K8653:11.43 | Coleoptera Polyphaga: Nomenclature, Classification. Southeast Asia Indo-China | Revision du genre Chrysodema / par Tiéri Lander. - Andrésy : Magellanes, c2003. - 94 p. : ill. ; 26 cm [id 712] | FREP3 |
K8673:180j4.43 | Nymphalidae: List [and] Picture. Southeast Asia | Nymphalidae 9. : Amathusiini of the Philippine Islands / Heinz G. Schroeder & Colin G. Treadaway. - Keltern : Goecke & Evers, 2005. - 9 p., 24 p. di tav. : ill. ; 34 cm [id 858] | ENGP5 |
K867:12.4313 | Lepidoptera: Natural History. Vietnam | Nymphalidae: Satyrinae / by Alexander L. Monastyrskii. - [S.l.] : Dolphin Media Co., Ltd, 2005. - 198 p. : ill. ; 21 cm [id 746] | ENGP5 |
K867:12.4313 | Lepidoptera: Natural History. Vietnam | Papilionidae / by Alexander L. Monastyrskii. - [S.l.] : Dolphin Media Co., Ltd, c2007. - 126 p., 31 c. di tav. : ill. ; 21 cm. [id 747] | ENGP7 |