 541 | |
↑ | 60B | stereochemistry and structural chemistry | ≈ 541.22 | |
↑ | 60C | theoretical physics and structure | ≈ 530.1 | |
↑ | 60D | physics | ≈ 530 | |
↑ | 60E | mathematics | ≈ 510 | |
↑ | 60F | mathematical and statistical tables | ≈ 510 | |
↑ | 60G | photography | ≈ 770 | |
↑ | 60H | physics instruments | ≈ 530 | |
↑ | 8Bmin | mining art | ≈ 622 | |
↑ | 8Cmin | special deposits of individual minerals | ≈ 622.3 | |
↑ | 8Dmin | local deposits | ≈ 549.9 | |
↑ | 8Emin | identification of the gems | ≈ 549.1 | |
↑ | 8Fmin | special works about deposits | ≈ 622 | |
↑ | 8Gmin | history of minerals | ≈ 549 | |
↑ | 9A/ | petrography treatises | ≈ 552 /min | |
↑ | 9AA | history of petrography | ≈ 552.009 /min
| |
↑ | 9B/ | eruptive rocks and volcanology | ≈ 552.2 /min
| |
↑ | 9D/ | crystal shales, petrology, metamorphic rocks and tectonites | ≈ 552.4 /min
| |
↑ | 9E/ | technical petrography | ≈ 930.1 /min
| |