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G95531:527.161Coastal biology: Conservation. Mediterranean seaBeach erosion monitoring. Results from BEACHMED-e/OpTIMAL Project : Optimisation des Techniques Integrées de Monitorage Appliquées aux Littoraux / Edited by Enzo Pranzini & Lilian Wetzel. - Florence : Nuova Grafica Fiorentina, stampa 2008. - 230 p. : ill. ; 24 cm [id 307]ENGP7
G95531:527.161Coastal biology: Conservation. Mediterranean seaIl Mar Piccolo di Taranto / Pietro Parenzan. - Taranto : Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura, stampa 1984. - 319 p. : ill. ; 25 cm [id 309]M4
G95531:527.161Coastal biology: Conservation. Mediterranean seaBeach erosion monitoring. Results from BEACHMED-e/OpTIMAL Project : Optimisation des Techniques Integrées de Monitorage Appliquées aux Littoraux / Edited by Enzo Pranzini & Lilian Wetzel. - Florence : Nuova Grafica Fiorentina, stampa 2008. - 230 p. : ill. ; 24 cm [id 308]P3
G95531:527.161Coastal biology: Conservation. Mediterranean seaLaghi costieri e stagni salmastri : un delicato equilibrio fra acque dolci e salate / a cura di Fabio Stoch. - [Roma] : Ministero dell'Ambiente e della tutela del territorio ; Udine : Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale, c2004. - 158 p. : ill. ; 21 cm [id 310]P4
G9555(K45):5.161Marine biology (Anthozoa): Ecology. Mediterranean SeaBiocostruzioni marine : Elementi di architettura naturale / [a cura di Giulio Relini]. - [Roma] : Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio ; Udine : Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale, [2009]. - 159 p. : ill. ; 21 cm [id 317]P9
G9555.1rMarine biology. World OceanThe biology of the Deep Ocean / Peter Herring. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2002. - ix, 314 p. : ill. ; 24 cm [id 316]ENGP2
G9555:12.161Marine biology: Natural history. Mediterranean SeaFlora e fauna del Mediterraneo / Angelo Mojetta, Andrea Ghisotti. - 10. ed. - Milano : Mondadori, 2008. - 318 p. : ill. ; 20 cm [id 313]P8
G9555:5.161Marine biology: Ecology. Mediterranean SeaMediterraneo: ambienti, paesaggi, diversità / testi di Nicola Baccetti... [et al.]. - Milano ; Roma : Téchne editore, c2005. - 151 p. : ill. ; 28 cm [id 314]P5
G:527.161Biology: Conservation. Mediterranean SeaBiodiversity vision : La conservazione della biodiversità nell'Ecoregione Mediterraneo Centrale : contributi al Piano Nazionale per la Biodiversità / [a cura di Fabrizio Bulgarini, Corrado Teofili, Stefano Petrella]. - Roma : WWF Italia [etc], stampa 2006. - 175 p. : ill. ; 30 cm [id 201]P6
H.1Geology. WorldGeologica : Origini della terra, paesaggi, morfologia terrestre, piante, animali / a cura di Robert R. Coenraads e John I. Koivula ; [traduzione di Caterina Caravaggi]. - [S.l.] : Gribaudo, c2008 (Printed in China). - 576 p. : ill. ; 33 cm [id 332]P8
H55.161Stratigraphy Quaternary. Mediterranean seaTransport and sedimentation in the Adriatic sea / A. Brambati, D. Bregant, G. Lenardon, D. Stolfa. - Udine : Tip. Doretti, 1973. - 60 p., [1] c. di tav. ripieg. : ill. ; 24 cm [id 388]ENGL3
H55.161Stratigraphy Quaternary. Mediterranean seaDistribuzione del carbonio e dell'azoto organici nei sedimenti recenti dell'Adriatico settentrionale tra Venezia e Trieste / Sergio Stefanini. - Udine : Del Bianco, 1968. - 23 p. : ill. ; 25 cm [id 387]K8
I5:17.192Botany Phanerogamia (Flowering plants): Collecting (Botanical Gardens). TropicalDas Große Tropenhaus im Botanischen Garten Berlin-Dahlem / Edith Raadts. - Vierte, völlig neu gestaltete Auflage aus Anlaß der 300-Jahr-Feier des Botanischen Gartens Berlin. - Fördererkreis der naturwissenschaftlichen Museen Berlins e. V., 1979. - 32 p. : ill. ; 21 cm [id 497]GERL9
I9555:5.161Marine plants: Ecology. Mediterranean SeaPraterie a fanerogame marine : Piante con fiori nel Mediterraneo / [a cura di Giulio Relini]. - [Roma] : Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio ; Udine : Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale, [2008]. - 159 p. : ill. ; 21 cm [id 531]P8
I:5.1Botany: Ecology. WorldPlants in changing environments : Linking physiological, population, and community ecology / F.A. Bazzaz. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 1996. - ix, 320 p. : ill. ; 23 cm [id 459]ENGP0
I:5.1Botany: Ecology. WorldEcologia vegetale / G. Avena … [et al.] ; [a cura di Sandro Pignatti]. - Ristampa 1997. - Torino : UTET, c1995. - XVI, 531 p. : ill. ; 27 cm [id 458]N7
Iv.1'M99Botany history. World 'up to 1899Histoire de la botanique / Joëlle Magnin-Gonze. - Nouvelle révisée et augmentée edition. - Paris : Delachaux et Niestlé, c2009. - 241 p. : ill. ; 23 cm [id 533]FREP9
K1:9555.161Invertebrata: Marine biology. Mediterranean SeaMediterranean and Atlantic Invertebrate Guide : Over 1000 photographs of invertebrate animals from their natural habitat / Peter Wirtz & Helmut Debelius. - Hackenheim : ConchBooks, 2003. - 305 p. : ill. ; 24 cm [id 567]ENGP3
K212:18.161A(U117)Foraminifera: List. Adriatic countries (Maps with a special purpose)Atlante dei foraminiferi della laguna di Venezia / Rossana Serandrei Barbero, Alberto D. Albani, Sandra Donnici. - Venezia : Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 2008. - VIII, 119 p. : ill. ; 30 cm [id 570]P8
K753:11.1Prosobranchia: Nomenclature and classification. WorldConchiglie. Riconoscere le cipree / Giovanna Zobele Lipparini & Osvaldo Negra. - Roma : Franco Muzzio, c2006. - 328 p. : ill. ; 20 cm [id 584]P6
K75:11.161Gasteropoda: Nomenclature, classification. Mediterranean SeaFusinus del Mediterraneo [= Mediterranean Fusinus] : Revisione delle specie mediterranee recenti del genere Fusinus Rafinesque, 1815 (Gastropoda: Fasciolariidae) / Giovanni Buzzurro & Paolo Russo ; con la collaborazione di = with the contribution of Emilio Rolàn ... [et al.]. - Paderno Dugnano : Grafiche ATA, 2007. - 280 p. : ill. ; 31 cm [id 582]P7
K8.161Arthropoda. Mediterranean countriesGuide des mille-pattes, arachnides et insectes de la région méditerranéenne / Joachim et Hiroko Haupt ; traduction et adaptation française: Alain et Geneviève Canard ; noms vernaculaires français recueillis et proposés par G. C. Luquet. - Lausanne : Delachaux et Niestlé, c1993. - 357 p. : ill. ; 20 cm [id 595]FREN3
K8158:18.197W(U117)Crustacea Decapoda: List. West Palaearctic = Sub-arctic (Maps with a special purpuse)Inventaire et distribution des crustacés décapodes de l'Atlantique nord-oriental, de la Méditerranée et des eaux continentales adjacentes au nord de 25°N. / Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz. - Paris : Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Service du Patrimoine Naturel, c1999. - X, 383 p. : ill. ; 30 cm [id 602]FREN9
K86.1Insecta. WorldArchaeognatha / Helmut Sturm, Ryuichiro Machida. - Berlin ; New York : De Gruyter, c2001. - 213 p. : ill. ; 31 cm [id 637]ENGP1
K8636.1Megaloptera. WorldMegaloptera (Alderflies, Dobsonflies) / Timothy R. New, Günther Theischinger. - Berlin ; New York : De Gruyter, 1993. - 102 p. : ill. ; 31 cm [id 647]GERN2
K8647:56.1Apoidea, Chrysididae, Pompilidae, Sphecidae, Vespoidea: Interrelation (Social life). WorldNatural History and Evolution of Paper-Wasps / Edited by Stefano Turillazzi and Mary Jane West-Eberhard. - Oxford ; New York ; Tokyo : Oxford University Press, 1996. - xiv, 400 p. : ill. ; 24 cm [id 667]ENGN9
K8647:56.1Apoidea, Chrysididae, Pompilidae, Sphecidae, Vespoidea: Interrelation (Social life). WorldLa società delle vespe / Stefano Turillazzi. - Bologna : alberto perdisa, c2003. - XX, 251 p. : ill. ; 21 cm [id 666]P3
K8647:66.1Apoidea, Chrysididae, Pompilidae, Sphecidae, Vespoidea: Evolution. WorldThe evolution of social wasps / James H. Hunt. - Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 2007. - xxi, 259 p. : ill. ; 24 cm [id 668]ENGP7
K864:11.197Hymenoptera: Hymenoptera: Nomenclature, Classification. Sub-arcticSawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) 1 : a review of the suborder, the Western Palaearctic taxa of Xyeloidea and Pamphilioidea / edited by Matti Viitasaari. - Helsinki : Tremex Press Ltd., 2002. - 516 p. : ill. ; 26 cm [id 648]ENGP2
K8652:11.1Coleoptera Adephaga Caraboidea: Nomenclature, Classification. WorldAmphizoidae, Aspidytidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae and Paelobiidae (Coleoptera, Adephaga) / Anders N. Nilsson & Bernhard J. Van Vondel. - Stenstrup : Apollo Books, 2005. - 171 p. : ill. ; 25 cm [id 689]ENGP5
K8652:11.1Coleoptera Adephaga Caraboidea: Nomenclature, Classification. WorldBiologie, Evolution & Taxonomie / Ecrits et dessins: Christophe Avon ; Attachée de direction: Pascale Courtial. - Nice : Au Siege du L.E.F.H.E., 2006. - 88 p. : ill. ; 20 cm [id 690]FREP6
K8652:11.1Coleoptera Adephaga Caraboidea: Nomenclature, Classification. WorldTribus des Aepini & Perileptini / Ecrits et dessins: Christophe Avon ; Attachée de direction: Pascale Courtial. - Nice : Au Siege du L.E.F.H.E., 2006. - P. 90-222 : ill. ; 20 cm [id 694]FREP61
K8652:11.1Coleoptera Adephaga Caraboidea: Nomenclature, Classification. WorldTribu des Homaloderini (1ère série) / Ecrits et dessins: Christophe Avon ; Attachée de direction: Pascale Courtial. - Nice : Au Siege du L.E.F.H.E., 2007. - P. 224-366 : ill. ; 20 cm [id 692]FREP7
K8652:11.1Coleoptera Adephaga Caraboidea: Nomenclature, Classification. WorldTribu des Homaloderini (2ème série) Genre Trechisibus / Ecrits et dessins: Christophe Avon ; Attachée de direction: Pascale Courtial. - Nice : Au Siege du L.E.F.H.E., 2007. - P. 367-601 : ill. ; 20 cm [id 693]FREP71
K8652:11.1Coleoptera Adephaga Caraboidea: Nomenclature, Classification. WorldMonografia del genere Procerus (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Carabini) : morfologia, sistematica, biologia, ecologia / Pierfranco Cavazzuti. - Savigliano : L'Artistica, 1989. - XII, 200 p. : ill. ; 32 cm [id 691]M9
K8652:11.197Coleoptera Adephaga. Caraboidea: Nomenclature, Classification. Palaearctic = Sub-arcticRévision du genre Callisthenes / par Dmitry Obydov. - Andrésy : Magellanes, c2002. - 124 p. : ill. ; 25 cm [id 695]FREP2
K8655:11.197Coleoptera Phytophaga: Nomenclature, Classification. Palaearctic = Sub-arcticRévision du genre Pachyteria / par Jeannine Morati et Michaël Huet. - Andrésy : Magellanes, c2004. - 145 p. : ill. ; 25 cm [id 716]FREP4
K865:18.197Coleoptera: List. Palaearctic = Sub-arcticCatalogus Coleopterorum regionis palaearcticae / Editus ab A. Winkler. - Wien : Albert Winkler, 1924-1932. - V, 1698 p. ; 24 cm [id 682]LATF4
K867.1Lepidoptera. WorldColeophoridae, Coleophorinae (Lepidoptera) / Giorgio Baldizzone, Hugo van der Wolf, Jean-François Landry. - Stenstrup : Apollo Books, 2006. - 215 p. : ill. ; 25 cm [id 813]ENGP6
K867.197Lepidoptera. Palaearctic = Sub-arctic regionA Review of the Western Palaearctic Procridinae (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae) / K.A. Efetov ; colour drawings by N.V. Dyadenko & K.A. Efetov ; line drawings by V.L Saenko, E. Yu. Anikanov, E.V. Parshkova & K.A. Efetov ; colour photographs by K.A. Efetov. - Simferopol : Crimean State Medical University Press, 2001. - 328 : ill. ; 27 cm [id 814]ENGP1
K8671:11.197E(U117)Lepidoptera Rhopalocera: Nomenclature, Classification. East Sub-Arctic=Palaeartic (Maps with a special purpuse)Papilionidae part 1. Subfamily Papilioninae : Tribes Leptocircini, Teinopalpini / authors: T. Racheli, A.M. Cotton. - Milano : Omnes Artes, 2009. - 70 p. : ill. ; 30 cm [id 841]ENGP9
K8671:180j4.1Lepidoptera Rhopalocera: List [and] Picture. WorldPapilionidae 10. : Troides 3. / Kurt Rumbucher & Oliver Schäffler. - Keltern : Goecke & Evers, 2004. - 3 p., 22 p. di tav. : ill. ; 34 cm [id 843]ENGP4
K8671:180j4.1Lepidoptera Rhopalocera: List [and] Picture. WorldPapilionidae 11. : Troides 4. / Kurt Rumbucher & Oliver Schäffler. - Keltern : Goecke & Evers, 2005. - 6 p., 56 p. di tav. : ill. ; 34 cm [id 844]ENGP5
K8673:11.1Nymphalidae: Nomenclature, classification. WorldRévision des genres Euptera Staudinger et Pseudathyma Staudinger (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) / G.R.E.P (Groupe de Recherches sur les Euptera et les Pseudathyma). - Nairobi : A.B.R.I., African Butterfly Research Institute ; Tervuren : Lambillionea, Union des Entomologistes Belges, 2002. - II, 177 p., 16 p. di tav. : ill. ; 31 cm [id 853]ENGP2
K8673:11.197(U117)Nymphalidae: Nomenclature, classification. Sub arctic=Palaeartic (Maps with a special purpuse)Nymphalidae part 3. Subfamily Limenitidinae : Tribe Neptini / author: G.C. Bozano. - Milano : Omnes Artes, 2008. - 77 p. : ill. ; 30 cm [id 854]ENGP8
K8673:180j4.1Nymphalidae: List [and] Picture. WorldNymphalidae 10. : Charaxes 1. / B. Turlin. - Keltern : Goecke & Evers, 2005. - 7 p., 36 p. di tav. : ill. ; 34 cm [id 855]ENGP5
K8673:180j4.1Nymphalidae: List [and] Picture. WorldNymphalidae 12. : Charaxes 2. / B. Turlin. - Keltern : Goecke & Evers, 2007. - 8 p., 24 p. di tav. : ill. ; 34 cm [id 856]ENGP7
K8673:180j4.1Nymphalidae: List [and] Picture. WorldNymphalidae 14. : Charaxes 3. / B. Turlin. - Keltern : Goecke & Evers, 2007. - 8 p., 32 p. di tav. : ill. ; 34 cm [id 857]ENGP7.1
K8677:11.197(U117)Lepidoptera Lycaechidae: Nomenclatura and Classification. Sub arctic=Palaeartic (Maps with a special purpuse)Lycaenidae part 3. Subfamily Theclinae : Tribes Tomarini, Aphnaeini and Theclini (partim) / authors: Z. Weidenhoffer, G.C. Bozano. - Milano : Omnes Artes, 2007. - 97 p. : ill. ; 30 cm [id 864]ENGP7
K867:11.1Lepidoptera: Nomenclature, Classification. WorldA revision of the Silkmoth genus Samia / Richard S. Peigler and Stefan Naumann. - San Antonio (Texas) : University of the Incarnate Word, c2003. - 227 p., [57] p. di tav. : ill. ; 28 cm [id 730]ENGP3
K867:11.1Lepidoptera: Nomenclature, Classification. WorldThe Nepticuloidea & Tischerioidea (Lepidoptera) - a global review, with strategic regional revisions / Rimantas Puplesis, Arunas Diskus ; Project sponsors: Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation and Prof. M. Hering Memorial Research Fund. - Kaunas : Lututé Publishers, 2003. - 511 p. : ill. ; 23 cm [id 731]ENGP31
K867:11.197Lepidoptera: Nomenclature, Classification. Palaearctic = Sub-arcticNotodontidae / Alexander Schintlmeister. - Stenstrup : Apollo Books, 2008. - 482 p. : ill. ; 31 cm [id 733]ENGP8
K867:11.197Lepidoptera: Nomenclature, Classification. Palaearctic = Sub-arcticIconographia tribus Gnorimoschemini (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) Regionis Palaearcticae / Dalibor Povolny. - Bratislava : Frantisek Slamka, 2002. - 110 p., 103 p. di tav. : ill. ; 31 cm [id 732]GERP2
K867:12.1Lepidoptera: Natural History. WorldThe Parnassinae of the world / Jean-Claude Weiss ; English translation by Brian Morris. - Venette ; Canterbury : Sciences Nat ; Hillside Books, 1991-2005. - 4 v. (400 p. compless.) ; 34 cm [id 745]ENGN1
K867:12.1Lepidoptera: Natural History. WorldObservar mariposas / Albert Masò, Manuel Pijoan. - Barcelona : Planeta, c1997. - 319 p. : ill. ; 29 cm [id 744]SPAN7
K867:14.1Lepidoptera: Picture. WorldThe concise atlas of butterflies of the world / Bernard D'Abrera. - Melbourn ; London : Hill House Publishers, 2001. - 353 p. : ill. ; 29 cm [id 769]ENGP1
K867:14.1Lepidoptera: Picture. WorldFarfalle : Un ritratto fotografico / Thomas Marent ; con la collaborazione di Ben Morgan. - Monteveglio : Atlante, c2009. - 280 p. : ill. ; 31 cm [id 768]P9
K867:2.1Lepidoptera: Morphology. WorldMorphology, Physiology, and Development / Niels P. Kristensen. - Berlin ; New York : de Gruyter, c2003. - XII, 564 p. : ill. ; 31 cm [id 808]ENGP3
K867:527.1Lepidoptera: Conservation. WorldGuía de Identificación de Mariposas Protegidas por el Convenio de Washington (CITES) y la Unión Europea = Identification Guide to Butterflies Protected by the CITES Convention and the European Union / José Enrique Tormo Muñoz, Vicente Roncero Corrochano. - Melbourne ; London : Hill House, 2000. - 112 p. : ill. ; 35 cm [id 810]ENGP0
K86v.1Entomology history. WorldHistoire de l'entomologie / Jacques d'Aguilar. - Paris : Delachaux et Niestlé, c2006. - 224 p. : ill. ; 23 cm [id 887]FREP6
K871:11.1Diptera: Nomenclature, Classification. WorldA world review of predatory hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae: Syrphinae) and their prey = Revisión mundial de los sírfidos depredadores (Diptera, Syrphidae: Syrphinae) y sus presas / Rojo S., Gilbert F.S., Marcos-García Mª A., Nieto J.M. & Mier M.P. - Alicante : Centro Iberoamericano de la Biodiversidad (CIBIO), 2003. - 319 p. : ill. ; 24 cm + 1 CD-Rom [id 890]ENGP3
K871:11.1p'P4Diptera: Nomenclature, Classification. World Conference proceedings '2004Phylogeny, taxonomy, and biology of Tephritoid flies (Diptera, Tephritoidea) : Proceedings of the "3rd Tephritoid Taxomomist's Meeting, Geneva, 19.-24. July 2004" / edited by Bernhard Merz. - Genève : Muséum d'histoire naturelle, 2006. - 274 p. : ill. ; 24 cm [id 891]ENGP6
K871:18.1Diptera: List. WorldDrosophilidae (Diptera) / Irina Brake, Gerhard Bächli. - Stenstrup : Apollo Books, 2008. - 412 p. ; 25 cm [id 900]ENGP8
K877.1Hemiptera. WorldBiology of the Plant Bugs (Hemiptera: Miridae) : Pests, Predators, Opportunists / Alfred G. Wheeler Jr with a foreword by Sir T. Richard E. Southwood FRS. - Ithaca and London : Comstock Publishing Associates a division of Cornell University Press, 2001. - xv, 507 p. : ill. ; 29 cm [id 911]ENGP1
K8821.1Scorpionidea. WorldScorpion biology and research / Edited by Philip Brownell, Gary Polis. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2001. - xiv, 431 p. : ill. ; 24 cm [id 928]ENGP1
K8821:11.1Scorpionidea. Nomenclature, classification. WorldCatalog of the scorpions of the world (1758-1998) / Victor Fet, W. David Sissom, Graeme Lowe, Matt E. Braunwalder. - New York : The New York Entomological Society, c2000. - v, 690 p. ; 26 cm [id 927]ENGP0
K8823:37-66.1Araneae: Secretion-Evolution. WorldSpiderwebs and silk : Tracing evolution from molecules to genes to phenotypes / Catherine L. Craig. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2003. - xvii, 230 p. : ill. ; 24 cm [id 932]ENGP3
K8826.1Pseudoscorpiones. WorldThe biology of Pseudoscorpions / Peter Weygoldt. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1969. - xiv, 145 p. : ill. ; 24 cm [id 934]ENGK9
K884:11.1Acarina Acari Acaridea: Nomenclature, classification. WorldLes Tiques du monde (Acarida, Ixodida) : Nomenclature, stades décrits, hôtes, répartition (Espèces décrites avant le 1/01/96) = The Ticks of the world (Acarida, Ixodida) : Nomenclature, described stages, hosts, distribution (Including new species described before 1/01/96) / Jean-Louis Camicas, Jean-Paul Hervy, François Adam et Pierre Claude Morel. - Paris : Éditions de l'Orstom, 1998. - 233 p. ; 31x22 cm [id 937]ENGN8
K88:11.1Arachnida: Nomenclature, Classification. WorldSpider families of the world / R. Jocque, A.S. Dippenaar-Schoeman. - Second edition. - Tervuren (Belgium) : Koninklijk museum voor Midden-Afrika = Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, c2007. - 336 p. : ill. ; 26 cm [id 920]ENGP7
K88:12.1Arachnida: Natural history. WorldArachnids / Jan Beccaloni. - London : The Natural History Museum, c2009. - 320 p. : ill. ; 27 cm [id 922]ENGP9
K88:18.1Arachnida: List. WorldCatalogue of the smaller arachnid orders of the world : Amblypygi, Uropygi, Schizomida, Palpigradi, Ricinulei and Solifugae / Mark S. Harvey. - Collingwood (Australia) : CSIRO Publishing, c2003. - xi, 385 p. ; 26 cm [id 923]ENGP3
K92241.161Selachii. Mediterranean countriesSquali del Mare Mediterraneo / Alessandro De Maddalena e Harald Bänsch ; illustrazioni di Alessandro De Maddalena ; fotografie di Harald Bänsch e altri. - Milano : Class Editori, c2008. - 240 p. : ill. ; 22 cm [id 959]P8
K92241:11.161Selachii: Nomenclature, Classification. Mediterranean countriesSquali delle acque italiane : guida sintetica al riconoscimento / Alessandro De Maddalena ; illustrazioni dell'autore. - Formello (RM) : IRECO, c2001. - 71 p. : ill. ; 24 cm [id 956]P1
K9252.161Chondrostei. Mediterranean countriesHaie im Mittelmeer / Alessandro De Maddalena und Harald Bänsch ; mit illustrationen von Alessandro De Maddalena und fotografien von Harald Bänsch und anderen. - Stuttgart : Kosmos, c2005. - 239 p. : ill. ; 25 cm [id 960]GERP5
K9323:12.1Urodela: Natural history. WorldLes Urodèles du monde / Jean Raffaëlli. - [S.l.] : Penclen Edition, 2007. - 377 p. : ill. ; 24 cm [id 979]FREP7
K96(U426).1Aves(Alien fauna). WorldNaturalised birds of the world / Christopher Lever ; Illustrations by Robert Gillmor. - London : T & A D Poyser, 2005. - 352 p. : ill. ; 24 cm [id 1017]ENGP5
K9752(L18-82):11.1Odontoceti (Head-bones = skull): Nomenclature and Classification. WorldThe Therian Skull : A Lexicon with Emphasis on the Odontocetes / J.G. Mead and R.E. Fordyce. - Washington D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2009. - viii, 248 p. : ill. ; 28 cm [id 1040]ENGP9
K9791.1Carnivora. WorldHandbook of the mammals of the world : 1. Carnivores / authors: Paolo Cavallini, Jerry Dragoo, David Garshelis. - Barcelona : Lynx, 2009. - 727 p. : ill. ; 32 cm [id 1045]ENGP9.1
K979166:12.1Carnivora Mustelidae: Natural history. WorldThe Natural History of Weasels and Stoats : ecology, behavior and management / Carolyn M. King and Roger A. Powell ; with illustrations by Consie Powell. - 2. ed. - Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 2007. - xi, 446 p. : ill. ; 24 cm [id 1048]ENGP7
K97:12.197WMammalia: Natural history. West Palaearctic = Sub-arcticMammals of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East / S. Aulagnier, P. Haffner, A.J. Mitchell-Jones, F. Moutou, J. Zima ; illustrated by J. Chevallier, J. Norwood, J. Varela Simó. - London : A&C Black Publishers, 2009. - 272 p. : ill. ; 20 cm [id 1031]ENGP9
K:66.1Zoology: Evolution. WorldPerspectives in Animal Phylogeny and Evolution / Alessandro Minelli. - Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 2009. - xiii, 345 p. : ill. ; 25 cm [id 560]ENGP9
K:9555.1rZoology: Marine biology. World oceanLa fauna delle profondità marine / di Enrico Tortonese. - Brescia : La Scuola Editrice, 1954. - 56 p. : ill. ; 22 cm [id 562]J4
U11.1vCartography. World - HistoryCartografi : precursori e innovatori da Tolomeo al satellite / John Noble Wilford ; traduzione di Gianna Lonza. - Milano : Sylvestre Bonnard, c2005. - 438 p. : ill. ; 25 cm [id 1157]M9
U8.1vTravel. Expedition. Voyage. World HistoryLa conquista della terra : Storia delle esplorazioni / Giotto Dainelli. - Torino : Unione tipografico-editrice torinese, 1950. - XII, 745 p. : ill. ; 27 cm [id 1166]J0


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